Tell me your past 2

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Rain's POV

"Why should I?"

That one question was Dustin's reply. While he still had his gaze on me intensely.I stood there in silence thinking of a good enough reason to give him. Why should I? Because I'm curious?You should tell me because it's bugging me? You should tell me because I'm interested with the situation? Or pretty much You should tell me because I'm an idiot who can't mind my own business?!


If he didn't even ask me that, I wouldn't even be thinking about it right now. I blinded myself with the reason that I'm doing this because my instincts tell me it's the same reason on why he's helping me. But somehow deep in my heart, I know there's something more to it. I just don't know what.

"Because I want to know you better" are the words that I found myself blurting out. That will have to do for now,I thought since I still can't tell what that more meaningful thing is.

He shot me an eyebrow then smirked.

"I seem to be rubbing on you more than I thought" he says, I rolled my eyes. I know what he was doing, he was distracting me. PSH. As if.

I put my hands on my waist and turned to him with a serious face pasted on it.

"You are not distracting me Dustin, c'mon. Please, tell me." I begged.

He looked down on the ground then back at me, he let out a heavy sigh first then nodded his head and grabbed my hand to lead me to the apple tree and we sat under it, I look at Dustin and he was looking up at the stars, he would have looked dreamy if only he wasn't too cope up with the things surrounding him.

I bit my lower lip in dismay. I don't know pretty much anything valid enough for Dustin to share me personal stuff and all but here I am demanding it to just come out from his mouth in an instance.  But I just can't continue going on ignoring the side of me that really wants to know, I told you already, I have trust issues with the people surrounding me, it's not that evident with my friends back at the pack because I trust them fully and I know all their secrets simply because I was their confident, the listener of the group. And I liked it. Because as the listener, I knew things other people didn't. I liked knowing things... as much as I hate not knowing them. 

''I know where you're coming from with this Rain, I mean if I was you I would want to know what the heck is going on too. I would snoop my little way in the leak just to catch a glimpse of what the hell is freakin running through our minds. But you see, I just can't tell you stuff this early,maybe in time but not right now'' he started off. I looked at him with complete awe and realization in my eyes.

The guy sitting right next to me under an apple tree looking up at the stars not even sparing me a glance was one hell of a mystery. Even though the scenery right now had this kind of romance and cheesiness we only see in movies or imagine and read in books it wasn't what I was feeling and clearly he didn't feel the aura too. 

I nodded my head, funny when I think about it that a minute or so earlier I was trying to wiggle my way inside his head and read his thoughts and what was going through that mind of his that seems to not only be bothering his but also my room mate's mind set too. But now, it is a completely new eerie since I find myself letting it go and accepting the fact that I can't be this generation's Nancy Drew. I feel like I have a personality disorder or whatever.

''But I guess I do owe you a reason'' he blurted out all of a sudden. I raised my chin just in time for him to look down at me with my petite frame and I can't help but feel all giddy inside again. Seriously?! What is going on with me?

''Listen Rain, because you won't find me repeating this words to you willingly ever again..'' he trails off.

'' I have a sister. Or maybe I had. Her name was Daisy. She was like you, a nerd but the lovely kind, the special kind. I loved her because she was the only one who can make me laugh and not be so uptight with things. She was my daisy. and I made it my mission to take care of her. I promised her that no matter what happens I will always put her first. That she will always be my first priority before anything else. When Daisy became a senior though, she changed, she became popular, she met with new friends but had one best friend. My mother hated that best friend of hers since she thought she was a bad influence to my sister. One day, Daisy went home and asked mom permission if she can go on an outing with that best friend of hers since it was that friend's birthday. Mom didn't agree. Because at that time rogue attacks were getting bigger and bigger in our area. But Daisy sneaked out. She went with that friend and of course I followed her, but when I got there it was too late they were already attacked and I- uh I didn't save her in time-'' he turned to me and I don't know but the light of the moon reflected his tears

''now I'm alone and she's dead, that's why I want to help you Rain. Because I see my sister in you''

I let silence cloaked over us, but in my mind I knew something had triggered that part of my brain to be alive again...

Apart of me knew somehow...


that friend he was talking about had something to do with Daisy being dead...

and I think strongly...

that it was part of the important half Dustin didn't spare telling me...

and here I go again...

round and round the roller coaster


I need to find out.


Hello there :) Okay, I know, I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN WHAT SEEMED LIKE YEARS! But you gotta spare me some load here since I just experienced some severe writer's block, and I was busy with other stuff too.  I hope you don't give up on this book. I hope you don't give up on me! Anyways, to those who would like to read. ILMAB or I love my Alpha Brother. I would have to majorly WARN YOU. Right now, the books is consisting of DRAFTS that doesn't make that much sense as it did in my mind. I was 12 years old writing that book and I'm not experienced and the such so please when you read it, don't go thinking why is this different with this book.  I hope you understand and if you do find the time to read it then THANK YOU!

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