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When Jimin spotted Lord Elton hovering outside his father's study late in the evening, he didn't think too much of it.

"I believe the king is with Lord Varken in the armory,"

he told the other man. "Is there something I can help with?"

"I'm not sure it's anything..." Lord Elton hesitated.

"Tell me," Jimin insisted.

"Two airships due to land here for refueling overnight appear to have changed their flight plans."

"Two? What were their destinations?"

"Mulveen and the Trid."

Both kingdoms of the royal alliance.

"We were informed of the reason for the change?"

"No, actually. That's what's so troubling. We weren't told there had been a schedule change."

"I was only made aware because a friend of mine is an avid airship spotter in the Ashen Isles."

"He noticed one of the flights failed to take off as scheduled even though the airstrip has it marked down as departed."

"He asked around, and another hobbyist noted the second flight was still on the ground despite being reported as departing on schedule."

"They have different origins, different destinations, and different flight paths."

"There are no storms forecast in their paths."

"The only common factor for both flights is refueling at Got7."

A single canceled flight wouldn't be a concern.

But two in one night, and their cancellations concealed...

"The armada they're coming Tonight. Get my father and Lord Varken. I'll find my brothers."

"We'll meet back here."

He pulled a touchstone from his pocket and called the guards on watch to advise them to be on alert.

It was likely the alliance intended the armada to be at their shores come dawn.

They'd planned to catch Got7 unawares, the island still asleep.

Well, they weren't going to get their wish.

He sent a servant to the south wing to fetch his brothers and made his way to the north wing.

He pressed the charm around his neck three times while he walked so Jungkook would know he was coming.

The omega met him in the main corridor, dressed like he'd chosen his outfit in a hurry.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"There's an armada incoming."



He filled Jungkook in while he hustled the omega toward the king's study. His father and brothers were already waiting with Lords Varken and Elton.

"Nothing on the horizon at dusk according to the guards on watch," he explained.

"We think they'll use night as cover to approach and attack at first light."

"There's a storm building in the west," Yoongi said.

"Visibility will likely remain poor even after dawn."

"Then that's where they'll come from."

Spelled ships of the quality the alliance's navy possessed would survive anything but the most severe of storms.

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