Chapter 10: Family Property

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"Hey, if I hadn't been here a few times, I really wouldn't believe that he recovered from two major illnesses." Sun Laifu was amazed. It was not that he had never seen a patient. In the past, when people in the village got sick, it was not like peeling skin. Not to mention the degree of skin and bones, but they definitely won't grow flesh like these two little ones, and they also have a ruddy complexion, and their stature seems to have grown a lot taller.

  Sun Laifu became more and more curious and couldn't help staring at the children.

  Wen Youshan knew that Chen Ningya didn't like to be in contact with outsiders, and was afraid that Chen Ningya would be unhappy if Sun Laifu stayed for a long time, so he hurriedly asked: "What do you have to do? You don't have to go to the ground today?"

Sun Laifu came back to his senses, and hurriedly handed the back basket to Wen Youshan, "It's not my mother, I heard that two of your babies are sick, just as the hens at home are laying eggs, so let me bring a few and pick some wild vegetables by the way. for you."

Wen Youshan glanced at it, took out the wild vegetables, and handed the eggs to Sun Laifu, "You have a tight time at home. In the past, my aunt was reluctant to eat eggs, but today I sent so many over here, so I can't feel at ease. Take it back, you can take it back, eat it at home or sell it. By the way, I got two hares yesterday, and I still have half of them. Take it back and make soup for the elderly and children. also."

Game is not a rare thing in the village. After all, Fushan Village is located in a ravine. As long as it is a child who grows up in the village, there is no one who cannot hunt. It is also a sideline of the villagers, but everyone has different abilities. Even big things like wild boars have been hit, and some people even struggle to catch a pheasant.

The Wen family is halfway up the mountain, and there is not enough land. The family will starve to death simply by relying on the income from the land. Although Wen Youshan can work as a carpenter, he can save some by doing small jobs throughout the year. Half of his income is still relying on him to go hunting and fishing in the mountains. This part of the income accounts for half of the Wen family's income. The Sun family is at the foot of the mountain, and there are more fields than the Wen family. Extremely limited, naturally his hunting skills are not as good as him.

Seeing the half hare, Sun Laifu hurriedly shook his head and refused, "Don't, I'm here to deliver the eggs, if my mother knows that the egg was not delivered and she took half of your hare, she will kill me! Hurry up! Take the eggs back and make up for the kids."

   "As soon as they saw them, they knew that there was no shortage of supplements during this time. You hurry up and don't mess with me." Wen Youshan put the things in Sun Laifu's back basket and pushed him down the mountain.

  Sun Laifu regarded Wen Youshan as his eldest brother and always listened to his words. Hearing this, he had to leave with a smile. Before leaving, he greeted Chen Ningya loudly, "That sister-in-law. I'm sorry, I'll go first."

   Chen Ningya, who had just walked out of the stove, had a question mark on her face. She saw a handful of wild vegetables in the yard and asked, "Are you sending wild vegetables?"

"No, I didn't ask for eggs, so I just took a handful of wild vegetables. It's not easy for everyone, and it's just at this time, so I don't have the nerve to ask for it." Wen Youshan was a little nervous when he said this, for fear of Chen Ningya He was unhappy, but he knew that the women in the village were most interested in these petty profits. Before, he gave them a nest of wild duck eggs, but they didn't want them. The woman directly scolded her man after he left. First of all, he was almost home and could hear the shouting and scolding in the village. From then on, he understood that giving things is also important and can't follow his heart.

  Chen Ningya nodded slightly, noncommittal, "Then pack up the wild vegetables and get some wild vegetable porridge at noon."

The Wen family used to have two meals a day. Whether it was a child or an adult, they were all full of water. Before Chen Ningya's disaster, she had three meals a day. Now she wants to slowly change the Wen family's eating habits, no matter what. , also can not eat enough, otherwise how can children grow up, how can adults work?

   "Hey! I'll go right now." Wen Youshan was surprised by Chen Ningya's reaction and became more active in his work.

  At night, Chen Ningya habitually entered Zhang's room. As soon as she walked to the door of the room, she saw Wen Yuanliang holding the quilt, looking at her with big bright eyes.

   "What's wrong?" Chen Ningya was a little stunned.

   "Mother, my younger brother and sister are all over, I can go back to sleep." Wen Yuanliang raised his head and replied, he is no longer in conflict with this mother, but he can't get close yet, and even his words reveal a little strangeness.

   But Chen Ningya was already content. Thinking that this child had been living in this house before, she nodded and let him go in, "The mother went back to the room and went to sleep."

   Wen Youshan in the yard kept listening, his mouth was grinning to the bottom of his ears. Although they were still filial piety and couldn't do anything, it was better to hold Wenxiang Nephrite Jade than to stand alone in an empty room.

  The result of Chen Ningya's return to the room was that Wen Youshan returned to the room less than three quarters of the time. Fortunately, she didn't pay much attention to these things before, but she didn't ask any further questions.

  Wen Youshan saw that the two children had already slept, and Chen Ningya had no intention of going to sleep, so she asked suspiciously, "Miss, are you still asleep?"

Chen Ningya nodded, opened the only two locked cabinets in the house, took out the burden given by the county magistrate, and whispered, "I was too busy before, and I didn't take a good look at the things inside, and it's rare to have free time tonight. I need to take care of it."

Speaking of which, Chen Ningya opened the bag and found that there were actually two clothes that were 80% new. She remembered that the clothes she wore when she was recovering in the medical center, but she didn't expect Shen Bian to be so careful and even use the clothes she used. I gave her the things. In addition to the clothes, there were two pieces of cotton cloth, no matter whether it was big or small, but it was enough for her to make a set of underwear for each family member. In addition, it was the bag of silver and two pieces of money. .

Wen Youshan watched Chen Ningya pour out the silver, and hurriedly said: "I went to the town to ask a doctor and I took two taels from it. The children spent 800 yuan to see a doctor, and those who bought rice and grain cost another 500 yuan. There are 700 coins left, and I put the money in another cabinet."

  Chen Ningya counted the points, then raised her head and said, "Then what Master Shen gave was 10 taels of silver and 2 hanging coins, right?"

   Wen Youshan nodded hastily.

   "You can't do anything with this little money!" Chen Ningya frowned and muttered.

  Wen Youshan got up without saying a word, rummaged in the cabinet for a while, and took out a rag bag, "This is all my belongings, I have five taels of silver and three hanging coins, and I will give them to you."

   Chen Ningya looked at Wen Youshan in shock.

  Wen Youshan said embarrassedly: "In the past, my mother kept all the money in our family, so I saved a little by myself. Before my mother died, she gave me all the money, but it was a little bit small."

  Chen Ningya nodded, it is really small, a family of seven people, all the savings combined is less than ten taels, two children are sick and spend almost one tael to see the doctor, no wonder the poor can't afford to get sick.

   (end of this chapter)

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