Fourteen: Paper Thin Walls

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The loud scream cutting through the air  jolts me awake. My eyes struggle to adjust to the darkness of my room as I groggily search for my phone. Another sudden shout startles me again, this time waking up Faith. I find my phone, squinting from the brightness of the screen. 


Faith starts crying, and the sound of glass shattering makes me cringe.

They're fighting.

I flip on the light in my room, my eyes protesting from the sudden brightness. I pick up Faith, rocking her in attempts to get her back to sleep. 

"Fuck you, you stealing ass bitch!"

The muffled shouting from Todd and loud cries of Melissa make me nauseous as my heart thunders in my chest. The thuds I hear causes my breathing to go ragged.

"Where is it?!" I hesr Todd demand. Their vocies are muffled from the wall but I can still make out what's being said. That only means that their fight is a bad one.

I hold Faith close, trying to shield her from the sounds. Why must the walls be so paper thin? Rocking Faith as I pace the room makes her stop crying, her eyes droop as she chews her hand. I know if I put her down she'll fuss so I sit on my bed with her in my arms.

Melissa's door slams shut and my body tenses as the heavy footsteps get closer. I exhale in relief when they pass my door and the downstairs door slams. 

The house is silent now and Faith lulls off to sleep, her head resting on my chest. I hold her a bit longer before laying her back in her crib. 

I use the lamp on the desk and attempt to finish up some homework, hoping it'll put me to sleep. 

I never end up going back to sleep which resulted in me finishing most of my assignments. Unfortunately, I'm exhausted and will be in a foul mood at school. It's almost six meaning Faith will wake up soon. I use the few minutes I have to begin getting ready knowing it'll be easier since she's asleep. 

When I hear Faith's cry, I pick her up and she smiles, reaching for my hair that is wildly flowing off my head. I haven't gotten around to combing it yet. 

I begin mixing her a bottle, continuing to get us ready for the day.

After Faith is fed and changed along with myself, I grab our bags and walk downstairs, making a stop in the kitchen since I've gone another two days without eating. 

I make toast, holding it up after taking a bite so Faith can't grab it. 

I drop my food in surprise when I see Melissa sitting on the stairs, her head leaning on the railing. Her face is swollen and dry blood is stuck around her nose and lips.

This is the worst I've seen her. Usually she has a bruise or two but never this bad. I put Faith down, stumbling over to help her. I gently put a hand on her shoulder making her flinch. Her one good eye opens and I see tears brimming her lid.

"Couch," she murmurs, her voice sounding raw. I put her arm around my shoulder, lifting her up. She leans into me and I almost lose my balance but I manage to make it into the living room and ease her onto the couch.

The living room table is filled with an assortment of pills, bottles and cigarettes. "Yellow bottle," she whispers, groaning after. I scan the table, finding a yellow bottle. I don't know what it is but I assume it's a pain killer of some sort.

"Fuck!" She cries out. I turn around and she is trying to stand on her own, her legs seeming to give in.

She needs to go to the hospital.

I find a random pen and piece of paper, jotting my thoughts down and showing her. Her good eye barely opens, reading the words before she shoves me away. 

"I'm fine." She inhales sharply. "Yellow bottle." I hand her the yellow bottle and she pours two tablets into her hand, wincing with each movement.

I grab the half empty bottle of water and give it to her so she can swallow the pills easier.

She leans over, resting her head on the cushions, falling asleep.

Sighing, I run my hand down my face. I guess I'm taking the day off.


It's hard enough taking care of a baby, but adding a beaten up adult makes it harder. I had cooked lunch for Melissa, vegetable soup since I thought it would be easiest to go down. She barely ate five bites.

I had to literally spoon-feed her the broth, her body too weak to even hold up a spoon. Todd really did a number on her. She could barely stand, having to use me as a prop to keep her upright. It's like taking care of another baby but the baby is a stubborn adult.

I will have to miss a couple days of school to take care of Melissa meaning I'll be falling behind. More work for me. 


I have to clean her wounds soon. She still has dried blood on her face and extensive bruising on her abdomen. She needs proper medical attention, but she refuses to even let me dab her face with damp cloth.

When she's asleep, I quietly set up my station to clean her wounds. I don't know much about medicine but the basics I've picked up, I learned from dealing with my own injuries over the years. I gently pat the wet cloth on Melissa's face, softening the dry blood to wipe it away. Her nose looks broken but she'll need to go to the hospital to get it fixed, so I clean around it.  

She has a couple small cuts on her face and severe bruising. I could feel how painful it is by looking at it. After shexs mostly cleaned up, I go to check on Faith who I put down for a nap on the floor a few feet away from me.

She's still asleep-- laid out on her back, her arms and legs splayed out like a starfish. She's such a bed hog.

I sit on the floor next to her, processing the events of the day, anxiety gripping me.

Why does everything have to be so complicated?


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