The Ball

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Rain's POV

Inhale, exhale .I command myself. My wolf was howling and telling me to go to her mate and just block him from the eyesight of women, other women, but a part of me was telling me to get out of this room right this instance. Because for one, I don't want him as a mate and for the following reasons... I don't want him as a mate! I always expected I'd have an ordinary mate. That leading man you see in movies, that perfect fiction character guy you read in books, or in my case, just a guy who possibly works at McDonald's as a part time and can get me free nuggets or at least 50% off with everything. But no, the moon goddess had to give me the alpha of the strongest pack and the team leader of the A Gang, also known as a play boy, a dickhead and a man whore. I know I sound harsh with the matter, but I know guys like him, specifically I've read them and I'm no practical nerd who gets lost in his arms while he's trying to prove that he's not as bad as he seems. I'm not a girl who likes that type, period. I might seem so choosy in your perspective, that instead of arguing with my self conscious, I should be thanking the moon goddess for having this brown eyed, sexy, handsome male of a mate but no one can change the fact, not even myself that I'm unhappy and scared. I mean I know how rejection can hurt, I know how it can be the second most dangerous way of destruction. Second because nothing can compete with how love can kill you. Slowly but surely.

I stood up as quickly as I can when I finally convinced my whole well being that I needed to get the hella out of this room before it's too late. Because of how fast I was going with my werewolf speed, I didn't even get the chance to make up a dumb excuse for Nina to believe, like those excuses I used to tell my mother every time I'm feeling lazy and air headed and I didn't have something to be excited with at school. Yes, nerds get lazy with school too.

I was just right in front of the exit when a side of me wanted to turn around and look at his face once more. Of course, no matter what I do I didn't have it in me to resist the sparks, even though I might be the only one between me and him feeling it, I decided to give in with that side. I didn't even had the chance to look for his face. Since the moment that my head turned, he was already staring. You know that saying that goes ' The greatest feeling is when you look at him and he's already staring' well I'm a living proof that that is not one hundred percent true, because the moment our eyes made contact I had this weird feeling in my stomach. It was nowhere near butterflies like what they say in books though, it was like somebody lit a fire in there and they're having a campfire with small voices in my head singing 'You're dead, you're dead. He's looking at you. You're now a reject' Damn. It took every last bit of myself to break our contact. Jeez. It hurts already that I'm the one who broke it first, but I know sooner or later,he would've been the one to cut off our little stare game. Shit. If it already hurts this bad now, I can't even think of how much pain I'll be dealing at the time he'll reject me. I might not survive.

I went back into my assigned room in which I'm sharing with Nina, my room mate whom I just left with at dinner without even uttering a word . Tsk . As I lay on my bed I remember those brown eyes, those eyes that seems like they're searching for something in me. Like I'm a very complicated puzzle that even a superb genius couldn't solve. I groaned. I tried sleeping, I even followed that life hack I found on the internet that says if I blink very fast for a minute it will help me fall asleep. But I've tried it so many times already that night and without avail, I'm still wide awake. And because I'm nowhere near falling asleep and dozing off I can't help but think. He looked at me. He saw me, he knows he and I are mates. That I am very very very sure of. But why didn't he follow me? He didn't even moved an inch when we made contact through our eyes earlier, it's like I'm just another person who's having a bad day and wants to go away. Like I'm just another person who's going in and out of a room. I'm just another person who comes and leaves out of his life, and he's more than okay with it. I laughed bitterly, it was stupid of me to think that he would have the nerve to follow me, it was stupid of me to think that he would feel what I am feeling right now. I'm just such plain stupid.

''Hey Rain, why did you leave?'' I quickly turned around to Nina, she just came in and is closing the door behind her.

''Umm-ah-I'm not feeling so well'' lies.

''Oh, really? Should I take you to the clinic?'' she asked me, she sounded and looked so rattled that she quickly went to the door and twisted the door knob open,waiting for me to stand up on my feet and go with her to the clinic. I would go. If I really was sick. But I'm not. I told you I'm a great pretender. HA!

''No, no. I'm feeling a lot better thanks'' I told her. She looked relieved. And closed the door then sat on one corner on her bed, taking off her heels.

''Well, that's good to hear. Oh! I have something to tell you!'' she exclaimed and started to smile. She was like a rabbit seeing a carrot. Hopping hopping hopping. I raised my left eyebrow to signal her to stop bouncing on her bed and start telling me what she needs to blurt out. She quickly combed her hair using her hand then arranged her side bangs. She then sat on her right corner on the bed so she's facing me in my I-want-to-sleep-but-I-can't-then-you-need-to-tell-me-something-so-spill-it posture.

''Tomorrow,we're gonna start school!'' she tells me while clapping her hands like a little girl seeing a magic trick on a birthday party.

''But wait there's more'' she says.

''Just spill it Nina'' I pleaded her. she giggled once more.

''We're gonna have a ball tomorrow evening!'' Dafuq?

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