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Their father sat at the head of the table, looking pleased as he surveyed his subjects.

Jimin sat to his left with his new husband beside him. Opposite them were Yoongi and Tae, who were exchanging looks and the occasional murmured comment that Jimin couldn't quite catch.

The rest of the table was filled with uncles, aunts, and cousins.

There were a few omegas dotted about and Jungkook was getting plenty of looks, some curious, some hostile.

The omega was quiet for most of the meal, watchful eyes taking in everything.

To Jungkook's left was Jimin's cousin Ari, who took it upon herself to give the omega a run down of everyone at the table though her descriptions were heavily colored by her own opinions, of which she had many.

A few of her comments had Jimin stifling laughter, and one particularly memorable barb about their uncle Jon almost had him choking on a mouthful of wine.

His reactions didn't go unnoticed by his husband but he couldn't tell and didn't care whether he was bemused or unimpressed.

Someone started a debate about winter preparations, stealing Ari's attention away.

Was he mistaken or did Jungkook give a small sigh of relief?

He suddenly found the omega's interest aimed his way.

"Tell me something."

Jimin waited for him to elaborate.

"Anything will do," Jungkook continued, "though something about you might be useful."

Jimin was aware of his father watching them closely and vowed to be polite.

"What did you want to know?"

"Do you have any interests? Hobbies? Talents?"

"Fighting," Jimin said shortly, taking a long swallow of wine from his glass.

"What sort?"

Jimin didn't roll his eyes, but it was a close thing.

"The kind where I protect my kingdom from pirates."

A look of genuine surprise crossed his new husband's face, though he kept his voice low as he spoke with disbelief.


Jimin just raised an eyebrow.

"I thought they went out with the new maritime laws," Jungkook said.

The new maritime laws had come in twenty years earlier.

They were supposed to rid the seas of pirates once and for all.

"It seems the pirates didn't get that missive."

That only seemed to pique the omega prince's curiosity.

"What do they want?"

"Anything that's not nailed down," Jimin said sharply, wanting that to be the end of it.

If the omega was as innocent of the pirate attacks as he pretended to be, then the less he knew, the better.

"Seems like a lot of trouble to go to for petty theft."

"Your coastline doesn't exactly appear that hospitable."

"Try telling the pirates that,"he said shortly.

"They don't seem deterred, no matter how inhospitable we try to be."

"They must be very desperate," Jungkook commented. Opposite him, Taehyung almost choked with laughter.

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