Chapter 11: County Town Sale

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What would she do with just such a little money? It's really a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

Seeing Chen Ningya frowning, Wen Youshan immediately said nervously: "Madam, don't worry, I can still save some money for my hunting and work, but recently spring plowing catches up with the children getting sick, so I don't go into the mountains much, just go down. It’s just a cover, I keep the game I caught and eat it at home, so I will naturally have less income, so I’ll go into the mountains tomorrow to have a look.”

   Chen Ningya's brows loosened and she said with a light smile, "You didn't hunt in previous years. You just saved money from hunting to support your family, but you can't change the family's situation. If I have the conditions, I still want to send my children to study."

Wen Yuanliang, who had just walked to the door of their room, paused when he heard this, with a look of astonishment and disbelief, and then heard Chen Ningya continue: "Everything is inferior, only reading is high, we can live a life of poverty and happiness, but children They are still young, and there are infinite possibilities in their lives. I don’t want to make them work as hard as we do because of poverty. You see, the eldest is eight years old. If he is not enlightened, it will be too late. Serious Mr."

  Chen Ningya talked a lot again, Wen Yuanliang stood at the door for a long time before turning around and leaving.

Wen Youshan has never thought about it so much before. Fushan Village is in a ravine and is very poor. All the children in the village come here. As long as they can eat and clothe themselves, everyone will be satisfied. I dare not think about it, but now that Chen Ningya said that, Wen Youshan is a little dazed.

Chen Ningya was also afraid that Wen Youshan would be under pressure from talking too much, so she patted him on the shoulder soothingly, and said, "These are all in a hurry, in the future, you can inquire about studying when you have time, and if you can, send the boss out first. , the second child is only four years old, don't worry, let's take it slow, don't forget, we haven't received the compensation from the Deng family."

   Mentioning the Deng family, Chen Ningya's eyes were more ruthless. Originally, Shen Bian sentenced the Deng family to pay her 20 taels of silver, and the Deng family would give her the money even if they broke the pot and sold iron, but she was not worried.

Wen Youshan patted his head, "I forgot if you didn't say it. I went to inquire about it half a month ago. People from the county government said that the Deng family couldn't get 20 taels of silver, and they needed to sell the property. I'll ask again tomorrow, it's been a month, and the Deng family should have collected the money."

  Wen Youshan now hates the Deng family and his son. He is more concerned about these twenty taels of silver than Chen Ningya. After all, Chen Ningya bought it back with her life.

   The next day, I got up and went out before dawn. If I didn't hurry, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to go back and forth in a day.

Chen Ningya knew that he was going to the county, so she took out twenty cents from the cabinet to give him, "The county is not near, if you can, hitch a ride in the town and save some time. If you are hungry for a pennie or two, you can buy some snacks for the children if there is any copper left, and the children have worked hard during this time.”

  Let's not talk about the two sick children. The eldest has been more obedient and sensible during this time, and has done a lot of things for the family. As for the youngest two, they are not crying or making trouble, which is a big help.

   Wen Youshan nodded in response when he heard the words. When he went out, he also took away the rabbit skins and wild duck eggs that he had saved during this time. It was a rare trip to the county seat, and it was a pity not to sell anything.

   At the foot of the mountain, Wen Youshan made a special trip to the Sun's and Huang's homes, saying that he was going to the county seat, and the two families gave him the eggs they had saved.

  This egg is sold for two cents in the town, and one cent in the county, which is not a star.

Wen Youshan just walked around like this, and didn't leave the village until the back basket was full. When he arrived at the town, he found a donkey cart to the county as explained by Chen Ningya, and paid three cents. He saves a penny, but the ox cart is not as good as the donkey cart. In order to save time, he still chooses the more expensive donkey cart.

It was just noon from the town to the county, and there were many fewer people setting up stalls on the street. Wen Youshan didn’t fool around to sell on the roadside, but went to the ready-to-wear shop first. The fur was sold to a cloth shop. Knowing that they received the fur, they also sold it to a clothing store. Unfortunately, there is no ready-made clothing store in the town. Two dollars, his requirements are not high, as long as the return travel expenses are paid off.

   Inquired about the more honest clothing stores in the county, Wen Youshan peddled while walking, and when he found Duan's clothing store, the eggs in the back basket were also selling better.

   The little Er who was looking at the store saw the customer coming, and immediately came forward to say hello: "What do you want to buy? We have all kinds of clothes here."

Seeing that Wen Youshan was not dressed very well, Xiao Er took him to see the linen very considerately. Ordinary people wear linen, those who have money wear fine linen, the poor wear coarse linen, and most of them in the store. Linen.

  Wen Youshan glanced at it and asked nervously, "Little brother, I'm not here to buy clothes, but want to ask if you can accept leather?"

Xiao Er was a little disappointed after listening to the first half, but after listening to the second half, his face became more joyful, "Yes, yes, but we need to look at the fineness and tanning craftsmanship of the leather. If the leather is well packed, the price will naturally be higher. , after talking so much, you still don't know what kind of leather the guest officer sells?"

   "Rabbit skin." Wen Youshan was unambiguous, he put down the back basket, took off the top cover, and spread out the skins one by one.

   Rabbit skins are not uncommon, but they are better because they are in high demand. When Xiao Er saw it, he immediately said, "Please wait a moment, I will call the shopkeeper."

After a while, a middle-aged man with a long beard and a long shirt followed Xiao Er out of the backyard. As soon as he entered the door, he noticed Wen Youshan standing in the store with his back straight and a little nervous, and asked warmly, "That's right. Do you want to sell leather?"

   Wen Youshan nodded and handed over his skin, "This is the rabbit skin I made."

Seeing that his movements were a little stiff, the shopkeeper smiled clearly, took the leather and walked outside, looked over it carefully under the sun, and then said to Wen Youshan after looking at it all, "Brother, your leather is really a little bit of a bitch. Although it is an ordinary rabbit skin, the skin is intact and handled fairly cleanly. If you have a large quantity, I can give you more, but you only need seven or eight pieces. In this way, I will give you sixty wen for one piece. how?"

  Wen Youshan's eyes lit up and he raised his head suddenly, but he was smart and didn't say a word.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper explained: "Usually we collect in batches. For a piece of leather of this quality, we will be charged more than 60 yuan per piece, but at least 20 pieces will be collected. You only have seven or eight pieces, and the number is not enough. , I can only give you this price."

   (end of this chapter)

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