18. PINK

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one after another, i didn't stopped thinking for weeks. we were still friends, i still felt the same fire in me but that one thing called REASON was what stopped me from carrying it any further. 

not every storm come with a warning. sometimes it just happens. when something is destined to be, no luck or love can stop it. 

unlike last time, this time, i didn't got a warning, no butterflies, no slow-motion, no heart sinking. 

he just came. i knew this time he was dressed at a nightmare. a light shade of pink, a little bit pink on his face and a little bit on his hair, clothes half wet, Siddharth came to colour me 'pink'.

"HAPPY HOLI", Siddharth said.

I wore the most awaited dress of the year, one I wanted to wear since the day I got it. Unlike my usual dresses, this one was ravishing. embroidered with explicit chikankari design was this lovely white kameez which totally gave bollywood holi.

he came forward with some colour in his hand. 

all my questions vanished, all my doubts resolves, all my memories blurred, all i could see now was him and the colour in his hand, 'pink', obviously. two steps he walked, a balloon filled with coloured water burst on my dress,

"HAPPYY HOLIII", viren screamed with joy and excitement and a zest of victory in both his smile and voice.

i couldn't help but surrender to their battle of colours and water. in no time we all filled the entire garden with small plastic balloons and colour splashes on the grass, everything all watery. the walls of house next to garden and front of mine got the remarks of this unforgettable battle of year. 

we didn't stop until the sky turned pink.

"your father had prepared weed for him and his friends", a boy from my father's friends family told us.

i gave a look to siddharth.

we could read eyes today.

should get some weed?

what do you think?



what if someone asks something?

everybody's going to be too drunk to remember.

let's do it.

we made a smart move and drank some weed, which was apparently  ot enough so we sneaked out in the kitchen and got some more.

-formula no 468; cold water works as a catalyst-

we gave each other a look again. we went back to kitchen, siddharth asked the ladies if they can serve him some water and i got a cold water bottle and some ice from the fridge.

we went back to our zone where our team; my sisters, were waiting for us to bring out the ultimate winning formula. 

till now most of our elders were high.

we both got the most of our winning formula and started filling up more water balloons to win over the opponent team which included other friends and family of my papa.

suddenly it was too pink. his t-shirt. his cheeks. the background. wind was lighter and so was i. 

i can walk like i want. i can talk like i want. i can tell him what i want. A ROMANTIC GESTURE, i want a romantic gesture from you, "SIDDHUU".



we burst into laughter.

we laughed and laughed and laughed for minutes. everybody around us knew we were drunk. i thought they were drunk, but we were more drunk.

my daddy, oh no no, not siddharth, my real daddy. he was coming towards me, he was probably fatter than before, he stood next to us, one of his leg being in our zone.

"hi kids", papa said.


he was still laughing though, he was too drunk so i wasn't scared. "did you drink something from the kitchen."

"no papa", i said.

he agreed to me, "okay" and went back to his friends who were teasing their wives.

okay, i'm too drunk to realize how we walked into the living room. our moms were standing there. we didn't did anything, they just happened to know that we're drunk, i don't know how. 

we went near our mamas and started listening to every gossip blah blah, i hid behind my mum and he hid behind his mum. we were still talking without exchanging a single phrase. we b oth knew how boring and useless their discussion was and we started laughing again.

we'd peep from behind their necks, exchange a look and laugh, on a repeat. our moms started staring, first in confusion and then, well, i am too drunk to notice that. the only thing i'm eyeing right now is what is a masterpiece to me, sid. 'too annoying or too addictive?', i asked myself.

now it's more like a sidhvani moment, eyes locked, heart racing, body weakening, a knot in belly. i kept looking at him. nobody was to stop a drunk, love mad girl to stare at her drunk, made in heaven love interest. i took full advantage of the situation.

when they felt like i'm out of control, they sent me to my room. i laid down on bed and visioned him. 

after a while, i saw siddharth walking in the room. closer he came, closer the words came out of my mouth,'i love you'. every single step he took towards me, i gained courage to convey my feelings, every puff, my heartbeat increased, time was about to stop when someone called him from outside.

"sidd, we said no na, let her sleep", the lady said.

he creeped in.

a few moments later he came back, leaped towards the wall a bit away from door, he kept blushing at me for no reason and then ran out.

things started fading in.

he appeared again, stood still at the door and said something which i unfroetunately missed.

"hmm?", i asked in a confused, drunk voice.

he slipped out again. he came back within seconds, came close, "dhvani..."

"dhvani?", aunty said, "take a good rest and don't drink anything now", aunty joked. i supposed that sid told everybody about whatever we did today. "sid, let's go, you also seem to be a bit high on that thing", aunty asked him politely.

he replied in a soft voice which played harp music in my ears, "i'll be there in a moment", he said. "dhvani..."


"i-", he vanished as everything in front of me blurred. 

i-. if you love me, i love you more. if you love me the most, i love you till infinity.

Pink, my white chikankari was all soaked in his colour. Now we were both in pink.
He, by choice and I, by destiny.

He, by choice and I, by destiny

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