Chapter 26: Shen Bian's Decision

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Her general knowledge immediately made everyone feel ashamed, and also made several people admire them all. The women they have met are always caring, but no matter how gentle and generous, they can't be like Chen Ningya.

   "Miss Wen, Gao Yi, don't worry, I will report this matter to the county magistrate truthfully, and I won't let you suffer." Feng Xinghai patted his chest and assured.

  Chen Ningya smiled lightly, noncommittal.

Wen Youshan went back to his room in the evening and couldn't help but whispered: "Miss, did you really choose that side? I didn't say that there is nothing there except close to home, and it is not worth giving us the whole beach. Ten taels of silver!"

   "What are you anxious about?" Chen Ningya rolled his eyes at him, and the old **** said in the ground: "The Deng family has an undeniable hatred for me, do you think I will make myself suffer in this matter?"

  Wen Youshan shook his head subconsciously. With Chen Ningya's sturdy style recently, she is the only one who has made others suffer, and has never seen others make her suffer.

  Chen Ningya smiled, "It's not worth it, don't worry, we only make money from this transaction, and we can make those people in the Deng family suffer a dumb loss!"

Before, she had been wondering why the Deng family didn't have enough money to sell the sea farm to the government, and how much more money they could get. In the past few days, she finally figured it out, that Wanshui Village is the territory of Deng's third wife. It is far away from Fushan Village, even if it is compensated to them, it is difficult for them to take the initiative. If they take the initiative to sell Haitian, even if they take the lead, the impression on the county magistrate will be bad, and the Deng family will be old and weak by then. Women and children pretended to be pitiful and cried and expressed sympathy everywhere. For the sake of their poorness, the county magistrate might be able to treat Deng Laosan and his son leniently, so no matter what the Wen family did, the Deng family would not lose.

  It's a pity that they met her, so how could they make the little guy like him?

Early the next morning, the four of Feng Xinghai ate the chicken porridge specially cooked by Chen Ningya and went back. Before leaving, Feng Xinghai went to the village chief's side, and he didn't know what he said. After they left, the village chief sent The son went to Huang's house to urge him, and Chen Ningya received the news that day. Huang Meng sold the land and house to a clan with the same surname. After changing the money, he quietly left with the family and the young. Some good villagers followed behind. They didn't come back until they left the boundary of Yuchang Town.

  Chen Ningya laughed it off when she found out, how easy is it to leave home and seek a living in a different place these days? In addition, Huang Meng is lazy, cunning, and Zhou Shi is bitter and jealous. She knows with her toes what will happen to them, and the hatred in the past life can be regarded as revenge.

Seeing that she was in a good mood, Wen Youshan was also happy, "Ma'am, we have to celebrate this big day, you like to eat river prawns, I'll go around the Yongjiang River, and by the way, go up the mountain to see if there is anything in the trap, please let me The eldest and the eldest go out to dig some wild vegetables to see if there are any wild eggs or duck eggs. Also, I have to go to the town to sell the hare meat, and come back with a pound of meat, enough for us to have a good meal already."

   Wen Yuanzhen's eyes lit up as soon as she heard that there was flesh, and without Chen Ningya's instructions, she consciously carried the small backpack on her back and dragged Wen Yuanliang out of the house.

  Chen Ningya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she chased out the fence gate and shouted, "Be careful, don't fall."

   The figures of the two children soon disappeared from her sight. Chen Ningya shook her head helplessly, and turned to meet Wen Yuanhong's longing eyes, becoming more and more powerless, "You want to go too, don't you?"

Wen Yuanhong nodded honestly, Chen Ningya sighed softly, and coaxed: "Second, if you go out, no one will help mother to take care of your younger brother and sister, why don't you stay and help mother, no matter if brother and sister can find something, mother? I'll make meat for you, okay?"

  Wen Yuanhong struggled for a while, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation of meat and agreed.

   On the other side.

   Feng Xinghai and the four returned to the county yamen in a hurry, and as soon as they entered the yamen, they ran to Shenbian to report.

"My lord, the four subordinates have explored the surrounding environment. There is really no figure. The coastline is long and narrow, and the area is not large enough, at most 40 to 50 acres. , The sea is turbulent in Penghai. At first glance, it is not a good place. The Wen family is not a fisherman, and it is useless to open a sea field. The subordinates have told Mrs. Wen the details, but Mrs. Wen insisted on choosing that side, saying There are fishermen in other places, and it is difficult to compete with them to make adults embarrassed, and I have never seen a person as profound and righteous as Lady Wen." Feng Xinghai sighed.

Feng Xinghai said this with some personal emotions in it. After staying at Wen's house for two days, he also knew that the conditions of Wen's house were not very good, and Wen Youshan and his wife were kind and motivated. Make friends, and I unconsciously take a bit of partiality between words.

Shen Bian stroked his beard thoughtfully, then nodded slightly and said, "The Wen family is in a bad situation, it is rare for Lady Wen to be able to do this. Since she shares the worries of this official, this official can't let her do this. They have suffered a loss, so just like this, the beach is all exchanged for the Wen family, which can be regarded as compensation for the Wen family by this official."

   Feng Xinghai twitched the corner of his mouth. Forty or fifty acres of land seemed like a lot. If the land was a lot of money, it would be a lot of money. But now it's an uninhabited beach by the sea. Even fishermen don't go there. What do you want those land for? In his opinion, even four or five hundred acres are not comparable to the sea fields of the Deng family, but he is only a small head catcher, and he dare not say what he has in mind.

  I don't know if Shen Bian went back and told Luo Shi about this. The next day, when Wang Er was going to Fushan Village to deliver the land deed, the master gave him two taels of silver, saying that it was compensation for the Wen family.

  Wang Er rushed to Fushan Village with his belongings. He first explained the situation to Wen Youshan and his wife, and then handed over two taels of silver to Chen Ningya.

  Chen Ningya wanted to keep him for dinner, but Wang Er did not agree with anything, got on his horse and ran away quickly.

Wen Youshan didn't expect that the county magistrate would give them 40 or 50 acres of land by the sea, but he would still give them the land deed, because there is no sea field there, so the land is written on the land deed. In this way, the 40 or 50 acres The beach has become the private property of the Wen family, and there is no need to worry about being taken back by the government for redistribution in the future.

"Madam, you're still smart. We really made a lot of money this time, but we just don't know what the beach can do." Wen Youshan rubbed his head and smiled. Ya too.

Chen Ningya met his eager eyes and smiled, "Don't worry, take your time, you have to think this time, although I was injured this time, but I was raised well, our family didn't spend much money, and we got the Deng family again. The money for compensation has already been earned, and we have no loss if the land by the sea is not opened. As long as there is some gain from opening it, it will be considered a lot. If you think about it this way, you will feel more at ease?"

   (end of this chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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