Nineteen: Bees

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This chapter is dedicated to UrM0Ms-house-4-LIFE. Just wanted to let you know I see and appreciate your support so much! Thank you


I'm craving ice cream.

I never have cravings. Even when I'm on my period; to randomly want ice cream in the middle of the day is beyond unusual.

I'm in chemistry which is already unbearable to begin with, and only being able to think about ice cream makes it next to impossible to concentrate.

Maybe I'm getting my period so that's why I'm having such intense cravings.

I do my best to ignore my base desires so I can focus on taking notes. I'm mostly successful.

The crackling of the loud speaker catches the attention of the class as our principal gives an announcement.

"Good day, students. This is the last session of the day as classes have been cut short due to a bee infestation. Classes will resume on Thursday."

The buzzer sounds and other students waste no time in leaving. To avoid being trampled, I wait until most of the class is cleared out before going, taking my time to pack my bag while I wait.

"We're going on an adventure." I gasp quietly at the sudden sound of Dustin's voice. He gives me a cheeky smile. "Didn't mean to scare you... or did I?"

I roll my eyes at him, unable to stop the small smile on my face. I pull out my phone typing in 'What's the Adventure?' and showed him the screen.

"I can't tell you yet because it's a-" he pauses, grinning at me while he moves his hands to sign. 'Surprise'.

I chuckle, typing 'You're ridiculous' into my phone.

He looks at me in faux offence. "Hey. I'm trying my best here." We walk to his car, him opening the door like the gentleman he supposedly is.

"You're the DJ again," he says, handing me his phone.

I start with the same song from the last time.

"So you do like this song." Dustin states proudly. I shrug, typing 'it's a good song' into my phone. I don't usually listen to music so the only time I hear music is when I'm with Dustin.

We stop in front of the all girls high school a few blocks away from our campus. I give Dustin a questioning look to which he winks at me. "We're breaking my sister out of here."

He has a sister?

He laughs at me which means I'm probably looking at him like he's crazy. "You are now officially a part of operation Break Miriam Out."

I shake my head. No way am I helping him.

"Relax. I already texted Mir. She's coming out in three... two..." Just then the gate opens and Miriam steps out, smiling widely when she sees us. She's wearing her school uniform which is a burgundy plaid skirt, white button up and burgundy blazer. "One."

"Hey guys!" she greets enthusiastically as she slides into the car. "Drive!"

Dustin wastes no time pulling out of the driveway and speeding off.

"Blade meet Miriam. Miriam meet Blade." Dustin says, fist bumping his sister.

"Nice to meet you, Blade." Miriam says and I nod in response, smiling at her.

"God, that class was so boring. I'm so happy you texted me that the school had an infestation so you can rescue me." Miriam says, pulling off her blazer.

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