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Jungkook had to say this for airships they might be slow, but they were spacious.

He'd grown up with stories of the cramped conditions on the seafaring marriage ships of previous generations.

Bam wasn't convinced, but then the cat was used to living in the lap of luxury.

An airship, no matter how opulently decorated, couldn't compare to a palace.

Despite the months they'd spent traveling, bam was still disgruntled that he couldn't waltz into the kitchens at any hour and demand to be fed.

Jungkook had made up for it by creating a new toy for Bam, a clockwork mouse powered with a tiny piece of celestial silver.

Leaning over the side of his bed, he triggered the spell on the little toy mouse and sent it skittering across the floor for the cat.

Bam watched it from his perch on the bed, tail twitching, before he pounced, running from one end of the room to the other as the mouse skillfully avoided his paws.

It was an endless game of chasing for him.

The door to Jungkook's room was propped open with a book so he could hear the goings-on in the corridor.

It was always good to keep up with the gossip.

Bam batted at the mouse with his paw, sending it rolling toward the door, over the book, and out into the corridor.

The cat gave chase.

" Bam!"

Jungkook let his book fall and jumped to his feet, hurrying out.

Two of his fellow omegas were heading down the corridor toward him, the toy mouse in their path.

If they got a close look at the magically fueled toy, he could be in a lot of trouble.

One of them, Bun, bent down to pick it up as he rushed toward them.

Jungkook snatched it out from under Bun's hand, startling the omega.


"Sorry, sorry. Bam's very possessive of his toys."

He turned and hurried back toward his room, reaching down to pick up bam as he did.

"He's not the only one," he heard Bun mutter behind him, doing his best not to tense when he heard the two omegas laugh.

He bundled the struggling cat and equally struggling toy mouse back into his room, set them on the floor,and shut the door firmly.

He leaned back against it with a sigh of relief.

"That was too close, Bam."

He returned to his book, settling down for a boring afternoon of watching the minutes tick by.

Bam eventually curled up on the bed beside him, falling into a deep sleep.

When four o'clock finally came around, Jungkook had been staring at the same page for half an hour, not having read a single word. The latest round of offers would be releasing soon.

He hated that they were always announced publicly he liked to nurse his wounds in private but that was tradition, and tradition had to be upheld.

A soft chime sounded, calling him and the other omegas to the main room.

"Come on, Bam. Time to face the music."

He hid the mouse away and let himself out of his quarters, Bam at his heels.

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