Chapter 6: Look Like A Daughter

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"Sure, there is a bag of silver in the baggage given by the magistrate's wife before. I didn't read much. You can take it to the doctor and be careful on the road." Chen Ningya said worriedly, it is cold and raining at the moment, and the mountain road is not good. Go, it's not safe to go out at night, and I don't know if the doctor in the town is willing to visit the doctor.

  Chen Ningya was worried while carrying the two children to Zhang's room.

The Wen family was poor and white. There were only four thatched cottages. One was the lobby, where guests were entertained. One was the stove, and the other two were bedrooms. One was where Mr. Zhang lived, and the other was Wen. In the room of the Youshan couple, Wen Yuanliang and Wen Yuanhong used to live in one room with the Zhang family, and the other three children lived with the Wen Youshan couple.

   Both children have a fever at this time, and Chen Ningya didn't dare to take them back to the room at all, for fear that the two little ones would also be infected.

The waiting time was always long, so long that Chen Ningya could hardly sit still. Although she wiped the two children's bodies with warm water over and over again, their foreheads were still terribly hot, and they started talking. Bullshit.

  Chen Ningya got close to hear it. Seeing that the children were all confused and thinking about eating meat, she couldn't help crying and laughing.

   After Chen Ningya probed a dozen times, Wen Youshan finally pulled the doctor back with a donkey cart.

  Chen Ningya hurriedly went out and said anxiously, "Doctor, hurry up and take a look at the child. The fever has been persistent, and you are talking nonsense."

   "Miss Wen, don't worry, I'll show it to the patient." The doctor came into the room with the medicine box on his back, glanced at the warm water beside him, and nodded approvingly, "Did you wipe them?"

  Chen Ningya nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I wiped it, I wiped both, but it doesn't seem to have any effect."

   Her brows were so wrinkled that they were almost knotted, she clearly remembered what the doctor did before, why she did it but it didn't work.

The doctor took the pulse of the two children unhurriedly, looked at their eyelids and mouths again, and checked them carefully, his voice was a little heavy, "This is because of acne, plus the wind and cold, the condition is menacing, and this is the reason for the high fever. Retire, fortunately, it's just chickenpox, and it won't kill anyone, but the disease is contagious, and the two children don't know who infected the other. If there are other children in the family, remember to keep them away from the house, and the adults who take care of the children. It's best not to touch other children either, lest you infect them."

When Chen Ningya heard that it was chickenpox and cold, her face turned pale instantly. She knew exactly what chickenpox was. It was indeed a fatal disease, but it was not a minor disease, especially in the conditions of the Wen family. The illness has become a serious illness, and coupled with the cold, this can already take half the lives of two children.

  Thinking of this, Chen Ningya knelt down to the doctor with a plop, and burst into tears, "Doctor, please save them."

"Miss Wen, don't worry, it's not that serious. Fortunately, you went to me in time and didn't delay the children's illness. I'll prescribe medicine for them, but I still lack a few medicines. Give the child a boil and drink it down to reduce the fever, and ask Wen Xiaozi to fetch the medicine with me later." The doctor said and began to prescribe the medicine.

  Wen Youshan was panting beside him. He never expected that the children's condition would be so serious. There was only the sound of breathing in the room, and the couple remained silent.

Chen Ningya stared at the two children in a daze, suddenly raised her head to look at Wen Youshan, and pondered, "Send the doctor back in a while, grab the medicine and come back quickly, I will heat up the hot water, and after you enter the door, take a shower first, Change into clean clothes and then go into the house to take care of the two children. I will be staying with my mother for the past few days. If there is nothing wrong, don't enter this house, so as not to affect the other children."

   "I'll take care of them, you go back to the house." Wen Youshan shook his head.

  Chen Ningya insisted, "Listen to me, I'm fine at home, you have to go out, you can't stay in this room all the time, and you can still help when you get the boss back."

   Even though Wen Yuanliang is only eight years old, the poor children have long been in charge of their homes, and their minds are relatively mature. At this time, half of the adults can use them.

  Wen Youshan thought of Wen Yuanliang, his face sank instantly, but he didn't have a seizure in front of Chen Ningya.

   Waiting for the doctor to prescribe the prescription and handing over the antipyretic herbs to Chen Ningya, Chen Ningya immediately went out to boil the medicine.

  There was no such thing as a medicine jar in the Wen family. It was bought after Zhang's illness.

While Chen Ningya was cooking the medicine, Wen Youshan pulled out the donkey cart to take the doctor back, and before leaving the house, he said loudly into the room, "Second girl, stay in the room and accompany my brother and don't come out, and I'll be back soon after Dad comes back. Go in and look for you, and call your mother if you have anything, your mother is taking care of your brother and sister in your milk house, you know?"

   "I know!" There was a soft and glutinous response from the room, and I didn't know whether the little girl really understood or did not understand. Wen Youshan threw the whip and drove the doctor away quickly.

   When the medicine was boiled, Chen Ningya was afraid of two small fears, and even set a fire in the yard. There was a drizzle in the sky, but there was no need to worry about burning other things.

   When Wen Youshan came back, it was already ugly time. Chen Ningya just finished pouring the potion on the two children and stared at them without blinking.

  Wen Youshan pushed in the door, and Chen Ningya hurriedly said: "Put down the medicine, don't come in, there is hot water in the stove, wash well first, change clothes before entering the house."

  Wen Youshan nodded hesitantly, then turned around and went out following Chen Ningya's wishes.

Not long after, the sound of water came from outside the house, and the two children began to sweat. Chen Ningya finally breathed a sigh of relief, her tense nerves loosened, and a sense of exhaustion came suddenly. She was sleeping with her eyes closed. Knowing that he fell asleep in a daze, and when he opened his eyes again, the candles in the room were almost gone, it was pitch black outside the window, and he didn't know what time it was.

Chen Ningya stepped forward to touch the heads of the two children, and found that their foreheads were not as hot as before, but the burns had not completely subsided, and dense chickenpox began to appear on their bodies. After so much time, and the cold symptoms have not yet healed, I am afraid that she will have a high fever again. Thinking of this, her heart is tight again, but the two children were woken up by her touch.

  Wen Yuanzhen looked at Chen Ningya in doubt and called tentatively, "Mother?"

  The distracted Chen Ningya came back to her senses, breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Wake up? But where do you feel uncomfortable?"

  Wen Yuanzhen nodded honestly, "Itchy, itchy body and face."

   said that Wen Yuanzhen was about to catch her, and Wen Yuanhong was faster than her and had already started.

   (end of this chapter)

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