Aftermath Of A Fight - Shino (Angst)

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Note: This takes place right after the bomb goes off in the facility Kol was trying to bring down. Kol fails to execute his fake death as well. This is because Shino used all the light he had left to protect Kol from the explosion. Shino couldn't protect himself too.


Kol coughed. There was so much fire and smoke everywhere. The room Kol was in had been demolished and destroyed by the explosion. It was insane. But somehow, Kol was fine. He wasn't hurt or anything.

Kol sat on the ground with his eyes tightly shut for a moment, before finally opening them. He looked up, only to see a flickering glow. There was a small dome around him. Kol's eyes widened in shock. He recognized the glow. It was light. The dome was made out of light. And Kol knew exactly where it came from.

Almost as quickly as Kol saw it, it dissipated. Vanishing entirely. Kol was shaking. But it wasn't because of any injury. It was out of fear and worry. Kol was being cruel and maladaptive when he placed that bomb. He didn't care about all the lives that would be lost. He didn't care about the damage. All he cared about was destroying the entire facility. He wanted to decimate it entirely.

But now that the frenzy had worn off, Kol realized what he had done. He knew that most of the scientists made it out alive. Some were probably injured. But Kol's friends were still inside when the bomb went off. When Jack used his quirk. The damage would be irreparable.

Kol stood up immediately. His legs were shaking. He surveyed the area, looking for any sign of Shino. His eyes settled on a wall near the entrance to the room. It was stained with blood and was a bit dented. Almost as if somebody was slammed into it. But the force it would take to dent a wall made of steel and concrete... Kol ran over to the area and dropped to the ground. Lying motionless in front of him, was Shino.

Covered in blood and ash. Clothing was tattered and wrecked. The edges of his sleeves were singed, along with most of his shirt. His mask was dented, probably slightly indented or stuck to his face. The mask was singed too. Part of it had fallen off, revealing one of Shino's eyes. Closed. Kol put a hand on the mask and threw it to the side. Surprisingly, it wasn't stuck to Shino's face at all.

Kol felt like he was going to be sick. Not because of what Shino looked like, but because Kol did this to him. Shino wouldn't be the way he was now if Kol hadn't put this insane mission together to blow up an entire facility. If he hadn't done this, Shino wouldn't have come to stop it.

The front of Shino's hair was stained with blood, along with some small wounds on his cheek and neck. Kol moved his hand to hover over Shino's face. He wasn't surprised to see his hand shaking too. Kol felt terrible. He felt as if there was something stuck in his throat that he couldn't get out. A tear rolled down his cheek. Followed by another, and another.

Kol moved Shino's hair out of the way to see a wound to the right of his forehead. Blood slowly trickled down from it. If this was what was currently visible to Kol, he didn't want to see what was underneath Shino's clothing. It was bound to be worse. Kol's breath was short. Occasionally gasping for air. Because of the smoke, and because he was crying.

Kol searched for a pulse. He didn't care if it was weak. He just wanted to feel one. Anything. He needed Shino to live. He didn't deserve to die. Not like this. Not trying to stop Kol.

Eventually, he felt a small pulse. Faint, but there. Shino had a pulse. Kol was so distracted with Shino, he hardly even noticed the door to the room being broken down. Flex ran in shouting Kol's name. Kol's gaze flicked to him. Flex turned and looked back. "Flex, I need help. Please." Kol pleaded. His voice was shaky too. He wasn't surprised. "Wh...S-shino?" Flex stammered. He approached Kol and Shino and kneeled down next to Kol.

Kol's gaze kept going from Shino to Flex. The floor started to shake, and the ceiling started crumbling. "Flex, please. I need to get Shino out of here. I owe him..." Kol whispered. Flex looked at him, and to Shino. He hated what he saw. Shino didn't look good at all, and his best friend was breaking down at the sight of it.

"Ok... I can turn into Kiyo, and use his quirk! It may be the only shot we've got. This place is gonna fall apart any second now!" Flex responded.

Kol was upset and annoyed now. "Every second you keep talking, every second of time we have is being wasted, and Shino will spend it dying! So shut up and help already!" Kol yelled. He wouldn't be satisfied or happy until Shino was in a hospital, and Kol was assured he would be ok.

Flex used his quirk and turned into Kiyo on the spot. He had a bit of trouble trying to activate Kiyo's quirk, but he got a hold of it. He teleported Kol, Shino, and himself out of the building and on the ground next to everybody else outside. Shino was being held in Kol's arms. His limp form seemed small and fragile. The complete opposite of Shino when he's up and about.

Kol held Shino close, refusing to let go of his hold on him. Everybody stared wide eyed at them. Specifically at Shino. Yuki was enraged.

She stormed up to Kol. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" Yuki shouted.

Everybody crowded around Kol. They were asking questions. Flex transformed back into his normal self. Everybody was being loud. Jack stepped in soon enough. "Back off everyone! Let Kol explain. And let go of Shino. Put him on the ground in front of you." Jack demanded. Kol complied.

Yuki had calmed down. Her quirk deactivating. The tight space around Shino and Kol dispelled, but the tension didn't. Kol began to explain everything. From start to end. Questions had been answered, and some new ones arrived. When Kol was finished explaining. Nobody was as angry as they were before. The tension in the air had mostly gone away. All attention was on Shino now.

"We have to do something! Shouldn't we get him to Venus or someone?!" Jack asked. He was in a frenzy, worried for his friend's being. Yuki kneeled down next to Shino. She moved his hair out of the way to see the wound on his forehead. "Does somebody have any cloth or something? Anything that can be used to safely apply pressure." Yuki said.

Kol ripped part of his outfit off. Deep red fabric was in his hand now. He had made sure it wasn't covered in soot or ash. It was clean. "Here." Kol murmured. Yuki took the fabric from him and pressed it to the wound. "Hold that there. Don't let it slip. Make sure you aren't pressing too much either." Yuki stated. She knew exactly what she was doing. Yuki had the basics of medical down.

Shortly after, she had asked everybody to do something. Sirens were heard in the distance. In order to avoid any further trouble, the large group receded into the shadows, and eventually, back to monarch academy.

(Time skip)

Staff was informed of Shino's condition, and what happened. Surprisingly, they let what everybody did slide. No other authority would be involved, and nobody was being expelled or arrested. Rikku, Shizu, and Artemis were also told. The moment Artemis heard Shino had gotten hurt, he was already at Venus' office, and in the room Shino was staying in.

Kiyo and Kol were there too. But that was it. Rikku, Shizu, and Flex were in a waiting room talking. They refused to leave. So Venus set up a small area for them to sleep.

"About the damage..." Kiyo started. Artemis was sat right next to the bed Shino was lying in. His hand resting on Shino's.

"Many bruised bones and flesh, concussion, 2 broken bones in his ribcage, smoke intake, which mostly cleared up now, some minor flesh wounds and bruises which will clear up soon, and temporary blindness from quirk overuse." Venus relayed.

Everybody in the room was shocked. They hadn't heard about the damage yet. Kol was overwhelmed with guilt. His heart heavy. Yuki stared at the floor. She couldn't even look at Shino right now. Artemis felt like crying. He hated seeing Shino like this. Anytime Shino got hurt, Artemis was always there.

Artemis also refused to leave the room unless he was forced to by Venus. So they set up a small area in the corner for him to sleep.

Little did everyone know... it would take more than a week for Shino to wake up...

Words: 1505

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