"Happy Birthday, Shino."

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Shino laid on a metal roof once again. He did this every night. Looking at the stars reminded him of old memories and friends. But tonight in specific, was special.

This day was his birthday. February 20th. It was also someone else's birthday. It was Artemis' birthday too. Shino had sent him a necklace he had bought weeks in advance. He was careful with the packaging, and tied it in a purple ribbon. Shino never really saw Artemis often anymore. After all, Artemis was in Paris. And Shino is stuck in a warehouse in Canada, praying the authorities have forgotten about him and the incident at that facility.

Their relationship was a long distance one now. Only seeing each other through facetimes and talking through messages.

Shino sighed. He was 19 now. 19 years old and he still doesn't know what he's doing with his life.

Shino doesn't even have a real home. He can't afford it. Not that he wants a home anyways. As long as he has somewhere or someone to go back to, Shino doesn't care.

He gets a view of the ocean on one side, and the city on the other. The sun setting over the crashing waves brought him comfort. It was peaceful and quiet.

Occasionally, doves will land on the roof nearby. Shino always smiles when he sees them. He always has something to give them too. They're accustomed to his presence, and will even approach him willingly. Shino is never upset about it. Artemis loves doves.

Shino turned his gaze to the open skylight next to him. It was how he got up to the roof of his warehouse.

One of the doves had flown inside, and was sitting on the old wooden floor near the ladder. As if it were waiting for Shino.

This had never happened before.

Shino jumped down into the open skylight, ignoring the ladder. He didn't need it to get back inside.

Seeing that Shino followed it, the dove chirped and flew down to the first floor of the warehouse loft, and perched itself on a railing near the giant window. It continued to chirp until Shino approached it again.

Shino was confused by the behavior of the dove, but continued to follow it. Upon reaching the window, he saw several boxes on the balcony. All of them varying in size. The colors bright and ribbons decorating their exteriors.

It was clear to Shino what they were, and what they were for.

They were presents. For his birthday.

He had never given the address of the warehouse to anyone before. So he didn't understand how they found him. But they did.

Shino didn't expect anyone to remember his birthday. But if anyone at all were to remember, it would be his former roommates at Monarch Academy. Rikku and Artemis.

And of course they told everyone else about it.

But Shino didn't understand why none of them actually came in person. Maybe they knew he was trying to stay hidden. Or maybe they just didn't want to disturb him or make him uncomfortable.

Nonetheless, Shino appreciated it.

Shino brought the several boxes inside, and sat on the floor near the window.

He held a small box in his lap, a hand undoing the golden bow sealing it together.

The sun was rising now. Casting rays of dawn through the clear glass window. Illuminating the figure.

Shino stopped to look at the dove perched nearby, and back down to the box in his lap.

Today, he was 19.

Today, he would give Artemis another gift.

Today, Shino allowed the new dawn to show his smile.


Happy birthday Shino!

Also, I'm planning on making some references for Shino's warehouse loft thing in the sims 4. Just so you can see where Shino stays. Because it will come up multiple times in other fanfic I write of him.

I swear I haven't forgotten about the Ozymandias AU. I'm working on it-

Once again, happy birthday our beloved Shino!

Words: 639

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