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Jimin was not surprised that Jungkook didn't join him for breakfast in the morning room after avoiding him the night before.

Still, he didn't like the way they'd left things and wanted to clear the air between them.

He was halfway to the north wing when he got the call that pirates had been spotted only half a mile from the castle.

He dashed to the armory, sent word to his brothers to gather the guards, and went on ahead to see what they were dealing with.

The morning mist had started to disperse but it was still tough to see much out to sea.

In the distance, he spotted a pirate ship near the shore.

Running along the cliffs to get a better look, he saw something else. There was a person on the beach, close to the oncoming pirate ship.

A person wearing an unmistakable white cloak.


He shouted the omega's name, but his words were lost on the wind.

He ran faster, racing across the top of the cliffs as he watched the pirates seize Jungkook and toss him into their boat.

The cliffs weren't easy to scale here but it would take too long to find an easier way down.

He climbed as quickly as he dared, looking over his shoulder every few seconds to keep the pirate ship in sight.

When it pulled away from the shore, he let out a roar of anger and climbed faster.

If they got Jungkook back to their mothership, he'd never see him again.

Even if they ransomed him, it would be to hybe, not Got7.

And who knew what he'd go through at the pirate's hands in that time?

The pirate ship was disappearing into the mists when he jumped the last few feet to land on the sand. There was only one way for him to rescue Jungkook.

He had to shift.

And there was no question as to which shifter form he should choose.

Racing down the beach,he shifted as he ran, moving seamlessly from two legs to four huge paws.

The cold shock of the water hit him as he struck out, diving under the surface as he chased after the boat. It was moving fast, but he was faster.

Only the closer he got to it, the slower it seemed to get.

Something was wrong.

There were people in the water and the boat was lower than it should have been. It was sinking.

Where was Jungkook?

Something fell over the edge of the boat and into the water, sinking fast. At first, he thought it was cargo but a flash of white had him taking a closer look.

He dived after the omega, swimming smoothly through the water as Jungkook sank lower.

Swooping under him, he tossed the omega onto his back and made for the surface.

As he broke the surface of the water, he spotted the royal guard's vessel rounding the coastline.

With any luck, they'd round up the pirates making a dash for their mothership.

He turned his attention to bringing Jungkook safely to shore swimming fast as the omega clung to his back, the icy waves crashing over them.

It was a relief to feel solid ground beneath his paws, and he carried on up the beach, crouching on the damp sand well away from the lapping waves to allow him to dismount.

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