Chapter 5: One Thing After Another

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Because Wen Youshan was by her side, Wen Yuanjing did not resist Chen Ningya feeding her porridge, and only ate breakfast. Under Chen Ningya's intentional guidance, the child became obviously much closer to her.

After breakfast, the hot water in the stove was also boiled, Wen Youshan got a big bucket for Chen Ningya and said to her, "I'll tell you about the bath room, you should take a clean clothes and wash it first. Wash, I'm going to boil a pot of hot water for the other children to wash too, like a mud monkey."

Chen Ningya laughed dumbly. The children in the village were all buried, but few were clean. She used to dislike this kind of behavior. Although she lost her memory and could not remember the past, she subconsciously believed that children should not be In this way, after being reborn, she actually felt that such a child was much more alive.

   But when she came out of the shower, she didn't see the other three children, and she didn't know if they deliberately avoided her or ran out to play.

When Chen Ningya woke up after a good night's sleep, she found that the sun had turned to the west. When he woke up, he sat obediently at the end of the bed without crying, and even gave his little hand to his brother to play with. The two of them quietly let Chen Ningya sleep until she woke up naturally.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ningya was so soft-hearted, she hugged Wen Yuanjing to her side, touched her little face lovingly, and with a backhand, picked up the youngest Wen Yuanxing and touched his diaper. , said with Wen Yuanjing: "Second girl, mother, go outside and have a look, and cook something for you by the way. Would you like to play with your brother here?"

   "Okay!" Wen Yuanjing said in a milky voice, answering a lot more positively.

Chen Ningya smiled, got up and put on her shoes and jacket. Before she went out, she surrounded the children with quilts. When she went out, she closed the door of the room. Don't go out.

It was quiet in the yard, and there was really no shadow of a person. The cold wind was blowing with rain, and Chen Ningya realized that there was still sunshine just now. Clothes, slipped into the stove.

In her previous life, she never entered the Wen family's stove. She lived two lives. This was the first time the eldest girl got on the sedan chair. When she saw the things in the stove, she was blinded. She didn't know where to start. She vaguely remembered her mother-in-law. When Mr. Zhang was alive, he liked to keep things in his room, so he had to turn around and go to Mrs. Zhang’s room. After rummaging inside for a while, he found the bottomed rice bag.

Wen Yuanliang didn't go home after sneaking out in the morning, not because he didn't want to come back, but because he didn't want to see his cheap mother, and he didn't want to be ordered by his father to serve his mother, so he had to find some food on the mountain to deal with it. Seeing that it was about to rain, I had to come back. I didn't expect to find a fire in the stove as soon as I entered the yard. At this time, his father was usually not at home. Wen Yuanliang thought that it was Wen Yuanzhen who was cooking, and ran in carelessly, but it didn't work. Wanting to actually see his cheap girl inside, he instantly had a ghostly expression on his face.

  Chen Ningya just sat on the ground to make a fire and stared at Wen Yuanliang, Wen Yuanliang reacted, made a face at Chen Ningya and slipped away.

   "This child" Chen Ningya frowned, walked outside the door and shouted, "It's raining, where are you going?"

  It's a pity that I can't see Wen Yuanliang's shadow at all, and I don't know if the child is a rabbit or not, and it slips faster than anyone else.

   Wen Yuanliang, who hid in the backyard, naturally heard Chen Ningya's call. The more he did so, the more he dared not to go there. He always felt that his mother had hit an evil spirit. Otherwise, why would a good-looking person suddenly change sex?

  Chen Ningya failed to call Wen Yuanliang back, so she had no choice but to go back and continue cooking porridge.

   After a while, Wen Youshan led the other two children back. All three were carrying things on their backs. Chen Ningya hurriedly stepped forward to unload the two children, "Where did this go?"

"Going for a walk on the mountain, I was lucky today. I found a nest of wild eggs and caught two wild rabbits. Later, I peeled the skin of the rabbits and left the meat for you to mend." Wen Youshan grinned and frowned a lot. Looking at Chen Ningya, "Why did you come out before your body is in good shape?"

   "I'm fine, I've slept much better, even cooking some porridge, it doesn't take much effort." Chen Ningya replied casually, only to find that the father and son were staring at her with wide eyes.

   No wonder Wen Youshan was shocked. Chen Ningya had never cooked before, and he even thought that Chen Ningya was the kind of person who didn't distinguish between grains. He didn't expect her to cook porridge today.

  Compared to Wen Youshan's shock, Wen Yuanzhen's sister and brother hugged each other and looked at their mother strangely, but they were quickly distracted by the two hares in the basket.

  Chen Ningya saw that their drool was almost drooling, and couldn't help but chuckle: "Okay, I have eaten with the two little ones, you go to dinner first, and then clean up the rabbits later."

   "Hey!" Wen Youshan grinned and responded loudly. Seeing that Chen Ningya was finally a bit of a hostess, he couldn't be more beautiful in his heart, even after the exhaustion of the whole day, he had the energy to do anything.

   Wen Yuanliang still didn't show up during the meal, and Chen Ningya was a little worried, "There are mountains, do you want to go out and look for it? It's raining, and I don't know where the boss went."

  Wen Youshan frowned and said solemnly: "It's okay, the boy is sturdy, he will be fine in the village, and he will come back naturally when he is hungry."

  Thinking of the eldest son who was becoming more and more disobedient, Wen Youshan felt a fire in his heart inexplicably, and wished to catch the stinky boy and beat him hard.

   Wen Youshan said so, but Chen Ningya had to not mention it.

After Grandpa had dinner, Chen Ningya packed up the tableware and chopsticks, and came out to find Wen Yuanzhen and Wen Yuanhong lying on the table in the main room, and there were no lights in the room, thinking that the two children and Wen Youshan were busy for most of the day, probably exhausted Now, I can't help but feel distressed, but it's getting dark now, for fear that the two children will catch a cold, she hurried in and called softly: "Big girl, get up quickly, and take your brother back to the house to sleep."

   Chen Ningya called Wen Yuanzhen twice before she raised her head with difficulty, her face looking a little abnormally flushed.

  Chen Ningya was startled, she stepped forward and touched Wen Yuanzhen's forehead, and shouted outside in a panic, "You have a mountain, come here quickly, the big girl has a fever!"

   After saying that, Chen Ningya looked at Wen Yuanhong and found that he also had a fever, so she jumped on the spot in a hurry. Could it be that the two children in the previous life died at this time? Thinking of this, Chen Ningya's heart is like an ice cellar, she has been reborn, can it not change the fate of her family?

  Wen Youshan heard the voice and ran into the house. Although he was anxious, he was much calmer, and immediately said, "I'm going to the town by a donkey cart now to ask for a doctor, you watch them first."

   (end of this chapter)

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