Chapter 9

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Kawaragi Senju or Akashi Senju was a childhood friend of Mikey.

She knows Mikey like a back of her hand, how the male was somewhat dependent on his bestfriend during their teenage years.

How Mikey was practically a monster in a fight but with a childish attitude.

She was there when Mikey started to distance himself away from his friends and family.

And she was certainly there when Mikey started to change, but to think Mikey's change came with a surprise.

It's been more than a decade since then and the so-called Sano Manjiro is a leader of Bonten.

A criminal organization who practically dominated the black market of Japan.

He was practically a feared man now and yet she meet someone no a female mini-version of him, Sano Tsubasa.

" Senju-san!!! Senju-san!!! Come on!!! Push me!!!! " And for some reason, the girl took a liking to her.

" Tsubasa-chan, Can I asked you something? " Senju asked as she pushed the girl in the swing.

" What is it, Senju-san? " Tsubasa said cutely.

" Umm...... Where's your mother? Who's your mother? " Senju asked curiously.

Tsubasa blinked many times and tilted her head at the side innocently.

" I don't know who's my Mommy and Daddy doesn't know her either " Tsubasa said and pouted.

" I wanna meet my Mommy but I can't meet her " She muttered under her breath sadly.

Senju stared at the pouting little girl, her heart felt like it broke to pieces.

Just then an idea came to her mind, Tsubasa is so cute she admit that but she still hates her dad and looks like she already found away to tick him and located this person.

She stopped pushing the swing and carried the four-year old girl on her arms.

"Ne Tsubasa-chan, Do you want me to go to your house to play with you? " Senju asked the girl with eyes sparkling in happiness.

" Really? You'll play with me? " Tsubasa's loud voice can be heard across the park.

Tsubasa puffed out her small fist and then smiled at her, " Yayyyyyy!!!! Senju-san can become my mommy then " Eh?

Senju shockingly stared at the little girl, ' Surely... Kids are innocent and little things make them happy '.

" I don't think that's a good idea, Tsubasa-chan" Senju said and sweat dropped, ' Instead getting of pissed, Mikey will straight out kill me if he ever heard what his daughter said '.

Tsubasa pouted sadly, an act that Senju is used to. She remembered all those times Mikey will pout and throw tantrums, ' Yeah... she's definitely his child '.

" It's okay Tsubasa-chan" Senju said and patted her head. " I'll be your play buddy until you find your mommy, okay? " Senju added.

Tsubasa smiled and jumped on her, Senju immediately held the girl, afraid shes will fall.

" Senju-san!!! I have a better idea!!!! " She exclaimed out of nowhere.

Senju smiled at her and carried her, before sitting on the swing.

" What is it, Tsubasa-chan? " She asked the little girl.

" You should come to my birthday party, it's next week!!! At my house!!! " Tsubasa beamed happily.

Senju's eyes immediately glow mischievously and her lips went upwards, forming a smirk.

" I be happy to Tsubasa-chan, But please tell your bodyguards not to tell your Daddy about me, okay? " Senju said and gestured her index finger to her mouth.

Tsubasa immediately nodded her head and got down on her.

Senju handed her a calling card and smiled at her sweetly, " Here, Call me to tell me where is your address " Senju said.

Tsubasa accepted the card and bid goodbye, her pets and bodyguards following her.

' I should probably get a gift for her ' Senju thought and left the park.

' I wonder who's the unlucky lady that Mikey impregnate, Why is she isn't with Tsubasa-chan and most importantly....... Why does Tsubasa-chan look a little like Haru-nii? Is there something I don't know here ' Senju thought confused.

' Is Tsubasa perhaps Haru-nii and Mikey's daughter? Then why did he didn't introduced his self as her mother? I'm sure that Tsubasa will accept him' Senju pondered but thinking of .Mikey and he brother doing it makes her vomited.

' I should probably stop thinking of that' Senju deadpanned on her mind.

With Tsubasa

" Daddy!!! Daddy!!!! Daddy!! " Tsubasa shouted, going inside the mansion.

Sai then immediately approached her, " Tsubasa-chan, Boss is in his office" She informed.

" Okay!!! " And then she bolted to the telephone and dialed the numbers on the call.

" Hello? Kawaragi Senju speaking " The other line answered.

" Pretty Lady!!!! " Tsubasa exclaimed excitedly, not calling Senju by her name since she said so.

" Ah! Tsubasa-chan! Did you call to give me your address? " Senju asked.

Tsubasa nodded and beamed, " Yes!! "

" Alright,What is it? " Senju asked and bit her lips to surpresed the excitement.

" Sai, what our address? " Tsubasa asked the poor woman, looking at her.

" I believe it's Street *** Block *** " Sai answered her.

" Pretty Lady, it's Street *** Block *** " She answered cutely.

" Thank you, Bye Bye" Senju cooed in the other line.

" Your welcome, Pretty Lady!!! And goodbye too" Tsubasa said and slammed the phone back.

She then bolted upstairs to her father.

Slammed the door opened, " Daddy!! Daddy!! I invited someone to my birthday!! She's so beautiful, Daddy!!! " Tsubasa said and run to her father.

Mikey was in a virtual meeting with the other businessmen when Tsubasa bolted in.

He closed the laptop and carried Tsubasa who run to him.

" Really? " He asked as he kissed her head.

" Yes!! And I invited her to play with me too!!! " Tsubasa beamed happily.

" That's good " He answered, ' That person better be having a good intentions or else I'll be killing them '

" And you know Daddy, That ugly woman came to me and almost slapped me " Tsubasa told him.

Not noticing that the room's temperature drop-down, Tsubasa continue.

" And then that Pretty Lady came and rescue me!!! " She said and throw her hands on the air.

" I see. " Mikey said and put her down. " Go play with your toys, okay? Daddy got something to do " He said coldly.

" Hai!!! " Tsubasa said and walked towards the door, before closing it, she said " By the way Daddy, that ugly woman turned more uglier " and then closed the door.

Mikey deadpanned at his daughter. ' Where did she get that attitude? '

But then remembered something, he called Sanzu.

" Mikey? " The other line answered.

" Get your men ready, we are hunting someone " He said and put the phone.

' Tsubasa........ Who is your damn mother? Why can't we find any information about her?! '

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