Chapter 21: Can't just forget it

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Zhou Shi suffocatedly brought the medicine over, Huang Meng drank it all, his face contorted after drinking it, and said bitterly: "This matter can't be left like this, the Wen family dares to dig a trap to harm me, I will let it go. They can't eat and walk around! Let's wait and see!"

   "Who do you want to let go?"

With a bang, the door was kicked open, and the couple was startled, and looked at Wen Youshan and the others standing at the door.

  Wen Youshan was about to rush over to throw a fist, but Feng Xinghai stopped him in time. Feng Xinghai looked at Huang Meng and Zhou sternly, and said to Wang Er who was behind him expressionlessly, "Arrest the person and bring them back to the yamen for interrogation."

   "What do you want?" Zhou Shi shrank in the corner of the wall in horror, shouting at the top of his voice, "Help, kill, help, kill!"

Zhou's shouts drew all the nearby villagers over. They had heard a little about the fire at Wen's house today. The first reaction when they heard Zhou's shouts was that Wen Youshan came to kill him, but they waited for everyone to rush into Huang's house. I found that there were a few more faces in the yard. Could it be that Wen Youshan was still looking for help?

   Everyone looked at each other, and although they didn't know what was going on, they still helped.

   Feng Xinghai in the room was already darkened, and said angrily: "Shut up, Huang Meng set fire to the murder and still does not repent. Now the head of the police will take him back to the yamen for questioning. Whoever dares to stop him will be taken away as an accomplice!"

   The villagers who came to help were almost scared to pee when they heard it, and the man in the lead asked tremblingly, "You and you are officials?"

He Yong, who was standing in the yard, took out his token. Everyone was illiterate, but it didn't prevent them from being so frightened. Ran.

  The yard of Huang's house was a mess, and the cries were loud, but no one went to join in the fun. Everyone had never seen the yacha enter the village to arrest people, and they had long been scared, so it would be more realistic to turn off the lights and sleep.

Seeing that the villagers were interested, Feng Xinghai snorted heavily, and ordered Wang Er solemnly: "Tie up the people and take them back to the yamen early tomorrow morning to hand over to the county magistrate for disposal, the magistrate hates the appearance of such a traitor in a place with simple folk customs. Evil people will never forgive him lightly."

   These words are for Huang Meng and Wen Youshan. Of course, they are more of a knock on the mountain, lest some impure people make bad ideas.

   Sure enough, the villagers were stunned when they heard this, and they didn't even dare to fart.

The Huang's yard was eerily quiet, only Huang Meng in the room struggled and begged for mercy, his tears and snot smeared his face without saying a word, and even wet his pants, Zhou shi just kept crying, wanting to stop but fearing that he would be regarded as an accomplice. grab it.

After a while, an old man came over surrounded by the villagers, saw the frightened villagers in the yard, and saw the imposing He Yong and others. It's hard work for the poor man to come from a long way!"

   "Why is it so hard? If you don't come, how would you know that there are such daring people in the county magistrate's jurisdiction!" Feng Xinghai came out of the room with great strides.

Seeing his disguise as the village chief became more modest, he smiled awkwardly, and nodded in agreement. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Huang Meng, who was **** with five flowers. He only felt a tightness in his chest. If it wasn't for Huang Meng, he wouldn't be so low. Being small, it's a pity that I have to help him at this moment.

Thinking of this, the village chief sighed and said to Wen Youshan: "Youshan, I already know about your family. Fortunately, the fire was put out in time. Except for the firewood, there was no loss. I planned to punish Huang Meng severely today. , but he is injured and can't get out of bed, so he can only slow down first, don't worry, the village chief will definitely call the shots for you, and he will not make you feel wronged, just"

  The village chief looked at Feng Xinghai and the others in embarrassment, and hesitantly said: "If this matter spreads out, I'm afraid our village's reputation will not be good. Do you think it can be private?"

   Those villagers have told the village chief just now that these yachas were brought back by Wen Youshan, and the village chief could not, so he could only ask Wen Youshan.

  Wen Youshan would definitely reject it if someone else opened his mouth, but he would have to weigh it as this person was the village chief. After all, their family was in Fushan Village, and they would have to rely on the village chief a lot in the future.

  Feng Xinghai saw that Wen Youshan was silent, and said, "What does the village chief mean to do with Huang Meng?"

Upon hearing this, the village chief immediately said respectfully, "The old man intends to ask Huang Meng to double the losses of the Wen family, to make amends to the Wen family in front of the whole village, and to write a letter of guarantee. Of course, if there is a mountain If you think it's not enough, you can mention it."

   The focus now is to suppress this matter, and the village chief does not consider the Huang Meng family's thoughts at all.

   Of course, Huang Meng didn't dare to say anything. He was thinking of asking the Wen family to make compensation, but now he doesn't dare to think of anything.

  Feng Xinghai saw that the village chief's treatment was fair, and nodded slightly, but was stopped when he was about to speak, "Wait!"

Chen Ningya led Wen Yuanliang into the yard, with more than a dozen eyes falling on her body, but she was not afraid at all, she calmly blessed Feng Xinghai and the village chief, and said, "Feng Zhaotou, the village chief, I heard what you just said, but I disagree."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. The village head sank and looked at Chen Ningya dissatisfiedly, but in front of Feng Xinghai and others, he did not immediately reprimand, but Feng Xinghai frowned and asked in confusion: "Why doesn't Mrs. Wen agree?"

   Feng Xinghai knew that Chen Ningya was remembered by the county magistrate, so he was naturally a little polite to her.

   The village chief is also somewhat knowledgeable. Hearing this, Chen Ningya's eyes were a little more scrutinized.

  Chen Ningya didn't care what these people thought, she chuckled lightly: "It's very simple, Huang Meng's guilt is more than just arson, I'm going to sue him for burglary."


   Everyone gasped suddenly, looked at Huang Meng on the ground in disbelief, and then looked at Chen Ningya, their minds suddenly couldn't turn around.

  The village chief frowned and said, "Mr. Deng, you can't talk nonsense."

"Nonsense?" Chen Ningya sneered, "Did you say that Feng Zhaotou just sent someone to my house to see that every room had two locks when we went out today, and I just went back to check it out. , a lock on the bedroom door was broken with a stone, you see, this is it."

  Chen Ningya took out the lock and said angrily, "Isn't this a burglary? Could it be that the villagers who came to help put out the fire did it?"

  When others heard the words, they all shook their heads, "No, no, when we passed by, we just put out the fire and did nothing. Everyone can testify to each other."

   "That's right, the door was closed at the time, and we didn't even look closely when we saw that there was still a lock on it, otherwise how could we not find it?"

  Everyone is in denial.

   (end of this chapter)

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