Dylan Cammingwel

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Rain's POV

As soon as the car stopped, I knew I was where I was destined to be, hell. I know I might be overreacting like what Father said, that it's really not that bad if you think about it. But seriously though, it's every bit of madness put into one place for me. I don't like being in a place where I don't know anyone. I'm not really the type to socialize, I don't even have the abilities to be a social butterfly, unlike my friends back in the pack. If it weren't for them talking to me when I still had big glasses on in elementary, I might just have stuck with Wind as my friend and I might be even as more of a wreck as I am now. I hated the fact that I'm gonna be a total loner again, that's the reason. I know sometimes or some people want to be alone, but I promise you... no one wants to be alone, no one likes to be alone and no one wants to feel alone. I hop out of the car and stared back at the building in front of me. The so called hell that I will be facing for a long amount of time was standing there, strong and firm. I laughed at the thought. Just like my father.

I entered the main building while carrying my luggage, I was met by an old lady with a crooked smile. Respectfully,I shot her a smile back. She told me that she was my assigned tour guide and that we needed to go to the information room to get my schedule and room number. We entered what somewhat seemed like a mini library with a mahogany desk found in the middle of the room, on what looks like a wooden chair sat a lady with white hair and glasses. She averted her eyes from some magazine to me when she heard the door shut close as I entered. She stood up and shaken my hand so fast that I didn't even know what was happening.

"Welcome to the Training Academy, your name please?" she asked me wile she went to get something in a drawer. I raised an eyebrow. Training Academy? What a nice name to call a school filled with the top 3 strongest families from each pack existing in the werewolf world. Do note the sarcasm.

"Rain Esther Jackson"

She grabbed a brown envelope then closed the drawer she just opened earlier, she opened it, and took a sheet of bond paper. Like me, she also raised her eyebrows and looked at me as if examining me from head to toe. I felt discomfort just by her gaze. It was like she was criticizing me in her mind, saying everything unnecessary for me to know. At those times I felt so small, smaller than Stuart Little even.

"You're the only one I've met so far today with a clean record" she told me. A Clean Record? oh yeah, it may be because of the reality that I'm such a nerd and a massive teacher's pet that I don't even get accused of anything at school. I looked at her with a questioned look. Jeez, I know I'm a great pretender, you don't have to make a fuss about it .I thought.She then gave me the papers I needed as well as the key to my room. I quickly said good bye and went outside. My personal tourist guide following me to where my foot was leading me, though I don't really exactly know where.

"Honey, you might wanna slow down and remember that I'm the tour guide here" she told me after a few more minutes of going nowhere. I paused then nodded my head. I quickly backed my pace, so now I'm the one at her back. Opposite of what was happening earlier with my adrenaline rush.

"Since we're far from your doom room, I suggest we make it our last stop then" She advised. I agreed mentally. Lead the way. She then showed me the gym, the dinning room, auditorium, library and the computer lab. After a tiring tour at the training Academy we were finally heading to my dorm room. My left hand still carrying my bag like what I was doing the whole 45 minutes and my right hand eagerly carrying the door key to open my hopefully safe heaven from this hell. If there is a heaven in hell? When we finally reached my door, my personal tour guide finally bid good bye and I was so happy she did. I was so sick of her bickering how great the training academy is. I just wanted to give her the cold shoulder and tell her I don't care one bit. She really needs to thank my parents for raising me with respect for others. Ugh. I opened the door, and there was already a girl sitting on one bed, so I supposed I should take the one left unoccupied...

"Hi!" A girl with Auburn hair and insanely blue eyes greeted me. I just gave her a smile as a reply then put my bag on my bed since I was already sweating at how heavy it is. I then returned my gaze back to her and her side of the room. On my side was completely neat walls, while hers were filled with pasted posters of celebrities every girl in the entire universe knows, like Ansel Elgort, Zach Efron, One Direction and....

"Who is that?" I asked her while pointing at a poster of a boy I wasn't familiar at all. He had brown eyes, like me.But there was something in them that seemed special. He had kissable lips, very kissable lips. He's a really handsome lad and that grey v-neck t-shirt he's wearing,I just want to rip it off of his body to get much more than a glimpse of his perfectly lined abs and don't get me on his... Jeez, I'm drawn to a person I don't even know. Get a hold of yourself Rain! He's probably a rising celebrity who has girls drooling over him at every corner, A complete player, I'm sure of it!

"Oh him? Well, he's not technically a celebrity, but I'm sure every werewolf knows him, don't you?" she asked me, surprise evident in her voice. Not a celebrity? So who is he then?

"You really don't know him do you?" She finally concluded. I just nodded my head. I know I still don't know much about this girl, I don't even know her name! But she's seriously annoying.......... like my friends back in the pack. Damn. Now I'm home sick. Thank you poster guy.

"He's Dylan Cammingwel, the future Alpha of the strongest pack. The Dark Moon pack. The first of the ten chosen to take part in the A Gang"

Dylan Cammingwel huh?

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