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Rain's POV

After a few minutes of chit chatting with the auburn haired girl who so happens is my room mate I finally found out her name. She's Nina Samuels, the daughter of the alpha in the Red Wolf Pack, unlike me though she was excited about the fact in studying here in the training academy, she said that her pack has lost a lot of members in a recent rogue attack and that her involvement here can make some future investments to help there pack rise up once again. She also wanted to meet the ever so famous Dylan Cammingwel in which I haven't even heard about. Maybe he really is famous all over the werewolf society but he's never really visited my pack and I wasn't one to mind rumors spreading around. Who knows how dirty the rumors get, it's being passed from one mouth to another. Yuck.

Nina is a really bubbly girl, every time she notices that our conversation is reaching it's end, she thinks about anther thing we can talk about, and we actually found out that we have some things in common- For example we're major book addicts, We're not really a fan of pink, and we both like One Direction and Taylor Swift. We were just finishing talking about Gus from the fault in our stars when the bell rang, at first we didn't mind it because who knows, somebody might just brought a bike in school and thought it was rebel like and 'cool' to ride it in the hallways but then the speaker attached to our room announced that it was time to eat and that we were requested in the 'dinning room' at once. We then decided to head there since we were actually pretty bit hungry with all the talking and touring. Or maybe it's only me.

I was glad that I finally know one soul here in 'hell', but if this training academy is the actual hell, I don't think Nina would be here at all. From my point of view she's a really sweet girl and her main objective here in the training academy is to gather investments from the other pack to help hers, while mine is to get killed and die. oh how crucial. We entered a room with white walls and medium sized table with red velvet colored chairs, the room had big windows and the left side of the room had windows that showed the view of the Training Academy's garden. It was beautiful it actually had every flower I know Rose,Tulips,Orchids... you name it. I'm more than sure that they have it. In the middle of the room, there stood a mini stage with a microphone on it. Me and Nina decided to eat than wait for anybody to make a statement instead. After grabbing two pieces of fried chicken and pork barbeque with orange juice and an apple we searched for an empty table and when we did, we sat and ate. Silence cloaked our table, since we're both busy eating and enjoying the food on our plate. Until the same old lady with white hair and glasses who questioned my clean record earlier climbed up on the mini stage.

'Hello every one, my name is Principal May, and I would like to welcome all of you here in the training Academy' I tried my best to not roll my eyes, but I failed miserably, I don't hate her I just don't like the way she tells the words 'Training Academy' as if it's an ordinary school like the others. As if.

'You are all gathered here today, so that you can start training and we can classify those worthy enough to be in The A Gang''' At that every body went murmuring.

'' Those who will take membership in the A gang will experience joy, gratitude, and honor' They will also experience death.I thought.

'From now on you will-" I didn't get to listen to Principal May's rant because Nina finally opened her mouth to talk after finishing everything on her plate.She pointed her finger at a black haired girl in a ponytail. I raised my left eyebrow to show her I don't get what she's trying to say.

"Jeez, Rain, you really don't listen to rumors' Rumors? no thank you. I don't want my ears to be polluted with that crap.

''That's Lizzie McAdams, a sure member to take part in the A Gang she's got super speed from the Moon Goddess and she's Dylan Cammingwel's rumored girlfriend'' Dylan Cammingwels girlfriend, Sure, I bet they act obnoxiously together. I just nodded my head to show Nina that I'm paying attention. Somehow I wanted her to carry on and tell me more about that Dylan Cammingwel.... now what could that unknown reason be?

Nina then pointed to the guy sitting beside Lizzie with dirty blonde hair. ''That's Greg, he's also a sure to be member, since he has the rare ability in hiding his scent naturally'' then to the girl in front of Lizzie and Greg ''While that girl is Hailey, she's really great with being flexible'' Then I thought to myself how wonderful Nina knows all of the soon to be members of the A Gang, she must see them as people who have 'big investments' written on their foreheads . Not that I'm judging her or anything but she talks about her pack and investing a lot.

''And now to all of you who will be a member of the A Gang, I guess it's time to meet your leader, The Future Alpha of the strongest pack in the werewolf society today...please welcome Dylan Cammingwel'' Principal May says then every one erupts in cheers and howls. Well he sure is famous.

Nina shakes my hand as if thinking that I might not have heard what the Principal said earlier. I just wanted to say I heard Nina, loud and clear. But then again I decided to just keep it to myself. And as if on cue everything seemed to go in slow motion, the opening of the doors and the entering of a handsome lad who I just saw in Nina's poster earlier. While walking towards the stage he decided to walk like's he's in a cat walk. Damn. He just put Sean O'Pry to shame. Finally he got up on stage and said to the microphone.

''Hello team, I'm Dylan Cammingwel' he says, with that sexy voice of his that seemed to gather everyone female and mateless here to feel excited and happy about his presence. Oh heavens, why are you so cruel to me? I' ll do anything.... absolutely anything to keep my wolf from shouting....

'Mate' Holy crap

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