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Snookums this is the last day are here than we leave for Canada. What would you like to do? I would like to pay my final respects to my dad with you and my sister. Let's eat breakfast and go get your sister. We ordered room service and room a shower.  I called Alexa and told her that would like her to come with us alone to pay our father our final respects ..She said she would meet us downstairs at Vivien's rental in 30 minutes. We ate our food than went to Vivien's rental and my older and biological sister was  waiting for us with kleenex and bottles of water.

Sis thank you for inviting me.  I left David a note telling him where I would be at  Him and his father and uncle are at the gym working out . Yeah they called, but I told Mick I was busy.

As Vivien's driving, Alexa asks us how things are going  with our new dessert life. I responded to my sister as with no complaints. Vivien asks her if she could see her as my future wife or common law wife. She says yes and applauded Vivien for donating what she does. Vivien smiles and parks the rental. We get out and go to his grave site and sit and just talk to him while Vivien sits with us holding us both as we cried . She tells Alexa she knows the feeling of losing a parent so soon. We eventually get up and head back to hotel to pack our stuff. We face timed everyone except Vivien and the Schumachers to inform them we were going downstairs to leave for the airport and thanked them. I told them the three of us went to pay our final respects to our father Chris .

We left to downstairs and my immediate family, Aunts all four of them including Candace were waiting for us.

Vivien I would like to talk with you privately before you leave.

I think you should have her tell her parents you two are dating so they can get use to it. I am here to support you. Thanks.

I whisper in Hollie's ear.
Mom, dad and family I am dating Vivien.  My parents hugged us well as everyone else.

Vivien you take care of my daughters heart and treat her well.  I will Amanda . You two take care of yourself and enjoy your dessert. Dad . Hollie you are the legal age to have dessert without Vivien getting into legal trouble.  Thanks dad.  We are not niave to think you won't.  Thanks mom. My family told us to text them when we landed in Canada.  My mother gave me the house keys so we could go look at the property   and the password and code to the alarm. MY mother said our father would drive my car back to Frisco Thus, I handed her my car keys and we left.

It took us close to 8 hours than another hour to land and Vivien to drive me the Schumachers to follow us to my home.

It took us close to 8 hours than another hour to land and Vivien to drive me the Schumachers to follow us to my home

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Wow this is nice. We park and I unlock the front door and deactivate the alarm.

Sis this is nice..
I see that let's look around and I will take photos of the rooms to be painted and or renovated.  We went in the backyard to see the beauty.

We finally leave afterwards and I have taken all the notes I wanted done

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We finally leave afterwards and I have taken all the notes I wanted done . Do any of you guys know of a good contractor who is reasonable and won't try to get over on me. I am young but know what I want.  I don't want anyone to take advantage of me. I will rent it out when it is done. Yes but Vivien has been wanting to move out. Vivien you interested in renting it? It depends if its a good price or not? I will not do something you cannot afford but you will have cover the upkeep and all utilities and alarm.  I will cover the pool maintenance and the yard work. I believe it's a deal then . I will have my father to draw up a rental agreement for a year and a deposit first and last will be needed.  I will have the locks and alarm code changed too. Snookums how about I move in this week and the contractor can work around me. It looks like you don't have too much changes so it could be done all this week why you are here.  You can have some furniture bought if you like for the master bedroom and I will bring my bedroom furniture over .  Will you guys help me move my stuff in tomorrow before we have the race the following day. Yes, you have a an extra day. The guys have one tomorrow  morning. Thank you. Sis we have some shopping to do. Sounds like fun.
Let's eat an early dinner. I will drive you and your sister where you want.  Babe you can take my jeep too. Okay thank you.

We leave to go eat after Vivien and Hollie leave their luggage in the hallway.
Rafl got a hold of a contactor for me and he would meet us tonight at nine so we could do some shopping.  I contacted my father and he said he would set up the rental agreement and a bank account for the checks to be deposited each month for taxes, maintenance and for savings for me. This would be a separate account than my regular savings account .

We eat at a Italian restaurant  than head to drop off my luggage at David's home and to get his jeep. We follow Vivien to the stores we found online she and the Schumachers suggested. My father gave me a credit card in my name that I use for emergencies to use which has unlimited charging power . We made it to all the stores. They would deliver the items I ordered tomorrow and we take the other items back to the house to meet tje contactor.

We unload everything and Edward the  contractor arrives in his truck.

We go outside to meet him and my sister starts telling him what she wants done

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We go outside to meet him and my sister starts telling him what she wants done. He gives her the estimate and  how much paint and tile is needed. She charges several thousand on the credit card to get him started. He leaves as well as I.
Sis remember we have to be up early so we can go grocery shopping and eat breakfast. So don't stay awake too long with dessert.  Love you.  We won't and I love you too .

We hug and kiss and she leaves to David's home where  he already put his address in the jeeps GPS before we left to go shopping .

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