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Another tense meeting to discuss tactics to beat back the pirates and Jimin was in dire need of a break to clear his head.

The elusive pirates continued their new pattern of landing any where except in the vicinity of the castle, and the guards were run ragged.

It was only a matter of time before some of them broke through.

And then there was the new problem of the boats.

The spelled boats.

Where the hell were pirates getting boats like that?

Protected with runic magic, the kind that made them extremely hard to sink.

He got up to follow his brothers out, relieved to have some space to breathe but he hadn't even gotten as far as the door when he heard his name.


He traipsed back into the room, where his father was speaking softly with Lord Elton.


"Lord Elton and I have some concerns about Jungkook."

He had seen little enough of the omega since the cliff incident, too busy with the pirates to spend much time around the castle or in the main hall.

What trouble had the omega prince gotten into now?

"What sort of concerns?"

Lord Elton spoke, tentative and all but wringing his hands.

"The servants report that he seems subdued."

"Perhaps home sick, He's been leaving meals untouched."

"The guards say he's barely left his rooms,let alone the castle, all week."

"Thank you, Lord Elton," the king said, dismissing the man.

Lord Elton bowed formally and withdrew, leaving Jimin alone with his father.

"He thinks you're neglecting your duty to your husband."

Jimin forced himself to keep his arms by his sides and not cross them, the words cutting deep.

"I married him, Father."

"Just like I was told."

"What more do you want?"

"He's your husband, jimin."

"We have to be seen to be taking care of him.It's winter,and things are only going to get darker and gloomier as the nights grow long and the days ever shorter."

"If he sickens and dies pining for home, how will that look to the royal alliance?"

"He's not going to..." he started, only to stop when he recalled the fate of his father's youngest brother, married off years ago in an attempt at an alliance with another island kingdom.

"You don't have to love him," his father said heavily.

"But you do have to take an interest in his welfare."

"Talk to him, see if anything can be done to brighten his spirits."

"It's hard for someone so young to be away from home, from everything they've known."

"Have a little compassion, jimin please for my sake."

"All of this is for your sake," Jimin pointed out grudgingly.

"No. It is your duty, for the sake of the kingdom."

"He's not unpleasant, is he?"

"Quite pleasing to the eye, lovely manners. Brave, too, to even set foot off the airship."

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