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No matter what way Jungkook sliced it, it did not look good for his chances.

They were down to one last large kingdom,the kingdom of the trid.

This year they had five eligible princes, of which two were considered more or less taken.

Which meant three were left.

One first and two second princes.

He'd have to be very lucky to win the affections of one of the three, especially with the competition still on board the airship.

Jin curled up next to him in the small antechamber, a steaming cup of tea in his hands.

"You look glum."

"I'm doomed."

"Don't say that."

"Why? It's true. There are fifteen unmatched omegas on board, excluding me and none of them is the black sheep of the family."

"You're no black sheep."

"Tell that to my father."

"Is it really that bad?"

Jin stared at him with big, soulful eyes,and he almost couldn't take the omega's innocent disbelief.

"The kingdom of the Trid is fastidious with their choices.

"There are no love matches made there. They won't look at me once, let alone twice."

"They'll just walk right by."

"You can't know that."

"Have you read their geopolitical update?"

"This year it's all about boosting trade with the east and north."

"Bringing the black sheep of the kingdom of hybe into the fold is not on the table."

"They're not the only kingdom left."

They were the only one of any substance, who had enough eligible alphas that an omega like him might just slip past anyone's notice until it was too late.

But the head of the Trid court was eagle-eyed.

He'd take one look at Jungkook and know exactly what he was up to.

"I guess it's a life of silence and servitude for me."

He knew he was being dramatic, but he couldn't help it. There was no way out that he could see.

Jin sat forward, looking earnest and compassionate, but before Jungkook was forced to hear whatever well-meaning words he was about to say, SuJin vaulted through the door.

"You'll come with me, won't you, Jungkook?"

Jungkook glanced at Jin who looked just as confused as he felt.

"Come with you where?"


"Our next refueling stop? Why would you want to get out there? It doesn't sound very hospitable."

After Jungkook, Sujin was the least eligible omega on board.

His parents had endured quite a few scandals in recent years.

Thankfully, royal memories were short-lived, and his family wasn't averse to him trying again.

In a few years time, he'd probably make a good match.

Of course, being young and impulsive, he was a little too impatient for that.

"Not the refueling stop, the kingdom."

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