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Rain's POV

''Rain, you're not doing that properly!''

My teacher scolded me once again, for the 8th time. I groaned and dropped the knife on the floor. I just can't do it. I just can't focused! I ruffled my hair in annoyance and screamed in the inside, I was in complete and utter frustration right now. I snarled at myself. Well, so much for trying to not flunk my classes, It seems that being a total disappointment is my forte, because no matter what, I unfortunately always seem to do it well, by will or not. I stare back at the human figure cut in whatever fabric or cardboard it is standing there, clearly untouched yet. While all my other classmates were done with this daily assignment I was still stuck in here, in this suffocating room not even hitting one part of the white figure. Damn am I horrible.

I look at my teacher and I know she's on the edge of the cliff, just so close to be pulling all her hair out since I was just a bad student. I looked at the floor. I was disappointed with my actions too if you should ever kindly ask, I don't want this to continue because you see,I have set a goal to be one of the chosen members to take part in the A Gang. To bring honor to my pack, it was my mission and the sad truth is I was yet too flunking it.

The teacher came near to me and patted my back with her left hand, she was biting her lower lip as if pitying the sole sight of me. '' I think you should get some fresh air first, come back after you do Rain, go'' Then she pushed me out of the room. When I finally lifted my head up I was in the middle of the hallway,students looking at me with either the eye, the glare or just merely a simple hint of curiousness. I shook my head, if I've known better the teacher was just ushering me outside so that she can get her moment of peace when she was clearly irritated by the fact that I can't throw a knife from one side of the room to the other.

Even though I was having second thoughts upon following her advice I decided to go through with it anyway, might as well try it when I am given the time enough to. I went outside the building I was currently into and started moving my feet and finding my pace towards the woods. I inhaled deeply, and let it out with just one huff. I hugged myself and brace myself to get all the self confidence I could gather in this walk to have enough self esteem to show up inside that room again. To flunk again...

Just when I was about to go deeper into the woods, I heard an unusual sound that as far as I know is not produced by any living or existent animal that has enough possibility to be roaming around and living in this habitat. And should I have to say that it was far from what I think is appropriate for any child under the right age to hear? I looked from my right side to my left in search for the source of that, when I finally found a big tree with a leg sticking out? I immediately knew what was happening, with a weird look stuck on my face I decided to leave those two love birds alone,they must be two wolves who just figured that they are the others other half and decided to just leap right on one another to get the mating bond a check in the to do list when you find your mate. I was about to take a step towards where my mind is saying is the exit when I heard the girl moan loudly, not that she was not moaning loudly enough, Just that this time, I heard it loud and clear.

''Oh gosh Dylan''

And that was when I froze, I literally froze, like Elsa froze me from afar or something because it really felt like it. Dylan? Surely it can't be 'him'?! He can't be this bad, oh wait- He can. Why was I even fooling myself and trying to convince myself that he can't be a devil when he already is. But even though I find my inner self conscience agreeing with the possibility, I just can't believe in something that I am not the witness to. I need to see it in front of me. I needed to know. Because I just can't judge my mate without a strong base on why I can despise him. With a heavy heart and shaking from time to time due to nervousness, I peeked from the other side of the tree to look at whoever was making out. And true to the devil itself, it was Dylan all sweaty, I watch in horror as his hands roam around the red headed girl's body one was touching her left boob, his thumb making a circular motion on it. I shiver in disgust at the scene I was seeing live.

Surely, this is not the kind of scenery that I would even enjoy looking at.

I made the move my mind first commanded and as I was backing off I can feel tears falling down my cheek, my eyesight getting blurred, When I was finally set off to run though I thought I heard Dylan calling out my name but I just shake the thought off. He can't call me. He can't. He can't when he's too busy coping up with his unfinished business with the red haired slut.

Instead of running back to my room and miss out another class like what I usually do nowadays, I encouraged myself to go back to that room and suffocate myself to death. I'm just joking though. I won't end my life as meaningless as it is right now.

When I entered the room, nobody was in there. I picked up three knives, and just like what Nina advised me to do in the first combat test, I imagined that the white figure was his. Though unlike the first combat test, I had a new target.

I threw the knives across the room and it landed perfectly, one on his head the other on his right chest and the last and my most favorite one was on his heart.

Now he was dead...

Or as I imagined him to be. I was still in the zone of killing and hatred when I heard a loud clapping noise and turned around swiftly to see who was disturbing me...


Was he here the whole time?



I did this as fast as I freakin can, to those of you who has read my other books and might be in complete confusion on why I'm updating more regularly on this one is because I have planned something really important in here that is also a big part to my other werewolf stories. All my werewolf stories are in the same universe, in my imagination so I have made and decided that I would let them interact with one another. This book is highly important in my next future plans so I'm trying my best to finish it as fast as I can. Please don't worry because I will be updating the others :) Just bare with me okay?


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