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he looked like dream, i can not stop thinking about him. he could not be real.

every second that i spent at that time is driving me crazy, my mind is leaving my body and entering an another dimension just to see him again, i want to see his face. i want to know who he was, which class he is studying in, where he live on that street. i'm "dying" to see him.

wait wait wait, you're not supposed to think something like this, not for a boy. especially when you know he lives in the same society and comes to same school in the very same van. what if anybody get to know this dhvani. what if mumma-pappa get to know this, mumma would die out of shame and pappa's def gonna stab you to paralysis if not death for sure. apart from that remember, class 8th chapter 10th- ADOLESCENCE, it says when we turn into a teenager from a kid our gonads start developing and to support it and as a counter mechanism, so many different hormones start releasing in the body altering your thoughts and mood at times and children at this period might feel attracted towards a rather impressive other most often someone from opposite gender. so basically you've reasons to stop thinking about mr. him.

first, he is a boy, you're a girl, you're both TEENAGERS and not just teenagers but "early teenagers" so you are most prolly gonna attract but don't attract. boys are evil, they might break your heart, do nasty things to you, make you cry. and after all only guy you're supposed to let touch you should be your husband whom you'll meet when you go to college for your mbbs studies, fall in love with him, marry him and then have sex. THEN HAVE SEX. eww, what tf is happening to me. sex! nooo, i won't let him have sex with i read somewhere that making love can be painful when done first time and it includes a lots of hardwork but what possibly could be "hardwork" i mean i've seen in movies, all they do is touch each other, lock their lips and sleep together. wait again, sex!! with him? NO!!! no, only with my future husband. 

okay, then why were you imagining him. 

what the heck is imagining? fancying a pair of eyes sleeping with you? like two eyeballs... next to you "naked"? 

oh god, whoever this mr. him is needs to be sentenced cus that dude got my mind in a turmoil with just merely existing.

right now, i'm out of this world in my own planet. though i bought my personal planet at a very young age. since i was seven or eight, i gave up on the world that so called deities made and decided to shift to an another planet in an alternate universe because not just the planet or galaxy but entire universe was a wrong place for me to belong. my universe was filled with dreams, drama, limelight on "dhvani pandya" the most successful pediatricians of all time, owning the most unique and famous hospital in india which had fountain right in front of it's main gate with a floral garden in surrounding and being the most successful lady on the globe. also, being one of the most creative fashion designer of all times. A DREAM GIRL, an idol to all the young girls who decided to see a dream when all they were supposed to do is surrender to her dad.

dad, my pappa, he was the reason i decided to leave this planet. it was not always like this, i used to like this place before. 

when i was a kid everything was so cool, i was famous, cheerful, successful for my age and just perfect. everything was so right back in those days just like it was in that moment. 

taking a deep breath i smiled and came back to this dimension, the average one. the first person my eyes locked with was this guy wearing a shirt with design of boxes of five monochrome shades of grey and blue combined, his hair was partial bald and appearance rather huge. he smiled back at me and gestured me to go near the blackboard. his smile was cute and mature at the same time, altogether he looked charming enough for any middle aged girl to have a crush on him. he was my class incharge "muhammad khan", he was the one who will teach us maths this year. 

i went there wrapped up in confidence and an intention to punch everybody on face verbally. i very well knew that nobody here would be knowing about my ridiculous academic results and this give me a chance to make them al, feel like i am someone they cannot beat. also it's a village side kinda school so definitely no student will be anywhere near me who just came from city's one of the biggest institutions. i stood there straight and introduced myself using the most fanciest words i had in my english vocabulary leaving everyone charmed by my introductory speech and cute voice let aside my ugly appearance which was still too dull for even the village girls sitting in the class.

damn! him.

"those eyes are sitting here" or maybe i'm just dreaming why would he be here but the eyes are. it's him d. oh no, he definitely saw me then. 

come on it's an hour of me overthinking everything, it's chaotic but why are his eyes so peaceful. WHAT IF HE'S JUST LIKE OCEANS; BEAUTIFUL, MYSTERIOUS AND DEADLY.

WHAT IF HE ALSO HAVE DEPTHS AND DARKNESS... but what if he.. "hey", said an unknown voice breaking my chain of thoughts.


"hi, i'm neerav. your classmate."

"hi neerav, nice to meet you. i'm dhvani" i said with a pleasing tone which i was a master at faking. inner me was screaming "dude get off my back, i wanna make fake scenarious with mr. mysterious ocean to figure out the magic spell he used on me." but i had a smile on face, i didn't let him see through.

this exact second, god decided to introduce me to devils in hell, sitting next to neerav and right behind me was mr. mysterious ocean. EYES! man someone take him awayyy, he's so illegally charismatic. i freaking cannot handle it. "okay it's your turn to see him" 

i turned my head towards him but neerav blocked my view and thought both. this annoying freak need to save his life if he does this one more time.

"do you like me or him?" neerav asked.

"him." i said without wasting a nanosecond here. in my defense i'd say it was a result of all the overthinking i have been doing or most prolly neerav's audacity to ask me out on the very first day of school but i was in a huge dilemma. "dhvani dear, you're finished."

guys sitting around us already started making noise for newly recognised pair of year and ladies rolling their eyes and giving looks to each other. he was looking at me. I FINALLY SAW HIM.

once i saw him and the world fell into place. i didn't cared about those classmates or mumma pappa nomore. i was lost.

he is "MAGICAL" he is phenomenal, i'm feeling as if i'm driving a car at high speed and trying to chase something, he's a doja cat song. A TOTAL HIT. i'm so done, literally. i'm DONE. 


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