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Rain's POV

I grabbed my luggage out of my room and passed by one of our hallway mirrors. I examined myself. I had long brown hair, brown eyes and have a petite built. Everything average, I thought. I was nowhere near special, I commented as I stared back at my ordinary brown pair of eyes. Thank God though that I'm a werewolf, at least I have one thing that I can boast about. Imagine if I was a human and I'm still as average as I am today, I'd be classified as an outcast, someone unsuitable to be part of any group. Then I wouldn't meet any of my friends, I wouldn't be living in this pack house in which I have so many memories in. I wouldn't even be happy. But then again if I was normal, I wouldn't have to go away in a school to study combat and the such. I groaned then went on my way,too much thinking can lower down my self esteem and I don't need a low self confidence right now. Especially that I'm going to a school in which I don't know any single soul. My parents and all the other pack members including Alpha Green's family are waiting for me just outside the pack house.

I opened the door that will lead me to hell, and exhaled.Everyone was there giving me nods, my mother smiling but tears running down her cheeks,Father just right beside her comforting her and trying to make her stop being so emotional with me leaving. I smiled Good luck with that Dad, You're never gonna make her stop crying I bet. My best friends were also there, smiling at me with teary eyes. Jeez. They know I'm gonna die. All the other werewolves though were only there giving me appreciative nods, like they're acknowledging my braveness.psh. Don't they know there are certain rules and boundaries on sending a representative that so happens is why I'm stuck in this situation? and as if I'll be doing this in my own will. It took every bit of respect I had in myself to control and not shout the truth about me being forced in this. I was forced you idiot! were the only words I wanted to say at the moment so I kept my mouth shut.

I remembered the talk I had with my father the time I found out that I was the chosen representative to die. Well technically, to study and represent my pack. But seriously?I'm gonna die out of humiliation. I just know ,okay?

(Play the video, Not about Angels by Birdy from the movie The Fault in our stars now please)

The moment mom told me I was leaving I went to my father's study as fast as my werewolf abilities could take me,I saw him sitting on a leather chair most likely to be dealing with Pack Matters since he is the right hand of the Alpha in these things. I closed the door behind me, then cleared my throat. It seemed to have gotten his attention since he averted his eyes from the papers on his desk to me.

"Father, I don't want to die" I told him.

"You're not gonna die Rain, you're just going to school what's so wrong about that? You're good with school aren't you?" he replied. I took a seat just in front of his desk,and looked at him into the eyes.

"But dad, it's academics, we're talking about combat and saving lives here! I'm no good at that!" I complained. He growled.

" What do you want me to do then? send that no good for nothing son of our third-in-command? He lost his mate, he's emotionally unstable. He won't bring honor to the pack. You're the only one appropriate for this job Rain,now please don't disappoint me again.We both know where that got you and him' he said the word 'him' as if he was wasting his saliva just by saying that pronoun. I wanted to say 'oh you mean my 'brother', your son?' but just shut my eyes and left the room. Every time my Father brings that topic up from the past I literally know that the conversation is done. And that no matter what I do, his decision will stand firm.

Wind Jackson is my one and only brother, the soon to be beta to take my father's place. Well used to be. Ever since we were kids Wind and I have always been the best of friends, he would warn any guy that would come near me, he was over protective but I know he was only doing that because he didn't want to see me hurt and I wasn't bothered by the fact he was driving hormonal boys away, I was too young to fall in love anyway. One day though, when he started high school and I was still in fifth grade, he went home drunk. It seemed then that he most likely came from another pack, since our pack had rules to not have a party if there was no special occasion, yes, it might sound like a total kill joy for teenagers but nevertheless each one understood where it was coming from. Parties make friends and enemies. Friends means groups. Enemies means complications. Complications means war. And war means a ruined pack. I confronted him that night, and he told me that he was only having fun with some of his new friends from the other pack that he met at one of his classes in school. It didn't seem much of a shock to me though since our high school was shared with another pack, the blue star pack. And from what I heard they did not have the same boundaries we have in our pack so they most likely must have thrown a party every time the hell they like to. I told him to not do it again, and he promised not to and I believed him since so far he hadn't broken any promises he has made to me at all. But then it got worse. He started skipping school and most of the time came home at 4;00 am in the morning. Then I found out that he was not with some pack members from the blue star pack, he was with rogues. And those rogues turned him into a bad person. A stranger. A devil like what others refer to him now.Father scolded him,grounded him even. Dad also told me to tell me everything that's happening to Wind during his so called 'lock down' while he's away for a meeting with the other neighboring packs.

of course, I promised... and of course I broke it.

On the second night on Wind's lock down I found him messing with the lock on his window. With hesitation I asked him what he was doing. He told me he realized he was wrong. He told me he was gonna change and that he wanted to say good bye to his so called peers, since at some part they really were his friends. I didn't know what to do at that time. But the moment he stared into my eyes with a pleading look, I knew I was a goner. I told him that he needs to come back and he promised. Then I let him off . but then I realized that I made a mistake. So I followed his scent. I found him though, he was laughing off with his friends. I told him he needed to go home now since mom and dad might find out he's gone. He just laughed at me though and told me seven words I never even thought was an option

'You need to give up on me' then he left and became a rogue just like his friends. That person who once was an angel turned into a devil. His heart full of love, now filled with hatred and darkness. My brother turned into an unknown stranger who slowly ruined me. How unfair could life get? Ever since he left and became a rogue Father didn't acknowledge that he has a son anymore, or even 'had' a son. He was also deeply disappointed with me that it seemed like I betrayed his trust. And because of 'that' I'm still paying the price that I have to pay. For betraying my father, for trusting my brother. And that's the sole reason, why I'm doing everything in my will to avoid being a disappointment...again.

I put my luggage into the car that would lead me to hell. I turned to my mother and hugged her, I was gonna miss her so much. I turned to my father and hugged him too. I'll miss him too you know. My father did everything he can do for Wind. Even if it hurt him to see his beloved son change and put into lock down he still did what he thought was best for him even though it was emotionally killing him bit by bit. If only I wasn't so weak. If only...

'You're gonna be alright there Rain, you're gonna make us proud' mom told me. While father only gave me a reassuring smile and I shot one back. I entered the car and waved goodbye to the ones I'll be leaving here. To the memories. To Wind.

Then a funny thought came across my mind- The devil was finally going to hell.

The only thing I forgot though, was hell is heaven for the devil.

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