Twenty-nine: Lake House

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"My parents said they'll pick you up at your house." Dustin tells me as he drives me home from school. He had insisted on dropping me off at my house, saying he needed to tell me the plan for tomorrow.

I shake my head in response to his statement.

"Why not? We aim to leave at seven and picking you up would be on our way out, making it easier for everyone. Plus, my parents want to meet yours."

Good luck with that.

I shake my head again and Dustin sighs. "You're incredibly stubborn. I swear, it's not a hassle for us to pick you up."

I don't know how tell him that my parents are dead and my caretaker is at rehab without completely exposing my home life... so I lie.

Well... omit the truth?

No, I'm lying.

My parents are on a business trip. I type into my phone. He slows down the vehicle, glancing at my screen.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Business trip?"

I nod.

He looks skeptical but then shrugs noncommittally. "Okay. We can still pick you up though."

I shake my head but he gives me a stern look. "We're picking you up."

Leaning back, I sigh, giving in.

I had stayed up for most of last night trying to decide what to pack.

Faith was easy: formula, toys, a blanket and clothes. She has more variety in her closet. Me? I have mostly long sleeve shirts, and hoodies. Nothing appropriate for spring break at a friend's lakehouse.

I can't comfortably wear anything sleeveless when my arms are covered in scars along with the rest of my body.

Why did I agree to this?

The ringing of the doorbell almost makes me scream as I hastily shove the remainder of my clothes into the back-pack.

I stumble down the stairs with my two bags and a baby strapped to my front, opening the door with a way too cheery smile.

"Good morning," Dustin says. "You ready?"

I nod.

"Need help?"

I shake my head but he still takes the bags from me. I lock up the house, suddenly feeling very self-conscious about everything.

The bags I have are old and they look it. Dust still rests in the crevices that I missed when cleaning them off. A zipper is broken on the back pack. Gosh, I'm such a mess. I swallow, trying to ignore the embarrassment bubbling in my stomach.

"Good morning!" Mrs. Alina greets cheerfully. She's in the driver's seat while her husband sits in the passenger seat.

"Hey, Blade." Miriam says to me from the back seat.

Dustin slides in next to his sister, buckling in his seat belt.

"Does she have a carseat?" Mrs. Swaz asks, looking uneasy as I unstrap her from  her carrier.

I shake my head. I totally forgot about a car seat. I'm such a bad caretaker. She's just six months. What's wrong with me?

"Let me hold her," Miriam pipes up distracting me from my spiraling thoughts. She doesn't wait for an answer before taking Faith from me.

"Dustin, you're the dj," Mr. Charles says.

"Of course, Dad."

He picks a song and we take off for our two hour drive.

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