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The doctor gave Jungkook a sleeping meds.

"He should be out until morning."

"I'll make sure the servants keep a close eye on him," he assured Jimin.

"No need," Jimin said.

"I'll stay with him."

Jungkook had been so scared when he'd first set eyes on Jimin after their return to the castle.

He didn't want to leave the omega alone but he also had to know the truth.

Was Jungkook afraid of him now, afraid of what he was?

The skill of shapeshifting had once been greatly revered within royal families and alpha lineages, seen as something that elevated them, set them apart.

But now it was looked down upon by many kingdoms, relegated to an oddity only displayed during ceremonial events.

He dragged the chair from the corner of Jungkook's room next to his bed and settled down into it.

The rest of the day passed quietly, servants coming and going.

He got up and walked around every so often, borrowed a book from Jungkook's bedside table, and spoke on and off with his brothers to gauge the pirate situation.

True to the doctor's word, jungkook didn't stir. Jimin left his side only briefly, asking a servant to sit with him while he ate and changed his clothes.

He returned and took his place by Jungkook's bedside, stretching out as best he could in the chair.

Sleep wouldn't come easy to him that night but that would make it all the easier for him to watch over the omega.

He woke just before dawn as Jungkook stirred, mumbling something under his breath as he twisted and turned beneath the blankets.

Bam, asleep at the end of his bed, lifted his head and peered at the omega before settling back down to sleep.

When it became clear that jungkook was dreaming and his dreams were anything but peaceful, Jimin got up and went to sit on the side of the bed.

He called to him softly.

"Jungkook? It's just a dream."

"You're safe, I promise."

But he very nearly hadn't been.

The pirates had taken him, had sailed off with him and only for
Jungkook's ingenuity and quick thinking, he'd have been lost to them. Lost to Jimin.

He reached out and settled a hand on Jungkook's arm through the blanket.

The touch was enough to break through the omega's restless dreams. His eyes opened and he stared unblinkingly at the ceiling.

"Jimin?" Wide eyes flicked to him, confused and alert.


"Hi, there."

"What...? Why...?" He subsided, his confusion only deepening.

"The doctor gave you a sleeping meds, remember? You've been out almost the whole night."

"It's just before dawn."


The rest of the previous day's events must have returned to him because he jerked under Jimin's hand, the fear returning in full force.

"The... I..."

"You're safe, Jungkook."

"Everything's okay."

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