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He was disappointed not to have breakfast with Jimin once again, but the alpha sent a message with the servants to say he'd had a late night.

He knew Jimin was run ragged trying to counter the pirate attacks.

He was doing what he could to help,but it never felt like enough.

He and bam ate a late breakfast in his parlor, and afterward, he trekked to the kitchens.

If he couldn't have breakfast with Jimin, he would at least make sure the alpha ate something.

He worried about him working so hard. The kitchen staff were only too happy to help him, and he was soon sent on his way with a basket of food.

He and Jimin might only have a few minutes together, but he could make sure the alpha didn't leave the castle with an empty stomach.

He rounded the corner toward the south wing and jerked to a stop.Jimin stood just outside the entrance to the wing and with him was Fian.

He had no idea what they were discussing but it looked intense.

Almost... intimate.

For a long minute, he stood there watching them, torn between whether to confront them or leave.

Jimin had promised that there was nothing between him and Fian. But the omega wasn't even supposed to be in the castle.

Why was he back?

And why was he talking to a

Confused and hurt but unprepared for whatever truths a confrontation might bring, he turned and headed back the way he came.

There was a reasonable explanation for this, he was sure.

When he saw Jimin later, he'd ask. He just couldn't right then, not with Fian's smug facing watching their every interaction.

He brought the food back to his rooms and curled up in an arm chair in the parlor, bam purring away in his lap.

The cat always knew when he needed some comfort.

The basket of food sat untouched on his table as lunchtime arrived, but even the thought of eating made his stomach churn unhappily.

So he sat there alone, the silence broken only by bam's soft purrs.

He heard a muffled voice some time later, followed by a knock on the parlor door. "Jungkook?"

"In here," he called.

He hoped it was Jimin and almost knocked bam off his lap sitting up when Fian stepped inside.

"Don't get up on my account," the omega said,peering curiously around the room.

"What a colorful cat."

Bam hissed at him, but it just made Fian laugh.

"Cats never like me," he said, his smile showing teeth.

"I can never work out why."

Jungkook knew why they recognized a fellow predator.

"Was there something you wanted?" he asked.

He was proud that he managed to keep his voice cold and detached.

Whatever Fian had to say, he didn't want to hear it, no matter how much he wanted to know what he and Jimin had been discussing that morning.

"Just a moment of your time."

Fian closed the door behind him and walked into the room taking a seat opposite Jungkook.

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