Easier said than done

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Rain's POV

I was all packed up...

Okay, maybe I did left behind some old baggy t-shirts so that I wouldn't be carrying too much luggage and grow curiosity out from people who might see me in my process of leaving but they're just clothes. I know,a girl's best friend are clothes, not really, they're pretty much diamonds since 99% of the girl population are attracted to those shiny glimmer gems, stones, whatever and my species right now is more rare than ever but you know what I mean when I say I don't need clothes. Let me remind you though, I'm not completely comfortable upon being naked if that's what you're thinking when I said I don't need clothes. Jeez, I really need to stop. This is what I usually do when I'm doing something that makes me nervous as hell, I try to make a conversation that only consists of me and the voices in my head and try to talk about other things to drive myself from the fact that I'm doing something, I shouldn't. In this case, leaving.

I grabbed my bag, and looked at Nina intently. She was sleeping while constantly moving from her right to left side of the bed. I sighed. I know she'll be worried when she wakes up later without me not laying on my bed on the other side of the room like she would always notice me to. I bet she wouldn't even think about the option of me leaving by my own will, I'm sure she'll report to the administrators claiming that I've been kidnapped by rogues or the Easter bunny snatched me up or something. Even though it's not Easter, she'll think about it.

I grabbed the hold of my bag tighter making myself remember why I was running in the first place. I shut my eyelids for a second then opened it after...

I better get this straight, I was leaving this hell hole because Dustin threatened me, well not literally, he just reminded me but... oh sugar puffs! He threatened me, sink that in properly brain. Then the other reason is because Dylan is cheating on me, if we ever did have a relationship in the first place but we did not. ..Stop contrasting me inner conscience! Dylan was, is cheating on me, first with that skunk of a girl named Lizzie McAdams then that red headed girl who looks like a slut the third reason was because I was getting bullied, not that it's a shock since it's been stuck in everyone's minds that the good looking set of people shall and can harm those less looking, eye glass wearing other people or should I say my group of choice, the nerds. And last but not the least, I committed a crime I never even imagined myself doing, I was ultimately flunking my classes. And I was not happy about it. Not happy about it even a bit.

I glanced at my room, hopefully one last time. I smiled bitterly. It seemed like I've spent decades in here when the fact is I've only spent days. I went towards the door knob and twisted it with so much hesitation in my heart that I too was surprised on where I have gotten it from.

The moment I entered the long hallway, I breathed in the air and let it out in one sigh, thinking that it could lessen the nervous feeling on me. Not surprisingly though, it didn't. I walked at a fast pace, telling myself that I should get this over with as fast as I can. The moment I turned right though, somebody covered my mouth to keep me from shouting and and led me to one far corner in which I didn't even know was possible in the first place. When we went into the corner deeper though, I felt broad wide chest against me and that was when I knew it was a man holding me captive.

After a minute or so, when I started calming down because so far he wasn't doing me much harm as I would have imagined, he let me go. My eyes adjusted to the blackness of the corner we were in and when I finally did, I saw the face of my kidnapper.

''Dustin?'' I asked mockingly. Damn, this guy must really hate me so much. Not only did he shouted at me in the classroom earlier, which I should really mention was my fault. But here he tries to kidnap me, not really 'try' since he did accomplished it with flying colors.

''What are you doing?'' he questioned. I shot him an eyebrow.

''Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? Seriously, you hate me this much that you try to kidnap me?!'' I retorted. He rolled his eyes.

''Quite frankly, I'm here because of the opposite" He explained.

''The opposite? Care to enlighten me please?" I demanded him.

''I'm here because I was worried about you, I somehow imagined you leaving because of how fragile you are, and look! I was right. I'm here because I care for you and I know how easy it is for you to give up on things. It's very clear with your personality that you can drop everything in one single blow. You're that kind of person. The type who always loses every battle with faith'' he told me. I shot him a serious thinking face, even though it hurts to admit everything he said was true. I was that type of person who gives up. I was as fragile as a glass. The things is, I was already broken, shattered into pieces, it took me years to glue my whole being back together especially when I face every single day with half a heart. Every day I was incomplete, up until now really.

He held me chin to make me look at him into the eyes.

''I'm here to help you Rain, I want to help you. I know I can but I just can't be the only one who needs to do things for your progress, you need to do one thing that I assure you will help you'' He informed me, I felt sincerity in his voice but I didn't have time to question if it was true or not. I was too eager to hear his answer.

''What is it?'' I asked him, my full attention on his lips to let the words sink in.

''Change'' He muttered.

I immediatly thought...

Easier said than done.

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