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The pirate attacks dropped off as heavy storms set in, giving the guards a much-needed reprieve from unrelenting days on alert, waiting for the next assault.

The coast still had to be watched constantly.

They wouldn't put it past their enemies to try to sneak in while their guard was down, even if they were risking death.

Jimin welcomed the time to train, to study the maps, and to try to decipher the pirates more recent tactics so he could anticipate what they might do next.

When he was called into his father's study, he assumed the pirates were the topic of discussion right up until he saw Lord Elton.

Stifling a groan, he readied himself for yet another lecture on the health of his marriage or some other faux pas he'd made.

"You wanted to see me?" He was at pains to be polite when all he wanted to do was tell them to leave him alone and let him get on with the difficult jobs of protecting their kingdom and strengthening his marriage.

"Yes, jimin. Please, sit down."

His father gestured him into a chair, which meant this was going to be a longer conversation than he had the patience for.

A week ago, he would have been wishing that Tae or Yoongi had been prevailed upon to marry the omega prince. Now, his irritation was aimed solely at his father and Lord Elton's interference.

"Some problems have arisen," the king started.

"What kind of problems?"

"Prince Jungkook's kingdom has made several representations to us through neutral third parties."

That was odd.

There was no barrier in place, no breakdown in diplomatic channels, that would stop the two kingdoms from talking directly.

"Representations about...?" he prompted,though he could guess.

"They're questioning the legitimacy of the marriage."

Even stranger but Jimin was no longer surprised they'd gone through a third party to deliver that little shocker.

"How so?"

Lord lton glanced down at a piece of paper in his hands. "There have been suggestions... that the Prince may have been coerced into marriage against his will."

"That's ridiculous. The airship was on our soil. The facilitator attended the wedding ceremony."

"We agree that it's ludicrous," the king said heavily.

"but these are the accusations being leveled at us."

Jimin frowned, crossing his arms and staring at the fire in the hearth.

"Why wait this long? If they had concerns, why not raise them at the time? They were surely made aware of our plans to marry."

"They were made aware after the fact," Lord Elton said.

"but that still doesn't explain why they only began to raise concerns weeks later."

"And if they're all that concerned, where's their ambassador?"

"They can send someone to see for themselves that jungkook is in good health, that he's not under duress."

"We've extended several invitations," his father said.

"They've declined to send anyone each time."

"Then what is this? Why are they throwing baseless accusations around, insulting us by talking to us through other parties, and then not taking even the most basic steps to confirm or refute their own claims?"

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