4. the first wicket

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I hated how trisha sticks to him all the time and keep buttering him. it make me want to pull her tongue out of her throat.

"bhaneshwar" this is what she called him and he seems to be enjoying it a lot. maybe he is also one of those playboys my family warn me about. who cares. why is no one calling him be his name. it's been two days since i saw him and he's everywhere around but i don't know his name.

"oh truly, you study that much" says trisha who herself is an idol of lie and deception. i and trisha studied together in gajera, my previous school. she was my classmate back then. her dark skinned clearly reflected her dark personality but she was beautiful and had a lot potential to be a bit less bitter but seems like she don't want it at all. i really liked her before and respected a bit until i got to know that she was the one because of whom i had to face all that drama last year. she was the artist behind me almost getting a leaving certificate from my school and ended up ruining my reputition in front of all the teachers.

i hated how god showed my trisha's face right after they showed me his face as if he's giving me signs of the best and the worst coming up this year.

"haha, too much of a bhaneshwar huh. all you do is study like an owl cus you don't understand anything" laughed vinnie.

"how much do you study sister?" he asked. "i've never seen you studying even once ha, your motapappa told my dad everything yesterday."

"sid shut up" vinnie said.

SID. His name is "sid", hmmm.

pretty sorted. I AM NOT THINKING ABOUT HIM. it's really crazy tho, the way my eyes gets hooked on him everytime i see him. it's crazy crazy crazy, he is so "ethereal". i just love it, all the dopamine and serotonin levels are high and cortisol is down somewhere crying like a baby cus that man took his fame and gave it all the "happy hormones". whoever he is, he is an angel, he is a saviour MY SAVIOUR.

 whoever he is, he is an angel, he is a saviour MY SAVIOUR

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EVERYTHING FEELS SO PURPLE AT THIS TIME. don't know why. the hormones maybe. summer evenings never looked this beautiful. air is so fresh, calm and slow. sky clear, everything so lazy, over my head is clearly blue sky barely any clouds in it and there flew a group of sparrows in left possibly going back to their nests after a long day of hardwork. there were seventeen of them, i developed the habit of counting birds as i see them flying, it gives me pleasure. EUPHORIA.

"sistu" said a happy dhvani in her baby voice.

"yep?", vinnie gave me a raw reply.

"should we go out to the swings?" i sang again.

"okie, ask mama" another reply from my dearest that mimicked the mangoes my mother brought for making pickles.she was killing my vibes but i was vibing too high, I WAS HIGH ON HIM.

"why don't we ask chirag uncle's son to join us"


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