Chapter 13: Haitian

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Because of this last item, Haitian has become a chicken rib in the eyes of some people. Many businessmen have seen Haitian but dare not buy it. Since then, they have not been able to buy a large area. Possibly drifting.

   Haitian is rare, and Chen Ningya never dreamed that the Deng family would have a Haitian, "If I remember correctly, Dengjia Village does not rely on the sea, what is the matter with this Haitian?"

   In the previous life, Shen Bian gave her twenty taels of silver directly, and didn't tell her that much. Could it be that there is something else going on here?

"I heard from the master that Deng Laosan's wife is a fisherman's daughter, and you know that very few people marry a fisherman's daughter. Not to mention the poor, the fisherman's daughter was born on a fishing boat since she was a child, and the affairs of men and women are not so taboo. He had never done farm work, so he had to be re-trained when he got married. Back then, Deng Laosan married a fisherman's daughter, but everyone knew it. Although his Yue family had no money, he loved his daughter and couldn't take out a dowry, for fear that his daughter would marry him. After being negotiated, his father-in-law simply divided up his sons, and then gave his own piece of Haitian to Deng Laosan's wife as a dowry. With Haitian, Deng Laosan's mother-in-law also has confidence in her husband's family.

At that time, Deng Laosan was idle, and his mother-in-law gave him an idea to let him go fishing, so he could make a living. Deng Laosan went, but it was bitter, and he usually did nothing, and even flirted with women on other fishing boats. Qiao rolls the cabin, but was found by his uncle and beat him hard before giving up. After that, the sea field was taken care of by Deng Laosan's uncle and brother, and the income was also given to Deng Laosan's wife, who has been the uncle of Deng Laosan these years. Brothers passed away one after another, and his mother-in-law was embarrassed to let her nephew help and rent it to others, so that she could get some money all year round. I guess it should be young and old, otherwise, what did the master say that we made money?

Now the seaside land is almost open, and the government is strictly controlling it. Originally, we were not qualified to own sea fields, but whoever gave up such a thing, it is impossible for the government to kill all the old and weak women and children of the Deng family. If you force them to buy or sell land, then you can only use Haitian as compensation. You can rest assured that this is filed with the Yamen. In the future, even if Haitian is in short supply, the government will not forcibly take it back unless we voluntarily. "Wen Youshan whispered excitedly, although he could look at this matter calmly after a day, he still couldn't control his emotions in front of Chen Ningya.

Chen Ningya was so happy with a big smile, she quickly took the paper, read the words on it twice before heaving a sigh of relief, and looked at Wen Youshan with bright eyes, "This is It will be a happy event for a while.”

   "Hehe." Wen Youshan also smirked, "Miss, how much money do you think you can sell with Haitian?"

   "Sell?" Chen Ningya smiled, "Why sell?"

   "Don't sell it?" Wen Youshan was confused. "We are not fishermen either. The Wanshui Village is not close to us, and it is not easy to manage it. If you don't sell it to the yamen, does the lady want to rent it out like the Deng family?"

  Chen Ningya then remembered that they were in Fushan Village, her brows instantly wrinkled, and she pondered: "Did you tell Master about our situation?"

  Wen Youshan shook his head honestly, he was dizzy at the time, it would be fine if he could go through the formalities clearly, how could he think so much.

  Chen Ningya focused, rubbed her brows, and sighed: "Forget it, let me think about it, I'm not in a hurry anyway."

Wen Youshan nodded vigorously, in order to make Chen Ningya happy, he put a pile of copper plates in front of her like a treasure, and said, "Today, I went to the county town to sell skins and eggs, and the total was 541 cents. I listened to you to take the donkey cart, I spent six cents back and forth, fifty cents to buy cakes and caramel, and I still have four hundred and eighty-five cents left. You have collected it, and I will save some more skins for another day. The county town sells it, I didn’t know that the price given by the county town was so high before, otherwise it would not have been so easy for the town cloth shop to accept it.”

Talking and talking, Wen Youshan lay down, and when Chen Ningya packed the money, she found that the person on the bed was snoring, and her eyes fell on the beard on Wen Youshan's face. She suddenly felt a little distressed. She had seen all kinds of people in her previous life. The man in front of her is the best thing for her. It’s a shame that she didn’t know how to cherish at that time. Fortunately, God gave her a chance. eyes.

Early the next morning, when Chen Ningya woke up, she found that Wen Youshan had gone out without knowing when, and only Wen Yuanliang was working in the yard. ?"

   Wen Yuanliang, who was carrying Chen Ningya, shook his body, shook his head stiffly, lowered his head and said, "I can also help earn money."

  Chen Ningya: "???"

what's the situation? Is the sun coming out of the west? Or is the child transsexual?

Without waiting for Chen Ningya to understand that Wen Youshan came back with sweat on the top of the mountain, she handed the basket to Chen Ningya and said, "It was a good harvest in the morning. By the way, I specifically asked the village chief, and the village chief said that Wanshui Village is very good. Far away, in the next town, it’s farther from us than to the county seat, I think we really can’t work hard, so I’ll go to the county seat tomorrow and ask the master what to do?”

  Chen Ningya thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "I'll go with you."

   Wen Youshan did not refuse this time, he knew that Chen Ningya was smarter and more knowledgeable than him, and it should be easier for her to come forward.

The husband and wife did not hide these things from the children. I don't know when even Wen Yuanzhen was sitting on the small stool next to him and blatantly eavesdropped on it. However, both of them heard it in a fog. They always felt that after their mother had changed There seems to be a lot of things at home that they don't know. This feeling made Wen Yuanliang a little flustered, and he couldn't help but ask, "What are you talking about, mother and father?"

   "Yes, mother and father, where is Wanshui Village?" Wen Yuanzhen asked in a daze.

  Wen Youshan was in a good mood and explained: "The county magistrate sentenced the Deng family who injured your mother to compensate your mother for 22 taels of silver, but the Deng family can't get that much money, so they plan to use the Haitian from Wanshui Village to pay for the other part."

   "Haitian?" The two children said in unison, their eyes full of doubts and excitement. Although they didn't understand what a haitian was, it didn't prevent them from knowing that the family had more property.

Chen Ningya hilariously explained to them what Haitian is, and at the end, she said to Wen Yuanliang, "Tomorrow I will go to the county with your father, I'm afraid it will take a day, come back the same day if you can, or the day after tomorrow if you don't have time, and give it to your family. You guys, don't be playful, take care of your younger siblings."

"Yes." Wen Yuanliang replied solemnly. He was deeply impressed by the illness of his younger brother and sister last time, and he dared not go against the yang and yin again, but he was still a little hesitant to say anything. Thinking of the rare opportunity, he couldn't help but ask: "So, mother, isn't that Deng family really my grandfather's family?"

   (end of this chapter)

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