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Jungkook retreated into his workshop once Fian left.

He hadn't been gone long before Jimin arrived.

The alpha's eyes lit up when he caught sight of Jungkook.

"Hey. I'm glad I caught you."

"Are you busy?"

Jungkook gestured to a book open in front of him.

"I was just about to get stuck into some reading of advanced alchemy."

"I'm still trying to work out the power distribution problem."

"Leave it. There's something I need to show you."



Jungkook straightened, butterflies in his stomach.

This was a little too close to what Fian had said was going to happen.

Speaking of the omega...

"I saw Fian in the castle."

Jimin's expression darkened

"So did I. He came to see me this morning."

Jungkook was relieved that the alpha hadn't lied to him.

"Why is he back?"

"His father talked my father into letting him return for the mid winter festival."

"Fian is a professional hassler for most people, it's just easier to give in."

"What did he want with you?"

"Sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong, as usual."

"Come on, we have a ways to go, and I'd like to get back in time for us to have lunch together."

"Grab your cloak."

Jungkook got all dressed up to go outside and was surprised when instead Jimin led him to his father's study,his cloak and outer layers waiting there for him.

"We're going underground again?"

"We are. The last time, I didn't show you everything. In fact, I'd say I left the most important thing for last."

"Why?" Once again, Fian's predictions were coming true.

Jungkook didn't like this one bit.

"We didn't want to pressure you."

He didn't know what to say to that, following Jimin into the tunnels. They walked a long way, exploring further than they had the previous time.

Narrow passageways widened into bigger chambers before narrowing again, and paths diverged off into dark caves in a random pattern.

It grew progressively colder, and he was grateful for his cloak, hat, and gloves.

"Where are we? I mean, relative to the surface."

Jimin answered readily. "We're moving toward the center of the island."

"It's about half an hour's walk."

"You didn't happen to bring a snack, did you?"

He'd been too anxious to eat any of the food the kitchen had given him but his stomach had finally overcome his nerves.

Jimin laughed but obligingly stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out a cloth napkin.

He unfolded it to reveal crackers and offered them to Jungkook.

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