Chapter 17: Shrimp Porridge

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"Want to ask me about today's affairs?" Chen Ningya asked gently, with a clear look

Wen Youshan laughed twice, and hurriedly expressed his loyalty, "Miss, it's not that I don't agree with you fighting, it's just that this fight is dangerous, what if you hurt yourself? Feel free to tell me about things like this in the future, and I'll stand up for you. ."

"Pfft!" Chen Ningya smiled and glanced at Wen Youshan angrily, "Aren't you worried that I will cause you trouble? Although I don't go in the village, I still know some things in the village, that Huang Meng's family. It's not a good thing, obviously they don't dare to take revenge, they will definitely come to Yin."

   Before Chen Ningya finished speaking, Wen Youshan had already slapped the table and said angrily, "He dares! If they dare to come to Yin, I will definitely throw them into the Yongjiang River!"

The Yongjiang River is a big river that bypasses the village. The river water eventually flows into the sea. The river is still a bit turbulent when it reaches their village. Generally, villagers do not swim in the Yongjiang River. Wen Youshan often does this to sell big fish for a few dollars.

Speaking of the Yongjiang River, Wen Youshan patted his head, "I almost forgot, today the mountain went up and down the water, caught two hares and a bamboo rat in the trap, and caught a snake entrenched on the edge of the trap. The snake gallbladder has been dug up. I will go to the county town tomorrow to see if they accept it. In addition, there are some things in the fish basket. One carp is about four pounds. The remaining three are small, and it is estimated that it is only one or two pounds. It's just some river prawns, I don't want them that are too small, I brought them all back, and they won't last long, so they won't be sold, let's eat them by ourselves."

In fact, Wen Youshan doesn't like to eat that food very much. It takes time not to mention that there is not much meat. It is far away to send it out for sale. In addition, the river prawns died not long after they landed on the shore. In the past, he threw it directly into the water, but this time, he thought that Chen Ningya had just recovered her memory, and she was not sure she would like it.

   Sure enough, Chen Ningya's eyes lit up when she heard the river prawns, and she ran to the yard without Wen Youshan saying more. Wen Youshan was afraid that she would be frightened by the snake, so she quickly chased out and pulled out the river prawns.

  Chen Ningya looked at it and was delighted, "Not bad, not too small, let's cook it in the porridge tomorrow morning, and make up for the children."

   "This thing doesn't have much meat, how to make up for it? How about we kill a rabbit?" Wen Youshan asked hesitantly.

  Chen Ningya shook her head, "No, it's rare to go to the county seat and bring everything to sell, just leave the river prawns, and I'll put another egg."

  Chen Ningya in her previous life had no memory of the Yongjiang River behind their house. She didn't expect that there were so many good things in it.

  Wen Youshan saw that she liked it, and hurriedly said: "I'll go and put down a few more fish baskets when I get back from the county seat. There are so many of these kinds of shrimps in the Yongjiang River. The villagers don't like to catch them, so they occasionally fish them for tooth-fighting sacrifices."

   "Is there anything else in the Yong River besides shrimp and fish?" Chen Ningya looked curious.

  Wen Youshan thought about it carefully, "It seems that there are still a lot of shelled ones, and I don't know how those things got in, but not many. I only fish a few occasionally. That thing is even more unpalatable than river prawns."

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