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The sun is pretty and bright until it throws those rays right in your eyes. I don't know if I look like those models in sunkissed aesthetics or do I look like a yellow light bulb, but I am undoubtedly not enjoying this too much. 

The hangover was not a question here because we have our finals, and today is an exam for social studies. I can feel the headache, but I can't say if it is because of the weed or the history questions right before me. 

I will cry if I fail this exam because of some idiotic thing we did yesterday. 

I still had marks of colors left on my body. So pinkish purple, a color I don't enjoy too much, makes it reasonable why I'm irritated with those marks.

After writing all the pages filled with nonsense questions or more nonsense answers, I finally handed it to the navigator. Our van was waiting outside the school when we were done; today, he was not supposed to go to his tuition right after school, so that he would come home with us. 

As we reached near, we bumped into each other, slowly tilted our heads upwards, and our eyes met. A second passed filled with drama, and we laughed our hearts out at whatever we did yesterday. 

Luckily miss liar was not coming today, so it was just our loved ones and us. We all sat together, chatting and teasing each other about whatever we did yesterday and how we plan to make it a ritual to be done every year.

We again exchanged a look.

It's too hard not to tell someone how you get those weird sensations when they bless you with their looks, but I chose this option myself.

I spent fifteen more days in this silence, doing nothing but just looking at him as if he were my meal.

It was a seed in my heart that pink evening; when I got more attention and warmth, a little cotyledon of resistance popped out and extended into a baby plant that wanted me to take action.

It's enough of crushing over someone; when a crush lasts for more than three months, it is love. NO MORE NONSENSE, I told myself.

After our exams, we were all registered for a preparation session for our upcoming year. My sisters were giving their final exams yet.

Everybody was immensely enjoying their summer, chilling and kidding throughout the evenings. On one such calm evening, sid asked me again, "who do you have a crush on?"

I did not keep my mouth shut this time until it was just him and i.

"I would give you five hints, and you guess who he is," I said.

"Ohh boy, that means you have a crush?" he asked with joy; excitement was like overflowing his eyes. I blushed. "oh my god, finally. Who he is, come on, tell me already."

"wait, wait, wait, I won't tell you directly. I would give you five hints, and you must look for him yourself." 

Okay, I know what you are thinking. DUDE, TELL HIM ALREADY THAT IT'S HIM; YOU CAN SEE HIM BEING OVERLY EXCITED AND WAITING TO KNOW. But no, sid is different, and I know that. He might be excited and thrilled, but even if he's expecting himself, he will freak out if he finds out directly.

That is why I decided to give him a little adventure; this way, I can give him his space and check for one last time 'if he's into me or not.'

"Okay, now you're driving me crazy. Tell me what hints you've got. I gotta be finding him without trying, you'll see."

"Well, yes, we'll see. So here we go." a moment unforgettable; he came closer to hear every single bit of what I was going to say. I knew what was going on in his mind, so I got it swiftly. "first, he is one of the cutest and most famous guys. Second, I love spending time with him, and you all know that."

"is he Viren?"


"haha, anybody from our class?"

"too close. Third, he's got small eyes."

"how am I supposed to find a guy with small eyes? small eyes like.."

bitch get a mirror, "shut up and listen to me," I said, interrupting him because I'm more than excited now. "he swears a lot, and fifth, he is so good-looking."

"Okay, cute, famous, small eyes, swears a lot, good looking, and you like him, like spending time with him."


"Are you kidding me? You are just joking. You've got no crush, have you?"

"bro, why will I do that? i-have-a-big-crush-on-this-guy."

"Oh, okay, we will find him then."

"you better do" I gestured a bye and started walking away when I heard his voice again.

"Hey, you really like him?" he asked.

"I do"

he flashed his most genuine smile at this one, and it hurt me, but I decided to keep walking without trying to undo that. 

Siddharth is a lot conserved in himself, and I don't want to force anything over him. 

Dear diary, it's lately been hard keeping up with everything. Be it my life or... well, my life, but for my life with sid in it, I want it to be all settled. Fingers crossed.



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