EXPLAINING MY AU (Important. Kind of)

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Hi. So the last fanfic I posted was an AU of mine. I made the AU. The idea belongs to me. If you want to use this AU. LET ME KNOW. You are free to do so as long as you GIVE CREDIT.

Ok. Basic information now.

This AU is called SH1N0 ASSET AU. 

Explaining the AU: Shino's mother is Ghostwhisper. Also known as Guardian in a certain facility. When Shino was born, Ghost loved him with her whole heart. But when he got his quirk, Ghost saw him as a valuable weapon, or asset. She still loved him more than anything, but her intentions had changed. Ghost continued to raise Shino with her husband, Hiroto. Hiroto did not know about Ghost. He only knew that she was Misen. A normal woman with a normal life. She faked her quirk to hide herself. Anyways, When Shino was 7, Ghost made Shino kill Hiroto. His father. Ghost didn't want Shino to remember the truth, so she manipulated his memory. This caused him to think he killed both his parents in a quirk malfunction he had.

 A month later, Ghost took Shino away to a facility called Arminda. She meant to protect him. Arminda is a secret organization that works to protect children with powerful quirks that can be dangerous and used as a weapon in the wrong hands. Shino's quirk, hardlight, allows him to create practically whatever he wants with his imagination out of light. This makes Shino possess  the ability to create a nuclear weapon if he wanted to. (Can he actually do that? His quirk is pretty strong-) He could trap the world in eternal darkness by draining the light from the sun as well. Though he wouldn't be able to handle it, it was a problem. (Yeah I don't think Shino can actually drain the sun of all of it's light. But it's still a thought) Shino can start and end wars if his quirk was forcefully manipulated. (Probably not by choice. Shino wouldn't start a war with his own will. He would be controlled by something. Not that that will ever happen) And Ghost knew this. She wanted to help Shino learn to control his quirk. To fight. To do whatever he can to protect himself and others. 

Shino spent exactly 6 years inside of Arminda. Never leaving the facility unless its to get fresh air. He did this on his own. He was never told to stay inside Arminda and never leave. But he stayed on a whim, and because it was practically his home.. He didn't want to socialize with anyone most of the time, and had a private residence on the 11th floor of the building. He never understood why he was treated like this, but he never asked about it. But the answer was that the leader of Arminda, was Ghost. Known as Guardian to everyone, was his mother. She ruled over the entire facility. No other child ever saw her aside from Shino. He never understood this either. Other kids were tended to by members of Arminda. Ghost never let any member interact with Shino. Just her.

Ghost schooled Shino privately, because she taught him differently. More differently than the normal schooling Arminda gave. This was because Ghost wanted Shino ahead of the game. She wanted to get him into a real school. To have a real life. Shino had stayed inside Arminda Facility for 6 entire years. Ghost thought it was unhealthy. Shino had been taught everything he needed to know. He fought better than anyone in the facility could've. He was skilled in battle, and could control his quirk fine. He knew his boundaries, and what not to ever do with his quirk. Shino was given a name to go by in the Arminda. Adeptus 2 SH1N0. This name was given to show his importance.

When Shino left Arminda Facility, he never went back again. He went to middle school, met people, was living real life. He eventually forgot Arminda even existed, and forgot about Ghost entirely. This was because of Ghost. She made sure that when Shino left the Arminda for good, that he would forget it ever existed, and forget about Ghost. Ghost thought this was best. She didn't want Shino to come back. She wanted him to make up for the time of his life he lost. To live a real life. 

And now, Episode 1 of Monarch Academy. Thats it. This AU is basically just Shino's past. To explain why he was afraid of Ghostwhisper, that was also Ghost's doing. To ensure Shino never EVER came back to Arminda, she manipulated his memories further. Making herself his worst fear. So yeah. Thats it. Shino continues with his life just as you see in MHO. Everything else is the exact same. 

Oh well actually, not everything is the same. Ghost found out Shino was a vigilante, and also found out about the way he had been living his life. She still loved Shino with all her heart, but couldn't put up with his antics anymore. At first, she thought forcing Shino to leave Arminda Facility and never come back would be good for him. And it was. But not in Ghost's eyes. At least not anymore. So she made it her goal to bring Shino back to his senses. Even though there was nothing to bring back. No matter what, it would be impossible to change Shino. Now that he was 17, altering his memories would be impossible, and doing anything to manipulate him further wouldn't work either. So Ghost moved her consciousness to Shino one night. Which happens to be the night the fanfic I wrote before I wrote this, took place.

So to explain that, basically, Ghost sees Shino as an asset now. An important one. She knows what Shino is capable of now that he's matured, and wants to use it to help Arminda flourish. Shino was respected in Arminda, and although he didn't speak to anybody often, many children saw him as a really cool and mysterious person. Ghost thinks that bringing him back to Arminda will help it revive itself to its previous state. Before it became dull and devoid of color and emotion. This reasoning may seem stupid, but there is another motive. Ghost watches Shino all the time. But how she does it is unknown. Ghost has seen everything that has happened to Shino, and saw all of the people who tried to attack him or harm him while he was out at night. Ghost didn't like it. Anything Shino does, Ghost monitors with precision and care. She has technology and other things she can use on Shino or for him, should something happen. Example: Shino is about to go blind from quirk overuse. Ghost has a way to immediately stop Shino from functioning. Sort of like when you grab a kitten by the back of the neck. A piece of technology that latches onto Shino and uses a drug on him. This drug does nothing except knock Shino out temporarily. This is Ghost's way of protecting Shino from quirk overuse. A lot of her methods are questionable, but she does whatever she thinks is right.

Most of the stuff she was saying through Shino in that fanfic was to scare the rest of L.O.V.E because she wanted to make herself seem scary. Just for the purpose of L.O.V.E not trying to find her. She would never actually kill children or do anything to harm them.

OH YEAH THIS BIT IS PRETTY IMPORTANT. So, after Shino left Arminda, Ghost actually ended up dying. There was an incident that involved an assassination and betrayal and all that. So Ghost died, and then became what she is now. Ghostwhisper. Practically everything about her is the same aside from the fact her intentions of protecting children became twisted after her sort of "rebirth" as Ghostwhisper. If any of you have seen Divergent, and what happened to the dauntless with the weaponized army and all that in the first movie, that's kind of what Ghostwhisper is doing now. Except the only children she does it to is children who are 16 and up. Which is another reason why Ghost wants Shino back. Not only for his safety, but because of how strong his quirk is and his capabilities. He would be put into the position of leader of Arminda's Force. So it's pretty twisted, but uh. I feel like if this didn't happen, the AU wouldn't be interesting. 

Ghost still cares for the teenagers though. She doesn't just throw them into battle like putting a lamb to the slaughter or something. I don't think I used that term right. Anyways, she cares. The Force is still in development so nothing has actually happened with them yet. They're just training and sparring and all that. So I guess Ghost is helping them control their quirks, and she gets a special forces unit. Idk. Everyone gets something they want I guess. But it won't be complete without Shino.

So yeah. That's the AU.

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