Chapter 18: Retreat As Advance

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Chen Ningya saw at least two or three pheasants along the way. If Wen Youshan hadn't carried things behind his back and carried the child in front of him, he would definitely not have let go of these idiots.

   After a group of people arrived at Sun's house and explained their intentions, Mrs. Li patted her chest and assured: "You guys can go, the children can be left in our house. We don't need food or anything, not just a day's ration, my aunt can still get it."

Mrs. Li was happy to see Chen Ningya's change come true. The helper was willing to help, but Mrs. Li was generous, but Mrs. Chen couldn't take advantage of others. She stubbornly put the food in the stove and said to Mrs. Li: "There are a lot of people eating at my aunt's house. If we only have one or two, it's fine. Today, five children have to eat at your house. Or is there anything to sell that you can take away with Youshan."

Li shi took a deep look at Chen Ningya, saw that she was magnanimous and easy-going, with a rare satisfied smile on her face, and said happily: "I don't need anything, Youshan just helped me sell some eggs before, and now I don't have enough money at home. ,Next time."

  Chen Ningya no longer insisted, and she muttered with Wen Yuanliang for a while before leaving.

  Wen Youshan always felt that the mother and son had a secret, but neither of them meant to confess to him, he just pretended not to know, anyway, he was happy to see their mother and son getting close to him.

It was almost noon when the couple tossed to the county seat, Wen Youshan wanted to take Chen Ningya to eat, but Chen Ningya shook her head, "It's important to do business, let's go to the county government first and see what they say. ."

Wen Youshan was helpless, knowing that she was right, he had to buy two rough-faced steamed buns on the roadside, and led her to eat all the way outside the county government office. It looks like he has done something amazing.

  Chen Ningya gave him a blessing and said respectfully, "The woman has seen Lord Shen."

   Shen Bian didn't care, but when he heard Chen Ningya's voice, he paused and suddenly realized, "It's the lady of the Wen family? I really didn't recognize it just now."

Chen Ningya has been doing well for more than a month. Not only has her body recovered, but she also has some flesh on her face. In addition, Wen Youshan didn't let her do any rough work. Buried look.

   Chen Ningya's mouth twitched into a small smile, "Thanks to the blessings of adults and madams, the women can recover so well."

  Shen Bian was very satisfied with Chen Ningya's knowledge and interest. He stroked his beard and asked casually, "What? It's the Deng family that came to the yamen and hasn't been dealt with yet?"

   Most people don’t go here for anything, and since Wen’s family is not in the county seat, Shen Bian guessed it after thinking about it.

  Chen Ningya nodded slightly and frowned, "To tell the truth, you previously sentenced the Deng family to compensate the little woman 20 taels of silver, but the Deng family couldn't get that much money, so they used Haitian to pay for it."

"This official knows this, and the matter of Haitian was approved by this official. Could it be that you are not satisfied with that piece of Haitian?" Shen Bian thought of the situation of the Deng family, and said earnestly: "Although Deng Laosan and his son have vicious hearts, but His family, the old and the weak, women and children, are innocent, and life is already difficult without the two pillars of the family. If the Deng family's fields are sold to you as compensation, their family may not even be able to survive. Mrs. Wen is also a kind person. I don't want to kill them all."

  Chen Ningya's mouth twitched. You've exhausted all the good and bad words, and even put a tall hat on her. Can she say no? Fortunately, she didn't come to talk about this, thinking of her own purpose, Chen Ningya looked embarrassed and said weakly: "Sir Shen is polite, and the women of the people will naturally not be angry with the innocent, but do you know Where is the sea field that the Deng family paid for?"

   "Of course I know." Shen Bian stroked his beard and breathed a sigh of relief, smiling.

   "Then do you know the distance between Wanshui Village and Fushan Village?" Chen Ningya asked with wide eyes.

  Shen Bian was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't studied it carefully, no, it should be said that he never checked the location of Fushan Village at all.

Seeing him like this, Chen Ningya smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, it's better for the women to tell you, the women and their husbands set off from Fushan Village to the county town before dawn, and it's almost noon here, and Wanshui Village is farther away. Most of the trips are mountain roads, and I’m afraid that I can’t go back and forth every day. Minwo’s family is ordinary people, and they are already busy with one-third of the family’s land, so how can they go back and forth to Wanshui Village?”

Shen Bian's expression gradually became dignified, and he looked back at the servant next to him, who said smartly: "Sir, what Mrs. Wen said is the truth, Fushan Village is in the north of Qing'an County, and Wanshui Village is in the south of Qing'an County. From the south to the north, let alone ordinary people, it is difficult for people in business to struggle like this.”

Chen Ningya saw Shen Bian's brows are deeply wrinkled, and she seemed embarrassed and thoughtful, so she said understandingly: "Sir, don't worry, the women are not here to create problems for the adults, just want to ask the adults if they can Give us a piece of sea field? We know that sea fields are rare, and we dare not ask for those places that are in great demand. Let’s see if there is an unowned beach near Fushan Village. Give us a piece of land, and we can open our own fields.”

   Everyone was surprised when they heard the words.

   Shen Bian's brows loosened, and he asked suspiciously, "You will suffer in this way."

Others also thought the same way. Wanshui Village is a well-known fishing village. Occasionally, there are merchants who come to receive goods. It is easier for fishermen to raise something in the sea fields or rent out the sea fields. Because of this, then A piece of sea farm is so valuable. If the Wen family is exchanged for a piece of uncultivated land, it is probably not worth 10 taels of silver, and as far as they know, there seems to be no fishing village near Fushan Village, but they can't say this, at least not Say it directly.

   Shen Bian didn't know the thoughts of the people behind him. He felt more and more guilty when he heard Chen Ningya's words. He personally took them into the county office, and ordered his master to fetch the map of Qing'an County.

  Master's work efficiency is still quite high, and he soon came over with a stack of books and paintings. When they were studying, Chen Ningya was drinking tea in the presence of the old **** outside, but Wen Youshan was a little uneasy, sitting like a needle felt.

  Chen Ningya glanced at him and whispered, "Don't worry, there will be no problem."

She still knows Shen Bian very well. Although she is a bit pedantic, she is really dedicated to the people, and she has nothing to do with the people. If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have sent someone to **** her, who she didn't know, to the capital, you know. From Qing'an County to the capital, thousands of miles away, it took him two months to walk, and he himself died in the end because of justice for the people.

  Chen Ningya was a little distracted when she thought of what happened in her previous life. She didn't get up with Wen Youshan until Shen Bian and her master came out, and blessed them with blessings.

   (end of this chapter)

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