Chapter 15: Li Wei

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The Zhou family is used to splashing in the village. Who dares to provoke her like this? She never thought that Chen Ningya would treat her like this, and she almost lost her mind when she reacted with anger, "I'll fight with you!"

How could Chen Ningya give her this chance, she quickly rode on Zhou Shi's body and tore with her, slapped Zhou Shi's face fiercely, and scolded while beating, "Let you talk shit, let you scold, die. Woman, look who ripped whose mouth."

  The villagers who were watching the lively were completely dumbfounded. They all stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Some people saw that the situation was not good and shouted anxiously: "Something happened, something happened, hurry up and go to the village chief."

At this time, all the men were in the fields. Those who stayed at home were either children who couldn't work, or women and old people who couldn't go to the ground. Seeing Chen Ningya's stance that she wanted to eat people, she slapped her bows from side to side, and fanned her arms and legs. She just wanted to go up there. He didn't dare to pull the frame, so he could only yell on the side.

It wasn't the village chief or the Zhou family man who came first, but the Huang Dazhuang brothers. They didn't expect that their sturdy old lady would be rubbed against the ground by the thin and thin Chen Ningya. He spit out a mouthful of phlegm and rushed up.

Wen Yuanliang stood vigilantly for a long time, and when he saw Da Zhuang rushing over, he beat him up with a stick without saying a word. The two were only a year apart, but Da Zhuang was bigger. Wen Yuanliang had always been at a disadvantage in fights before, but this The second time he came prepared, Huang Dazhuang couldn't get any advantage at all, let alone Wen Yuanliang was here to find a place, so it didn't matter, but he beat Huang Dazhuang to the point of crying and begging for mercy, and Huang Erzhuang followed suit. cried, but he was frightened.

When Sun Laifu and Xiao Li arrived, the Huang family yard had become a Shura field. The couple who heard the cry sank in their hearts and rushed in quickly. Unexpectedly, they saw the scene of the three Huang family being beaten, and they were stunned. .

   It was Xiao Li who came to his senses first, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull Chen Ningya, "Sister-in-law, don't fight, don't fight, if you fight again, you will die."

  The irrational Chen Ningya came back to her senses, only to find that Zhou was almost fainted by her fan, her face was swollen into a pig's head, and she couldn't see her original face.

  Li didn't expect Chen Ningya to be so ruthless, she was frightened by Zhou's tragic state, and she pulled Chen Ningya up tremblingly.

  The villagers turned pale when they saw Mr. Zhou lying motionless on the ground, "Wouldn't it be a death?"

   I don't know who said that, the crowd was like a frying pan, and the big guys backed away.

   The most calm one is Chen Ningya, she looked down at the Zhou Shi who was pretending to be dead on the ground, and shouted angrily: "Next time I dare to bully my children, I will definitely come to the door with a kitchen knife, if there is no blood, my name is yours!"

Zhou Shi really pretended to be dizzy with the thought of touching porcelain, but from the slits of her squinted eyes, she knew that this woman was not talking harshly, but that she really dared to kill her with a kitchen knife. Dare to faint, he got up from the ground in horror, covered his face and backed up again and again, and ran into the yard as if he was running for his life, even forgetting a pair of sons.

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