Slut and a Whore

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Rain's POV

''Ms. Jackson?'' The teacher called for me, I averted my eyes from the knife I was holding to her face. She placed her hands on her hips and gave me a worried look. I know what she was thinking. I know that I'm distracted and it's coming off see through, but no one can really blame me. I just saw my mate, who doesn't really act as my mate, but nevertheless my mate make out with another woman. It's just as bad as having a mistress even though we're not even married and have yet overcome the 'get to know each other stage' but at least he should have had enough decency to acknowledge that he has a mate, I can deal with the fact that I don't fit his expectations and his well built reputation in the werewolf society as what everybody has expected his mate to be, like Lizzie McAdams, I can deal with that shit. But by acting as if I don't exist on planet earth and continue searching for aids to get infected, I just can't accept that. I don't have it in me to swallow it like it's not a huge lump in my throat when it really is. She went near to me and patted my back and sighed.

''I think you need to rest for the day Rain, you're not clearly in the mood'' she told me, and I nodded my head and forced myself to deliver the fakest smile I could deliver at the moment. Closing the door to the room of the Proficient group,no one didn't bother to spare me a glace since all of them were busy training and encouraging and pushing themselves to be better than they are now, to be suitable to be part of the A Gang. I mean this is what the whole training academy is primarily for, to find the top 10 most outstanding werewolves in the werewolf society today. I went inside my room and laid in bed, facing the ceiling while my thoughts were traveling every part of the school wondering where Dylan was and did he had lunch or was he as hungry for hamburger and fries as I was. I mentally scolded myself for thinking such things, I also told myself to stop caring about that douche,but the thing is my werewolf and inner conscience was as hard headed a hell and wouldn't listen to what my logic says, well practically is screaming. They just couldn't bring themselves to stop caring about the dick head. They couldn't even try if they want to...sigh.

What's a total bummer? They're part of me. So it means in general when not specified, I cared about Dylan. Oh the horror...When I heard my tummy grumble, I knew what I had to do, I had to have lunch. The lunch that I was deprived from since I though I was in debt to a certain teacher called Dustin.I gladly thought about using my legs and feet first and not further think about lunch since I'm pretty sure I would've though about Dylan and if he had lunch, when clearly he's full. Because since earlier, he was eating Lizzie McAdam's face. I think she tastes like poop. Not a very yummy flavor but I guess boys like it now. It's the new 'it' thing I supposed.

Everyone else where still having classes so the dinning room was isolated. Except if you count me and those weird cafeteria/Dinning room staffs that were shooting me weird looks and practically whispering with each other on how I'm such a psycho girl eating lunch at 3;30 pm.Yes,I'm such a psycho. PSH!

I didn't bother telling them that they're just wasting their saliva talking about me when I seriously don't give a damn, Yes, I'm cool that way.

And gave my full attention on the buffet and picked out what was worth drooling over. I picked up one piece of fried chicken,some salad and an apple I walked over and sat on a table, which was not really hard to find and looked at my plate with satisfaction. Though it was nowhere near with what I was craving for, hamburger and fries , it was worth going down from my room. Oh, the journey...

I was just about to take a bite from my fried chicken when a girl sat at the empty chair across mine. I gave her a questioned look, while she just flipped her hair and rolled her eyes as if she was bored as hell to death here. I gently put down my piece of heaven and eyed the girl, she reminded me of those blonde bimbos you see on television, though it was real shame since the actors didn't do justice in portraying the real ones, the originals. Because in real life blonde bimbos, like what was currently sitting in front of me had way way way more make up than any girl in the right mind would think of applying on her face. It was like a sack of flour fell on her. And don't get me with her lipstick, it was very very very red, not that there's anything wrong with red lipsticks, since they say it does make one look more seductive and sexy than they usually are but this girl in front of me did not look anywhere near seductive and sexy at all! She was very pale, like paler than a vampire could even be and her red lipstick was just weird. and her lips were so, enormous.

''Excuse me? What do you want?'' I asked her, I was trying to be polite to the extent where my subconscious just shut all communications with my logical side. I mean, why was even this girl here in front of me? I did not look like a slut, or do I? See, I told you I lost my self conscious. I'm beginning to think about things I shouldn't even meddle and bother with!

''You're Rain Esther Jackson right?'' she asks me, raising her eyebrows and chewing her bubble gum. Then she blew it, made a balloon in front of me and when she decided to end the life of her bubble gum balloon some of it fell on my food. I watch my food with teary eyes. My little bits of heaven gone in a single blow! I was about to tell her to leave when being the blonde bimbo she is, she interrupted me.

''You are aren't you?''

''What do you want with me?'' I asked her, irritation by her presence and doings now evident in my voice blaring up. I don't even know the name of this girl and I've just seen her for the first time in my life seconds ago but she's already making my blood boil!

''oh, you know. I'm just here to tell you that you're such a slut and a big whore!'' she informed then left with spending another glance at me. I stood up in confusion. I did not know the girl so why was she mad at me all of a sudden?!

Someone needs to tell me what the hell just happened! RIGHT NOW!

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