Shino and Ghostwhisper. What's The Deal?

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So, I just read Weirdosoup's deep dive on Shino. Good job by the way! I'm really investing myself into what's going on with Ghostwhisper now! So, this chapter is my response to that, but as a chapter in this book so I don't fill the comments.

1. The Basca Name. 

Basca can mean a few different things.

1. "Sudden Urge"

2. "Anxiety"

3. "Unease"

Why would an entire family have a name translating to these things? Well, it could be a connection to Ghostwhisper. Let's focus on the "Ghost" part of her name first.

2. What Do Ghosts Do? And How Does It Relate To Ghostwhisper?

Ghosts can cause anxiety and unease to humans when present. Causing an area, such as a house for example, to become haunted. In some cases, the presence of a ghost can cause nausea. All 3 of these things can be traced back to the meaning of Basca.

When ghosts haunt things, such as a TV, the screen will flicker static and you'll hear white noise. Ghosts could also whisper in your ear, or leave a feeling that something just touched you when it didn't. Going back to the whispering in your ear thing, this can connect to the "Whisper" part of Ghostwhisper's name. Considering Ghostwhisper appears to have the ability to alter minds and memories, and also seems to have the ability of hypnotic suggestion, she could have "whispered in Shino's ear" back when he was 7, to get him to kill his father. If Ghostwhisper isn't Shino's mother, then this would be applied to kill her too.

3. Shino's Memory Loss, and Ana & Kane's Quirk Usage.

When both Kane and Ana used their quirks on Shino, he was taken to what appeared to be a black void. However, I don't think this "void" was a void at all.

We know that Ghostwhisper could be the one responsible for Shino's memory loss. So, I think the "void" that Shino was taken to, is actually the empty space in his mind where his lost memories should be. And because Ghostwhisper is the one who destroyed them, she is the only thing left of them. Explaining why when Kane used his quirk on Shino, he heard whispers that kept getting louder, and Ghostwhisper's voice saying, " a dear and kill your father."

It also explains why Ghostwhisper was the only thing Shino saw when Ana used her quirk on him. Because she was the one who destroyed the memories, she's the only thing left of them. The reason they're gone. However, Ghostwhisper was reaching her several arms out to supposedly grab Shino. This could go back to what I said in 2 about the feeling of something touching you. She also kept chanting the words, "Let go." Over and over while doing this. This seems like a sort of hypnotic suggestion. Hypnotic suggestion is mainly something done when semiconscious. I know this makes little to no sense, but stay with me. Kane's quirk doesn't cause the victim to fall unconscious. Rather, it puts them into a subconscious state. Where they are awake, yet not aware and half asleep. Like subconscious I guess. The same applies to Ana's Fear Factor. Because of this, it was easier for Ghostwhisper to reach out to Shino. Both literally and figuratively. Her words can get through to him easier, manipulating him. But we don't know Ghostwhisper's goals, her quirk, or why she wants to torment Shino so badly. 

4. Just More Ghostwhisper.

Because Ghostwhisper is, well, a ghost, it's easily connected to the feeling of something touching you, but nothing being there, and whispering in someone's ear.

Going back to haunting things. Ghostwhisper doesn't haunt an object, but rather a person. Ghosts can do this. Ghostwhisper haunts Shino. She seems to have plagued his memory, despite him not remembering who she is. We don't know if Ghostwhisper is alive, or if she really is just a ghost, and is dead.

So yeah, I know this makes practically no sense and I probably lost you all somewhere around 2 or 3. But a lot of the times, my theories are just a bunched up mess of different theories merged into one to make a new theory.

Summary, I need to stop writing at 1 in the morning, Ghostwhisper is closely related to actual ghosts when it comes to what she does, and the Basca bloodline is weird.

I'm gonna go make one of those boards with the pictures and the red strings attached to them and all the sticky notes with questions on them to make sure I understand nothing and make me create more theories to add to this one. Send help.

Anyways, goodnight and Merry Christmas! Or anything else if you don't celebrate Christmas!

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