Three: Empty Glass

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Another Monday. Another week to dread. The only good thing about a new week is that it means I'm one step closer to getting out of here. I don't know what my future holds, but I do know my present has nothing good.

"Well if it isn't the town's favorite mute," Alice sneers as I pass her locker. I sigh, ignoring her jeers in hopes that she won't harass me.

I am pushed to the ground. It's not even eight o'clock and I've already made friends with the floor. I hadn't eaten in almost two days and got about seven hours of sleep this weekend. Today is not the day. No day ever is.

I hear Alice giggling behind me and her boyfriend Josh hoots with his friends. I try pushing myself off the floor, but it's clear they aren't amused enough when Alice pushes me back down. For a school that has zero tolerance for bullying, they're seriously horrible at regulating it. When I try to get up, Josh pushes me down again this time.

I want to scream.

"If you touch her one more time, I will break your nose." The stern comment catches me by surprise. I look up, stunned that someone would actually help me. Dustin is standing right infront me, glaring at Josh.

"New guy's got balls," Josh laughs, clearly not threatened.

"And I know you don't have any based on your piece of shit attitude."

"That sounds like a challenge." Josh takes a step towards him. I breathe a sigh of relief when his foot is no longer pressing into my spine. They glare at each other for a minute until Alice groans.

"Come on babe, just knock kick his ass and let's go. I'm already over this."

Like the perfectly trained puppy he is, he raises his fist and swings. It happens quickly, but Dustin easily evades, swiftly uppercutting Josh.

"You're gonna regret that, fuck face." Josh growls, lunging for Dustin who grabs him by the shoulder and punches his face. The sickening crunch confirms the earlier promise of a broken nose.

By now, a crowd had gathered. Audible gasps and whispers fill the space. I manage to get up, shocked by the events before as I slowly back away.

Josh is hunched over, his face bloody and he groans in pain.

"I told you to back off." Dustin's voice has a remarkably calm tone.

"Fuck you!" Josh makes another attempt to hit Dustin, grazing his cheek with his fist. He is sloppy from his injury, so the swift kick to the gut causes him to sprawl on the floor.

"Try again next time." Dustin walks off, and I scamper off as well. I'm not going to stick around to see how Josh handles humiliation.


"You're welcome, by the way."

The voice startles me. Surprised to hear someone talk to me on my walk home.

Dustin walks beside me, his hands in his pockets and his head tilted curiously at me. "You"re really not much of a talker, huh?"

I shake my head.

"Well," He lifts his hands and signs 'What's your name?' He does it slowly, as if he is trying to remember the right way to move his hands. I notice that his fingers are decorated with rings and woven bracelets rest on his wrist.

Caught off guard by him signing, I stare at him for a moment before pulling myself together. I take my notebook out of my bag; writing the words 'Call me Blade' onto a back page of my notebook before showing it to him.

"You're a weird one, Blade." He gives me a smile. "I like it." He waves, walking off.

I watch as he walks away, pushing down the hopeful feeling that claws at my heart. I can't look at a glass half full when it's empty.


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