Chapter 23: It's okay, entertain

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During this period, Huang Meng didn't even ask a single question. Everyone was inevitably chilled when they saw it. Originally, some people thought that Mrs. Deng had pushed people away too much. Now it seems that Mrs. Deng has the foresight. Such a ruthless and generous person stays in the village forever. is a scourge.

  The village chief's son soon brought the pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Chen Ningya asked Feng Xinghai, "Feng Zhaotou, can you help write a letter of guarantee?"

  Chen Ningya didn't plan to reveal her literacy at all, and the village chief was half a bucket of water, and it was enough to write a simple thing. It was a bit embarrassing for him to write a guarantee letter. After thinking about it, the only option was Feng Xinghai.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Feng Xinghai's face, but Liu Ming took the initiative to stand up and start writing without saying a word. The family moved out of Qing'an County and ensured that the Huang family would not be allowed to step into Qing'an County for half a step within three generations."

  Liu Ming raised his head in surprise. Seeing that Chen Ningya's eyes were clear, he looked directly at him without any hesitation, then lowered his head and continued to write.

   After the four guarantees are written and everyone presses their fingerprints, this matter is not revealed.

When the last person left Huang's house, Huang Meng breathed a sigh of relief. The mountain wind blew, and he shivered. Only then did he realize that he was soaked all over. At this moment, he didn't dare to take any revenge. , thinking that Fushan Village is a place of right and wrong that I can't stay, I simply called Huang Dazhuang and asked him to go to the village chief and tell him that he should sell the house and land at home and leave as soon as possible.

Wen Youshan also brought a group of people home. When he entered the door, he found that the fence gate had been destroyed. It was estimated that they had accidentally damaged it when they were fighting the fire. The grass shed in the house was burned beyond recognition. It was not small, but fortunately the fire was put out in time. The firewood was not completely burned out, and the house was not affected. Only the wall on one side of the stove was blackened. Fortunately, the flames did not jump to the roof.

Seeing the tragic situation of the Wen family, Feng Xinghai's face became a lot darker. Before, they also thought that Chen Ningya was not generous and kind, but now they only think that Chen Ningya is too kind. inside the whole.

Chen Ningya didn't know what they were thinking, and said apologetically: "It's getting late, and the house looks like this, so I can only aggrieve a few poor brothers to temporarily live in my mother-in-law's house, don't worry, everything inside is complete and clean, It's just not spacious enough."

   "It's okay, we often go out with the county magistrate to do errands, and we have even slept in the wilderness, so don't care about these falsehoods." Feng Xinghai waved his hand and said indifferently.

Chen Ningya and Wen Youshan breathed a sigh of relief, everyone was tired after a busy day, Wen Youshan pondered and said, "I'll go to the Yongjiang River to pick up the baskets and see if I get anything, your husband is cooking, I'll go quickly. back."

Chen Ningya nodded and entered the kitchen swiftly, thinking that there was still a piece of bacon left at home. She was not used to eating that stuff, but Mrs. Zhang was very precious and was reluctant to eat it. When buying meat, you can only cut a little and make do.

   After she had packed up the bacon, Wen Youshan also came back, Chen Ningya saw him carrying the basket directly into the stove, and immediately asked, "Is there anything?"

  Wen Youshan nodded vigorously, "There are river prawns you like, and two and a half fish."

  Chen Ningya immediately made a decision: "We've all cooked together, let's make assorted porridge."

"Okay!" Wen Youshan excitedly went out to deal with fish and shrimp, but Chen Ningya sighed with a wry smile. With the wealth of the Wen family, no matter how much tossing, she still couldn't live without porridge. I don't know when I will let the children eat good food and raise them white and fat.

   The five children who were remembered by Chen Ningya were huddled together on a bed and whispering.

   "Brother, that's great, I won't have to see the annoying Huang Dazhuang and Huang Erzhuang again in the future, and I can go out and play with confidence." Wen Yuanzhen danced with excitement, she would have wanted to shout if there were no guests at home.

  Wen Yuanhong is Wen Yuanzhen's little follower. Hearing this, he immediately nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, don't worry about them bullying us in the future!"

  Wen Yuanliang pretended to be calm, and snorted arrogantly with the corners of his mouth hooked: "This is my mother's secret. If it wasn't for my mother's cleverness, Huang Meng would have succeeded today!"

  Wen Yuanzhen and Wen Yuanhong have been pestering Wen Yuanliang to ask what the secret is, but he kept silent and started to practice calligraphy in a pretentious manner.

When the porridge was ready, Chen Ningya came into the house with a large pot, divided the children's bowls and chopsticks, and whispered: "Today there are guests in the house, we will eat in the house, mother is worried that you are young, will not I didn't put fish meat for you, but I put two eggs for you, your father didn't have them, so hurry up and eat it while it's hot."

The children were a little disappointed when they heard that there was no fish, but the disappointment when they saw the eggs was replaced by a surprise. The ladies here ate deliciously, and Feng Xinghai in the main room nodded and praised, "I didn't expect Mrs. Wen's craftsmanship to be so good. Well, an ordinary bowl of porridge can be so delicious."

   "Wherever you are, you just cook it indiscriminately. There are no conditions at home, so you have to put whatever you want." Wen Youshan's face was humble, but his mouth was about to reach his ears, as if others were praising Chen Ningya but him.

After dinner, Feng Xinghai and several people went back to the room to rest. Wen Youshan just cleaned up and entered the room. As soon as he entered the room, he found a row of small heads lying on the bed. The room was quiet, only the sound of the children breathing evenly. Chen Ningya sat by the candle and mended her clothes.

  Wen Youshan hurried over and whispered distressedly: "Everyone is exhausted today, stop sewing."

   "It's alright, you're going into the mountains tomorrow, I'll get you a shin guard." Chen Ningya was working as she spoke, but her movements were not too slow.

  Wen Youshan was so moved that he simply sat down and waited for her, and asked in a low voice, "Miss, are you satisfied with Huang Meng's treatment today?"

   "How do you say that?" Chen Ningya paused for a moment, and glanced at Wen Youshan strangely.

Wen Youshan smiled and said: "That's right. I'm worried that you let Huang Meng go against your will because of the village chief's words, but it's really not easy for the village chief to worry about the village over the years. Help, so don't be angry, if you are not satisfied with this treatment, I can beat Huang Meng hard when he leaves the village."

  Wen Youshan clenched his fist and his eyes changed immediately.

Chen Ningya chuckled, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who would feel wronged? Don't worry! I know the importance. From the beginning, I never thought about getting people into the yamen, I can only say it was a coincidence. How can you drive people out of the village if you don't say that? And I didn't tell you about something. I guessed yesterday that the Huang family would not let it go, so I made some preparations. Except for the fence gate, our house has other places. Yuanliang dug a hole and put bamboo thorns in it, not only to prevent thieves, but also to catch a prey or something, no, I caught a big rat!"

   (end of this chapter)

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