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After the library, Jungkook's next stop was the old storeroom, the silver slipped into his pocket with out a moment's hesitation before he hurried back to his rooms.

He stayed up all night, devouring every word of the alchemy book in his thirst for knowledge.

It opened up a world he'd only ever been able to skirt the edges of.

His forays into alchemy were limited just as much by his lack of instruction as by his lack of materials.

But now he had a fist-size ball of celestial silver to work with and more knowledge than he'd ever been granted.

For the first time, he could pursue the skills he so deeply desired to learn.

He slept a few hours before the sun came up, waking full of enthusiasm.

Before breakfast, he hurried to the library, getting there before even Tennant had arrived.

He was in and out in less than a minute with another alchemy book smuggled out under his sweater.

He took breakfast in his rooms and finished the second book as quickly as the first.

It wasn't enough to satisfy him, but he was slowly gaining a firm grounding in the basics.

Things that he'd learned by trial and error were laid out for him in black and white.

That afternoon, he stole into the library once more making a show of returning his romance novel and taking another two while slipping a third alchemy book between them.

He was pretty sure no one noticed, though he was getting a lot of unwanted attention as he walked through the corridors.

He didn't have to guess why.

Anyone who hadn't seen the events of the night before would have heard of them by now.

He'd expected a visit from some one to smooth things over maybe Jimin, maybe Lord Elton but the afternoon came and went, the sun sank below the horizon, and evening set in.

No one came, no one disturbed his sanctuary.

As he paged through the third book, he pulled out a pen and paper and started a list.

He had the silver, but if he wanted to work with it, he'd need a lot more.

Jumping from book to book, he made notes, compared information, and added to his growing list.

It was almost midnight when he finally surfaced and realized he'd never touched his supper, which was now stone-cold.

Groaning,he stood and stretched.

The fire had long gone out, the chill settling deep in his bones.

But he felt a warm sense of satisfaction with his progress.

Tomorrow, he would start searching for what he needed, beginning with a workshop.

* * *

his neck screamed at him the next morning, protesting the hours spent bent over his desk, pen scratching on paper.

He did his best to stretch out the kinks while he ate breakfast, knowing that today would be a very different day.

He had to start rounding up supplies, which meant that he needed to get out and about around the castle.

It wouldn't be easy to find everything on his list But the harder part was finding a place to work.

Or it would have been, if he was not alone in an abandoned wing of the house with a pile of empty, dust-filled rooms.

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