Chapter 19: How To Choose

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Shen Bian coughed lightly, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, and said with a lack of confidence: "Miss Wen, the matter of Haitian is indeed the official ill-conceived, and now I have studied it with the master according to your request. We have carefully looked at Fushan Village. According to the geographical situation, I found that there are three ways from Fushan Village to the nearest seaside. The first is to take the ordinary official road, which takes about a day. The second option is the waterway. The Yongjiang River flows through Fushan Village and gets a fishing boat. It takes about two hours to walk from the Yongjiang River to the seaside, which is also the most time-saving, but it seems that there are no fishermen near you, and I don’t know if this waterway is easy to walk. The third is to climb the mountain. The situation around the mountain village, Fushan Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is only one way out of the village. From the back mountain of Fushan Village, you can see the coast by crossing four mountains, but there is a cliff over there, and the beach is under the cliff. It also takes a long time to walk, and since there is no one there, I'm afraid it will be even more dangerous."

Chen Ningya frowned and pondered. In her last life, she returned to Qing'an County when she was fleeing for her life. She lived here for a while in hiding and Tibet. She knew that the three roads mentioned by Shen Bian lead to different beaches. If she took the official road, it should be Going to the nearest fishing village, if you go to the Yongjiang River, it is the mouth of the sea, where fishing boats gather, and the Yongjiang River is fast-flowing. Wen Youshan is not a fisherman, and every time you go into the water, there are risks and it is not the best choice. three options

Chen Ningya sighed slightly, raised her head and showed a slight smile at Shenbian, her teeth raised lightly, "Let's choose the third one, the husband of the Minwomen often goes into the mountains and is fairly familiar with the conditions in the mountains, as long as the adults send a few people Just walk with him for a while, then he can go there by himself, and by the way, adults can also measure the size and location of Haitian."

  Shen Bian didn't expect Chen Ningya to choose this at all. Of the three choices, the last one is the last one. What if it's not suitable for Haitian? What if you can't even go down the cliffs over there? , and also, what if there are beasts in the mountains? After thinking about it, he didn't know what to say. After a while, he said, "Since you've made up your mind, let's do it this way. After a while, the official will send a few people back with you, and we'll decide according to the situation."

   "Thank you sir." Chen Ningya said hurriedly, as if afraid that Shen Bian would go back on her words, she immediately bid farewell.

   The couple went out of the yamen, Chen Ningya breathed a sigh of relief, her footsteps were much lighter, and she dragged Wen Youshan to the crowded market.

After walking far away, Wen Youshan asked in a low voice, "Miss, why did you choose that? I often go to Houshan, but I haven't gone that far. There are many snakes, insects, rats, ants, and wild boars in the mountains. The beast, how will you get there?"

   Speaking of the situation in the mountains, Wen Youshan's brows were almost tied.

Chen Ningya smiled unconcernedly, "What are you afraid of, isn't it with you? And Lord Shen also said, go check the situation first, if it doesn't work, we will probably choose something else, and if it doesn't help, let's take Haitian Sell ​​it to the yamen and exchange it for silver."

   "Yes, yes, it's good to change it to silver, it's better to change it to silver." Wen Youshan said hurriedly, glanced at Chen Ningya secretly, found that she didn't say a word, knew she disagreed, and sighed in his heart.

Chen Ningya was helpless, so she had to explain: "Master told you before that the Deng family's sea field is more than 10 taels of silver, and I don't know why the people in the Deng family didn't sell the sea fields for silver, since the Deng family didn't open it. This mouth, but the loss of the entire Haitian, I naturally won't mention this matter, let alone other, if it is replaced by the extra part of the money, what should I do? Let me return it to the Deng family. Accepting the county magistrate must think that I am a greedy person, and his impression of me will definitely deteriorate. It is not good for us either horizontally or vertically. It is better to retreat instead of advancing, and change a piece of land. Even if it is not used, it does not matter. An industry that won't run, isn't it?"

  Wen Youshan had a feeling of being stunned, nodded desperately, and praised: "It's still a smart lady, if it weren't for yours, I wouldn't have thought so much."

   "Okay, don't be sloppy, hurry up and sell the things. We have to rush back. It is estimated that the people sent by the county magistrate will be waiting for us at the gate of the county." Chen Ningya urged.

  The husband and wife went to the pharmacy to sell snake gall, and then they went to the largest restaurant in Qing'an County to sell other game. They exchanged about 500 yuan, but the big head was still snake gall, which was valuable.

   With money in his arms, Wen Youshan felt more at ease, and even Haitian's bad thing didn't seem like a big deal.

The two went to a grain store and asked about the price of the grain. Wen Youshan felt that the money that had just been heated up would not be able to be kept. A pound of white noodles would cost forty cents, and even the worst rough noodles would cost twenty-five cents a pound. , The brown rice that their family eats on weekdays is twenty-two cents a pound. If they were harvested in autumn, they could buy two kilograms for that price.

   He was still a little unhappy until he walked out of the county seat, Wen Youshan, and when he saw the carriage waiting for them, he put those worries behind him and said hello to several yamen.

   Several yamen knew that Shen Bian was concerned about Wen Youshan and his wife, and they did not dare to deal with them in the usual way, and they became familiar with Wen Youshan after going back and forth.

Only then did Chen Ningya know that the yacha who took the lead was Feng Xinghai. He had worked in the yamen for seven or eight years. It was his younger brother who was pulled into the yamen, and the other two yamen were brought over when Shen Bian took office, one named He Yong and the other named Liu Ming. Chen Ningya saw their extraordinary aura, and thought that these two should be guards or thugs, and their kung fu should be better than Feng Xinghai, but they were very low-key, so low-key that they almost had no sense of existence.

At this time, Chen Ningya will admire Wen Youshan. Even though he has little knowledge, but his senses are sharp, he knows that He Yong and Liu Ming are not simple in just a few words, and he is more polite when talking to them. It was a lot of randomness, and before they even got to Yuchang Town, the two started chatting all over the world.

   "Hey! Feng Zhaotou, why do you think this food is getting more and more expensive?" Wen Youshan said melancholy.

"No! You guys are pretty good. At least you have a kind of food at home. It's not like we live in the county where we have to buy food with money. When the price of food rises, many people can only live by tightening their belts." Feng Xinghai He sighed again and again.

   Speaking of this topic, everyone's heart became heavy.

  Chen Ningya looked up at the sky and sighed: "I guess there is another natural disaster somewhere."

   He Yong and Liu Ming looked at each other, and then continued to drive as if nothing had happened.

On the other hand, Feng Xinghai looked at Chen Ningya in astonishment, "Ms. Wen is amazing, you are right, it has been raining in the south of the Yangtze River since the beginning of this year, and it was still the kind of pouring rain that flooded many fields for several days at a time. This spring ploughing can’t even start, so the food price has to be raised! I don’t know when the rain will stop.”

   (end of this chapter)

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