Some important news

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Alright here it goes! I'm thinking about doing my own story. Like from the heart kina thing.
Would you all like that? An actual story by me instead of the many many fanfictions I have. I mean I'll still write in my fanfics I'll just have a real story.
And I have a question that is a little strange.
You see I've met had a boyfriend.
And like 99% of my friends have.
They are all giving me wacko info so I decided to ask you all.
So for a while now at my school we have been taking our FSA (Florida Standers Assessment) tests and after my test one of my teachers was out testing other students so my class was split into other classes. So in this class I was sitting at a group across from the 'popular people' and I hear this boy asking another kid in my class "What's that girls name?" And of course he tells him. And he said something very awkward to me. "He said I had cute toes. I was like "Thank you?" and my face got red and everything. Well I don't know if he was flirting or what. I was hoping some of you amazing people might be able to help me because I have no clue.
Yes this is a very weird question to ask and yes I know you would rather have a new update but I need this. I'm so curious because like no guy has ever flirted with me.
My friend named Gabbie told me he was flirting.(girl opinion)
My other friend named Tristan told me he was being a weird stalker.(boy opinion)
Thank you all.
*throws everyone oreos*
Funny fact my nickname at school is Oreo.

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