Training 2

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Rain's POV

 Gym. I'm more than sure that humans created that place to experience there future in hell, because seriously talking, that room is a mini hell . Nina and I trained the whole weekend, and ever since Saturday Morning I have been sweating furiously. But I actually wanted to give that place a credit though, ever since I've been training I haven't experience Insomnia in a while now and have been sleeping like a baby for the past night with a dried drool on my face every time I wake up in the morning. Eww I know, but it was actually very refreshing. Now in the present time,on a Sunday afternoon, Nina and I locked ourselves one last time to review everything I have learned so far and to use it tomorrow to impress Sir Dustin so that he can't see any kind of excuse to write me a big fat F on a pad of paper using a red pen anymore. After reviewing everything I have done so far Nina smiled at me then said that I needed to take a long awaited rest so that I can do my best tomorrow. She actually sounded pretty much like my mom when she said that. Creepy...

When we arrived in our room, she told me she'll take a shower first since she was smelling already. I told her that she really needed to take a shower, because she really does smell then she just laugh me off and told me that I too was smelling,I just rolled my eyes. Sometimes Nina could be such a liar, not that I don't smell, I admit that I do but... anyways, when I was about to sit on my bed to wait for Nina to go out so that I can take my turn in the bathroom, I noticed a white envelope, neatly sealed , sitting on my bed, at the back was my name written in cursive. I opened it and read what was inside.

'Meet me tomorrow at the garden at 5 am in the morning to take your test

Your teacher,


I sighed,I guess this was really it. Good luck to me then.


At five in the morning, I shouldn't be roaming around the academy like a burglar looking at my surroundings from left to right afraid to let anybody see me. But the cruel truth is, I am. Yes, I am roaming around the campus like a sneaky thief who has just stole something very important from the academy. Finally though after hiding temporarily from several posts and moving forward when my brain signals it's safe I finally arrived at the garden, just spotting Dylan standing beside a pot of roses.

''Finally you came, I was thinking about giving you an F'' he told me jokingly, I just smiled.

''Let's begin?'' I asked and he nodded his head and rubbed his hands together creating a small distance between his thighs as he bent down a little on his knees.

''Let's fight'' he started. Then smiled mischievously.

Dustin steps forward and throws a straight punch. I sidestep, snatch hold of his wrist, and twist around in time with his punch. l fling him completely off balance, using his own momentum, while I whirl around, and twist his wrist toward the outside. Though he did not flip over like the classic theatrics in a Seagal film, but I think his wrist was close to breaking and because I didn't want to stop it there, I let him go and created a distance between us. Hopping from one side to another to continue showing what Nina has showed me and what I remember so far...

I walk towards Dustin and throw a front kick straight up against his chin as hard as I can. Nina told me that I will likely break Dustin's jaw, crush his larynx, shatter his teeth, or force him to bite off his tongue, with a heavy sigh, I decided to step to the side, grab Dustin's arm, and sling my forehead into his nose. I know it wouldn't hurt him so much so I had the nerve to do it but it will shatter Dustin's nose if I did it just like how Nina showed me to.

Dustin then raised his hand signalling that he was done and that he will decide my fate now. Damn. I can feel my body shaking...

''You've showed me enough already Rain'' he says while holding his nose with his right hand. I came near to him with a worried expression. Damn! Was I too hard on him, I didn't know I was even that strong...

''Are you okay? Did I really hurt you that much?'' I ask while trying to get a glimpse of his covered nose. Then he laughed his ass off and turned to me with a funny look.

''Don't believe in yourself too much, last time I saw you,you can't even kick me'' he says then leaves me in the garden alone. I rolled my eyes at the memory of myself crying. I even thought at first that he was an understanding guy and that he figured that something was causing my memory of something very sentimental trigger so I couldn't function well at my first combat test but here he proves to me on the spot that he has a very delusional heart. As if he's a really really really great fighter himself...... is he?

Thinking of how much time in the morning I have spent here already I decided to go back to my room and let the warmth and comfort of my bed fill me with happiness, when I was going back though, I thought I saw a shadow hiding behind the lamp post but when I looked behind it, I didn't saw anything, not a living soul to spill his or her mouth about me taking a second combat test so I just shrugged it off letting myself believe that I must be tired from the test earlier that I must have been imagining and seeing things. I really should sleep. I told myself, and even before I can think how it went earlier, wanting to analyze if I did good or not I fell asleep almost immediately. Last thing I remember thinking about though was Dustin's face, his right hand still covering his nose like earlier and the funny yet weird look he was giving me too.

I guess it's safe to say that I slept with a big smile on my face.

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