Chapter 25: Where Birds Don't Poop

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Feng Xinghai was happy when he saw it, he was full of depression, and hurried over to help.

When the pheasant was roasted on the fire, everyone could finally rest for a while. Wang Er had the opportunity to examine his calf carefully. He was shocked when he saw it, because he found out The foot cover given by Wen Youshan was bitten by a poisonous snake, but there was no hole. "Brother Wen, how did you make these shoe covers, even a poisonous snake can't wear them."

When everyone heard it, they all looked over to see how sharp the fangs of the venomous snake were, comparable to a bold embroidery needle, and the bite force of the venomous snake was so strong that it would not be able to bite through it with one mouth. .

  Wen Youshan looked at his calf and smiled embarrassedly: "I don't know either, these are all made by my wife, why don't I go back and ask for you?"

  Wang Er nodded, he was just curious, it didn't matter if he knew it or not, he didn't hunt anyway, that is, he rarely came to such deep mountains and forests for his usual missions, so he probably wouldn't be able to use it.

   On the other hand, Liu Ming studied it carefully and said hesitantly: "It is estimated that it was brushed with glutinous rice pulp. The burlap is strong and wear-resistant. This shoe cover is more than one layer of cloth. It can be seen that Mrs. Wen took a lot of effort to do this."

   This is the first time that Liu Ming has spoken so much on his own initiative, and he has praised Chen Ningya. Wen Youshan is instantly happy, his mouth is modest, but the smugness on his face can't be hidden.

   While talking, the four pheasants were all cooked, and after walking such a long distance, the five of them were already hungry, and they ate all the chicken in three or two.

   Before leaving, Wen Youshan specially dug a hole and buried chicken bones and the like in it, and then he continued to walk forward.

Perhaps it was because they were almost at the beach, and the group heard the sound of the waves when they were halfway there. Wen Youshan had never been to the beach, and he had never heard such a sound. He immediately looked around like a bird with a frightened bow. It was Liu Ming who comforted him. "It's okay, it is estimated that it is coming soon, this is the sound of the waves."

   "It seems that this road really works, and it's not worth our tossing all the way." Wang Er wiped the rain on his face and panted.

   When Wen Youshan heard this, his fear was swept away, and he was so excited that he almost danced, and even the pace of the call was much faster.

The group climbed to the top of the mountain and looked at the vast and boundless sea in silence, especially Wen Youshan, who was completely stunned. He had only heard of the sea before, but he didn't know what it was. Yongjiang is not going anywhere, what can be strange, but I really saw him being deeply stunned by the turbulent surging of the sea.

  Liu Ming looked at the sky and said, "Let's find the way down the mountain first, go down and see what's going on."

"Go down?" Wen Youshan couldn't even speak. The sea made him deeply fearful. At this moment, he suddenly regretted it. If he knew this situation, it would be better to ask for money, but when he thought of Chen Ningya saying Then he shook his head again, he couldn't even ask for money, it seemed that he had to bite the bullet.

   Fortunately, the mountains by the sea are rocky, and there are no tall trees. At most, there are more weeds, which does not affect the vision at all. Soon the group arrived at the seaside, but it was completely different from what the big guy expected.

Feng Xinghai frowned and told others to look around, even he himself was busy, only Wen Youshan, staring straight at the waves that seemed to be rushing ashore, with the roar of the sea echoing in his ears, he almost knelt down, looking at him expectantly. Looking at Feng Xinghai, who was walking towards him, "Brother Feng, how are you? Is there anyone nearby?"

  Feng Xinghai shook his head, his face was not very good, "I just made a rough circle, this place is surrounded by mountains, the coastline is full of mountains, it is not suitable for people to live in, other people's homes, not even a bird's nest."

   This is really a place where birds don't **** and chickens don't lay eggs, but Feng Xinghai didn't dare to say it in front of Wen Youshan.

After a while, Liu Ming and a few came back. The investigation situation was similar to Feng Xinghai's. Everyone's faces were not very good now. This is obviously a place where no one has set foot, and even the fishermen at sea do not come, so it is not a good place. The most important thing is that it is deserted. What's the point of getting a sea field here?

Not to mention Feng Xinghai and others, even Wen Youshan shook his head in disappointment, just thinking of Chen Ningya's eagerly looking forward eyes before going out, Wen Youshan still didn't give up, went for a walk in person, and finally took a bamboo pole to the beach. The soft mud was poked up, but it was fine if he didn't, but when he poked the bamboo pole that was often used, it seemed like it had been swallowed, causing Wen Youshan's complexion to change in fright.

   On the way back, everyone obviously lacked interest. Feng Xinghai saw Wen Youshan drooping his head and persuaded: "It's okay, if it's not suitable here, choose something else. The county magistrate will never let you suffer."

  Wen Youshan nodded listlessly, a little absent-minded.

   When everyone returned to Fushan Village, it was already dark, and the four of Feng Xinghai had to stay at Wen's house for one night.

  Chen Ningya had prepared dinner early. It was still the same assorted porridge as last night. The difference was that the contents were different. There was also a plate of mixed greens and six boiled eggs, which were sent by the village chief.

  Wen Youshan was the first to open the door and shouted, "Miss, we are back."

  Chen Ningya washed her hands, came out of the stove, and helped Wen Youshan put down the back basket. When she saw it, she was instantly happy, "Yo! There is also a pheasant and two hares, not bad."

   Hearing this, Wen Youshan's mood improved a lot, he smiled and said, "Don't say it, it's okay to go into the mountains to harvest today, the pheasants have been dealt with, but the hares haven't been cleaned up yet, you put them aside, I'll get them at night."

   "Okay, then let's eat, I'm ready." Chen Ningya greeted Feng Xinghai and others to enter the room.

After drinking the hot porridge, everyone felt at ease. When they finished their meal, Chen Ningya prepared hot water for them to take a shower. She took good care of them. Even Feng Xinghai felt embarrassed, so she thought about her words and put the people on the beach. The situation is explained, "If Mrs. Wen feels inappropriate, I will go back and report to the county magistrate."

  Chen Ningya lowered her eyes and pondered, and after a long while she smiled lightly: "Don't bother Feng Zhaotou, just go wherever."

   Everyone was shocked and looked at Chen Ningya.

  Feng Xinghai frowned and said, "Miss Wen, you have to think about it clearly, there is no one there, and the seaside is still a mudflat, so you might not be able to see anyone if you step down."

"Feng Zhaotou, I understand what you said, but other sea fields are not the best choice, and we are not fishermen, so we don't have to compete with others for profits, making it difficult for the county magistrate to do it, although there are various bad things there. , but it's close to us, it's not a problem to go back and forth in a day, just think about it carefully at that time." Chen Ningya said softly.

   (end of this chapter)

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