Sick day pt.2 and a treasure hunt

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You woke up feeling Bucky's strong arms wrapped around your waist as you slept on the couch.
"Good nap, Doll?" A husky voice called to your dazed mind.
"Hmmm. I feel like I slept for a lifetime." You sniffled slightly due to your now congested nose.
"Are you feeling okay? I think you may have caught whatever Peter may have." He reached a hand up and placed it gingerly on your forehead. "Yup, you got a slight fever." He spoke while picking you up bridal style and carrying you towards your shared suite.
"I can't leave Peter though. I'll be fine, no need to worry so much." You tried to escape his hold on you.
"Not right now, Sweetheart. You need to rest." He scolded slightly while looking down at your sluggish state.
"But what about Peter?" You asked, looking over his shoulder in the direction of Peter's bedroom.
"He'll be okay for ten minutes. But to ease your mind I'll bring him to our guest room in the suite." Bucky made a compromise for you knowing that you would be uncomfortable if Peter stayed alone in his suite while he was so sick.
"Thank you." Was all you could utter before drifting off to sleep once more in his arms.

A short while later you woke up momentarily upon feeling Bucky's arms slowly removing themselves from you.
"Go back to sleep, Doll. I'm just going to get Peter real quick." He muttered lightly and planted a gentle kiss on your forehead before turning to leave the room.
As he left you nuzzled into his pillow wishing that you could smell his masculine scent on the linens of the bed.

When Bucky had finally returned you were in a deep sleep with a little bit of drool dripping from your lips, he couldn't help but think of how adorable you looked sleeping but unfortunately he needed to wake you up to give you some medicine.
"Hey, can you wake up, Love. I need you to take some medicine." He sat on the edge of the bed and lightly shook your shoulder, waking you up slightly after a few shakes.
"Okay, even though I absolutely hate it." You mumbled with a slight pout at the thought of taking cold medication. The mere thought of the overly sweet cherry flavor of the cough syrup made a shiver crawl its way up your spine.
"I know you do but this will help you feel better." He coaxed you while handing the small measuring cup into your hand watching as you took it like a shot before making a disgusted face and gagging at the taste.
"I know it's nasty. You did so good with taking it all." Bucky brushed a fallen hair away from your face and behind your ear.
"Can I go back to sleep now?" You asked through a yawn.
"You can. I'll be back around lunch time so you and Peter can get something to eat." He told you before giving your forehead another kiss and went to close and leave the room making sure to turn off the light before softly shutting the door closed with a click.

The rest of the day was spent waking up to take medicine or to eat something small before  going right back to sleep for a while longer.

By the time you had started to actually feel better it had been almost a week of constant bedrest and the unlimited amounts of tissues you had used.  Bucky had worked tirelessly going between the two suites between your's and Peter's to take care of you both, making sure you both received ample care.  Not once did he complain or show any signs of getting tired of it.  He seemed to almost revel in it, and loved what he was doing.  He was honestly worried, and loved that he could take care of his little family.  At one point, he even brought Peter into the living room of your suite so he could keep a close enough eye on him, and also gave him the opportunity to stay close to you as well. 
"I just want this flu to be over with." You huffed leaning against the headboard of the king sized bed.
"I know I hated seeing you so sick." Bucky spoke while pulling your body closer to his bare chest.
"I didn't even get to take care of Peter." You felt ashamed as a mother.
"You needed to recover from this flu as well and you did take care of him the first day and the rest of them when you kept him company." Bucky pointed out validating your caring nature.
"But I could've done more." You muttered while snuggling close to his chest still feeling sleepy from the past week.
"You did enough. Do you want a little more rest?" He looked down seeing your eyes begin to flutter shut.
You didn't speak a word but gave a light hum before going back to sleep once again.

You had slept for another hour before finally waking up and feeling rested for the first time in almost a week. You went to reach for Bucky with your eyes still closed only to feel the cool sheets making contact with your skin.
"James." You called while sitting up from your lying position, only to hear nothing but absolute silence throughout the entire suite.
You slowly crawled across the bed to his side and saw a note resting on top.

"When you wake up, come to the kitchen. Your next clue will be there."  You read out loud before getting up from the bed while still holding the note in your hand.
You bare feet slapping against the cold hard wood flooring as you made your way down the hall into the kitchen.
You looked carefully around the kitchen looking for the note that contained the clue. You searched the countertops and cabinets but still came out empty handed before turning to face the fridge and walked rushed over to open the doors seeing the note stuck to the barbeque sauce.
"Why don't we spice things up like your books." You laughed at his clue and began to think about the next location.
"Just like your books." You muttered to yourself going towards the door of the suite to leave and go to the library knowing that's where you kept your adult books once Peter started visiting your flat more often.

When you made it to the library you went right for the secret cubby where you had kept the books and saw that sure enough one had the note sticking out from one of the pages.
You gingerly grabbed the book and blushed slightly seeing that it was one of the many cowboy smut books that you had owned.
"Out in the open air you feel as free as a bird but shine brighter than the sun." You snorted a laugh "He's such a dork." Before turning to leave, going outside of the compound to the small gazebo surrounded by rose bushes assuming this would be the last location of this little treasure hunt that Bucky had prepared for you.
You ran towards the gazebo and stopped as soon as you reached the small steps coughing lightly from running so far. You looked up and saw that Bucky was not standing in the center of the small shelter like you assumed he would be.
Looking around the gazebo you saw the note tucked slightly into the rose bush.
"I'm sure you thought this was the last one but got to our evening stop where we dance every night." You decided to walk the whole way instead of tiring yourself out more than you already were.
You drew closer to the small balcony of your flat when a voice called to you.
"You need some assistance, Darlin" The voice called with a slight southern drawl causing your head to whip to the top of the steps to your suite and seeing a masculine figure at the top of the stairs.

Little birthday post from yours truly 💙

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