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He first saw Senju when one his  brother's best friend brought her to their home, when her brother brought her to their home.

They became playmates and friends, Senju was younger than him by two years but he still got along with her.

But all good things must come to an end, the two drifted apart as they grow older.

They jusy stay away from each other, looking at each other in the far distances.

Until their teenage years, Senju got a boyfriend and Mikey was displeased about it but he knows he can't do anything since Senju's boyfriend is someone he knows so much.

Someone he loves and cherished, Senju's boyfriend was his brother, Mikey's twin brother, Sano Manabe.

That was the time Senju started to visit the Sano residence again and Mikey was pleased and displeased at this.

Pleased that he can see her in the most closest place and displeased because she's not there for him.

That's why Mikey decided to act like he hates her and loath her presence, it was an act and Mikey didn't regret any of that.

When Mikey meet Tachibana Hinata, his friend's girlfriend, he also meet a person very similar to Senju in terms of their habits and hobby.

That girl was the one Mikey started to focused on, he convinced his self that he loves her and he already move on from Senju.

Her name was Minatori Mana.

A girl with pale blonde hair and black eyes. She was nice, kind, beautiful, brave and fearless.

They became lovers in just a span of  two days.He was happy on her side, or at least that what he thinks, until that fateful day came.

Mana died.

She died on a gang fight. The Bloody Halloween. She uses her body to protect Baji from being stabbed by Kazutora.

She was smiling that day, when she dropped a bomb to Toman.

She's Hanemiya Kazutora's half sister, same mother but different father.

She didn't want her brother to kill someone, especially if that someone was his old best friend.

With one last breath, She uttered her last words, smiling happily.

" They flew with their broken wings up in the blue sky just to have their freedom again "

And them close her eyes, resting in peace.

She was trying to say that Kazutora can once again be united with his friends even if the friendship they have has been tainted with betrayal.

But also to Mikey, she was saying that Mikey can get off the responsibility on his back even if it hurst him to do so, all that matters is that he'll be happy once again, with his genuine smile on his lips.

Mikey blamed it to himself after the battle, if he didn't begged to Mana to watched the fight, she could have been alive.

If he didn't brought her there, she could smiling at him m, talking to him and giving him lectures out his antics.

But she can't do that anymore, She's gone and all Mikey can do is accept the reality.

He continued being the leader and commander of Toman, until the day his sister, Emma, almost died.

He couldn't bear to lose anyone again, so he decided to leave and formed another gang gang.

That gang is named, Kanto Manji Gang. It was a gang consist of many delinquents that came from the prison.

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